Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,074 I don’t have to cook for you for a week

The heavy rain all night finally stopped in the early morning. When I opened the window to let some air in, there was still a slight damp and cold smell in the air. The pond in the courtyard where Mr. Luo used to stay was now filled with rainwater.

Alice got up early in the morning, put on her rain boots, and was helping up the flowers and vegetable seedlings that had been blown down by the wind and rain in the yard. Rice cakes stepped excitedly on the muddy ground, and her snow-white fur was splashed with muddy water.

"Good morning~ Alice." Yun Mi said hello, and then stretched.

Reflecting the freshness after the rain, she was dressed in a green and white Taoist uniform, with her hair reaching her waist, giving people an ethereal and fresh feeling.

"Miss Yunmi, did you have a good rest last night?"

"Well, very good. Thank you for taking care of me. Just call me Yunmi."

Although the rain has stopped, the clouds have not dispersed yet, covering the sky like a thick blanket.

Taking advantage of the freshness and energy of the morning, Yun Mi diligently reviewed the sword skills he had learned. When his eyes accidentally glanced at the broken window of the activity room, he was secretly surprised.

A lot of things seemed to have happened last night. Master Fengying had a stronger breakthrough, Master Yelin was injured because of himself, and then he received a gift, and then...

Yun Mi touched his lips lightly, as if after a night, there was still some lingering tenderness.

The baby's fat little face blushed for a moment, and then he shook his head in frustration. It was exactly as they complained. The master seemed to be chic and elegant, but in fact he was quite shameless.

"Hey, Master, you're up."

The first thing Yun Mi saw was Feng Ying standing at the door. Her complexion was rosy, and her eyebrows were as bright as crops moistened after the rain, glowing with indescribable freshness and agility.

However, she didn't see Ye Lin following Feng Ying. The two slept in the same room last night.

"Well, morning."


Ye Lin and Feng Ying responded at the same time, and then Feng Ying immediately turned to look at him with disdain: "What did you promise? Your face is bigger than the pond in the yard."

She didn't know that Yun Mi had changed her mind about him last night, so she thought that the master Yun Mi was talking about was referring to her.

"As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a husband, I should just say it's normal, okay?"

He was taking advantage of words again, but after what happened last night, Yun Mi became somewhat resistant to immorality and just smiled shyly.

The master is not only handsome and handsome, but also a master of swordsmanship. His occasional lack of moral integrity also shows that he has no airs. If he were not too romantic, he would be in line with her standards for a top boyfriend.

She had a dream last night, in which she and her master traveled far away on Sanshun, wielding swords gracefully, and the heroes and heroines punished evil and promoted good, like a couple of gods and immortals, a match made in heaven.

As the memory rolled back, Yun Mi sighed softly, not knowing where to place her heart.

"Hey~ Come on, after breakfast, quickly find a craftsman to repair the room." Feng Ying stretched her body.

Because she once traveled to study, she has a good habit of getting up early to exercise. Even if the weather is bad, she will do some morning exercises in the activity room.

After jogging for a short distance in the yard and doing a few squats, I frowned slightly and felt uncomfortable and a little sore.

"Would you like me to help you heal the redness and swelling?" Ye Lin was considerate and could see Feng Ying's discomfort at a glance, so he wanted to help with good intentions.

"Go to my mother's side!"

Feng Ying raised her eyebrows and gritted her silver teeth, wanting to call out her sword and stab this shameless guy to death.

A good day starts with swearing.

"One day and a hundred days of kindness between husband and wife is about etiquette. Feng Ying, please don't teach Yun Mi a bad lesson."

"Who has been married to you for a day? When did we get the certificate?"

Feng Ying was still a little worried about her hair, so she retorted without thinking, then suddenly thought deeply, and slowly, she seemed to understand some deeper meaning.


The light of the moon hanging in her room shot out of the window instantly after being awakened, and was caught in Feng Ying's palm.

The blade of the sword was as bright as jade, and the person holding the sword was as quiet and beautiful as the moon. The grace of the sword immortal made the beautiful eyes on the side excited, and regarded him as an example.

"Shameless slut! A one-day couple? I buried you in flowers today, so naturally there is no such thing as a hundred-day favor."


"Heaman, didn't you have a good rest last night?" Alice was very confused and looked at Heaman sitting opposite.

The big eyes that were originally bright and energetic had a dull and dull look on them, and the radiant little face also looked a little tired and sleepy.

This doesn't quite look like her. Celia and the others all said that Heman is very much like Mo Mei, always full of energy and tireless.

Mo Mei wandered around Yuelun Mountain when she was a child, and Heman started working to make money and raise funds for adventure when he was eleven years old.

"Well, there was thunder last night~very loud!"

After yawning and throwing a flurry, Heman sipped his porridge absentmindedly. The corner of his eye would occasionally glance at the charming Feng Ying, and the image of her lying on her stomach and being "beaten" flashed through his mind.

The curtains in the room were actually equipped with soundproofing magic. No matter how loud the thunder, it could not disturb her sleep, but Alice nodded and didn't think much about anything else.

It is very common for young people to be energetic and stay up until late at night because of exciting things.

After breakfast, Yun Mi thanked them for taking care of them and wanted to go home first, that is, Yun Qing's place to report that they were safe.

Half an hour later, the little rich woman was also fully dressed, her hair was tied into a loose ponytail, and she looked pretty enough without makeup, and she was ready to patrol her territory.

"I'm going to the city too, let's come together." Ye Lin picked up the coat that was left on the sofa.

The ground is still damp, and if you smell it carefully, there is a pleasant earthy smell.

On the way to the city of Hedunmar, Celia was wearing small leather boots and jumping up and down in an odd way, avoiding the small puddles on the road that had not yet evaporated.

As for her portable sachet, it hangs around Ye Lin's neck.

"Don't I have to cook for you for a week?" Celia asked suddenly, seemingly out of her mind. She blinked her beautiful eyes, but there was a weird smile at the corner of her mouth.


Ye Lin paused, a little embarrassed, lowered his head in embarrassment, and said: "Actually, I would rather make a contribution to the continuation of the elves."

"Tch~ Then you go ask Sister Sothea." Celia rolled her eyes at him, pretending not to understand, and deliberately ignoring herself.

As the only orthodox royal family in the principality today, a certain queen is mature, elegant, beautiful and generous, and her benevolent policies are deeply loved by the people.

The principality is also prosperous, and peace-loving people gather here to respond to the queen's call. They love peace, but they can also take up arms and heroically drive away invaders.

But there is only one thing that has always been on the minds of the people and is difficult to resolve, that is, the prince of the principality has not yet emerged.

In the distant Delos Empire, there are three famous princesses and one prince. In the Xuzu country, the new queen is still very young, and the dark elf of Vanes has a long lifespan.

Queen Skadi is now thirty years old and two more years old, which is the most suitable age for giving birth to a child. She can cultivate an excellent monarch before abdicating the throne!

For the royal family of the principality whose surname is "Mar", the people have great cohesion, so if the future monarch is not "Mar" orthodox, it may be difficult to satisfy people.

"Celia, I..." He was ashamed and wanted to say something, but was forced to silence by a green-white jade finger between his lips.

“I am still very young, and I don’t want to raise a second guy just waiting to be fed~”

Although Celia smiled softly like water, her beautiful eyes glared at him angrily.

Then she patted him on the shoulder, as if she was entrusting some great mission, with a solemn face: "The future of the principality will be left to you."

"Yes, you must live up to your trust!" He stood upright and raised his hands in salute.

"Damn it, I'll give you an advantage."

Celia reached out and pulled off the sachet from his shoulder, and twisted his arm hard.


Hetton Mar, Guildhall, Queen's Boudoir

Queen Skadi hummed a song and changed her clothes in front of the dressing mirror. The white dress didn't seem to suit her temperament, and the green dress~ It rained last night, and the weather hasn't cleared up yet today, so it's a bit cold.

In the end, she chose a black long waisted skirt with a very restrained and elegant style. The skirt could fall to her calf, and then she put on a pair of warm leggings.


The elastic band of the leggings made a slight crisp sound.

Skadi nodded, satisfied with his appearance, and continued to stuff clothes and travel necessities into the suitcase.

Now that the principality is at peace, the heavy rain has quenched the thirst of the crops, and the world is stable, she gave herself a week's leave.

Since the Revolutionary War, although she had some leisure time, it was limited to having an afternoon tea party, eating snacks and talking about interesting things with Alice and the others.

As for the long-distance travel trip after the New Year, most of it has the political purpose of winning over people's hearts, so it is inevitable that there will be many worries.

"and this!"

Skadi held a map of Arad, with some place names circled in red pen, where she wanted to go.

During this week, Yelin promised that she could go wherever she wanted, even in distant different dimensions, and she would try her best to do it.

When we set out, we were two people together, but when we came back, we might become two adults with the expectations of a principality.

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