The size of the owner is huge, and it is naturally impossible to leave these footprints. It should be specially left!

“Why would you leave such a series of footprints?” Afu asked curiously. “And the size of these footprints is exactly the same as that of the Terran... Maybe the master has already counted this day!”

No matter what, after this thousand books are sung, there is such a special practice. Adding this road, no matter how you look, it is not a coincidence, but a special arrangement.

"I also think that is the case, with the master's great supernatural powers, you can count on the world, this thing he should be able to figure out!" The book also agrees with Afu's point of view, "I must have known in advance that Luo Zheng will have a day to step I entered the library! So I have this arrangement. It is no wonder that the master’s arrangement is actually something I can detect? Hey!” In this book, Xian is now taking the opportunity to comfort himself.


Of course, Luo Zheng will not doubt the ability of this Xianfu master. This kind of character that surpasses the universe can not be overemphasized.

However, the old man of the heavenly family, together with the cloud, has already told himself that he is a lifeless person. His fate can’t be figured out in the universe, even if it’s the Tianzhu Taoist’s deduction of his life. It is just a false life.

There are only two explanations for thinking about it, or the ability of the owner of the Xianfu is raised to a certain level. Even if Luo Zheng is a lifeless person, it can be counted, or it is a coincidence...

No matter what it doesn't seem to matter at the moment, it's important to open this book!

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng is flying from the other end of the bookshelf. This faint footprint extends in the center of the bookshelf, extending all the way to the end of the bookshelf, facing the giant book.

Luo Zheng is one step into it, moving along the footsteps on the bookshelf.

Unexpectedly, Luo Zheng’s feet just stood on it, and suddenly he felt a great gravity. His feet were like being welded on the bookshelf. It was difficult to pick up the steps!

"This..." Luo Zheng’s brow wrinkled, trying to break the body’s scorpion and lift his feet...

It’s just that the eruption of the Qianyuan, but there is no movement, the power above the feet is so amazing that it doesn’t move!

Seeing Luo Zheng standing in the same place can not move, the book in the fairy, A Fu and three women have come around.

"Can't you walk?" Afu stared at Luo Zheng's legs and asked.

Luo Zheng nodded, but said with a smile on his face: "Nothing, can go!"

Luo Zheng is quite confident about his own strength. Under this bite, Luo Zheng immediately opened the power of 3,000 dragon scales. After brewing a lot, he tried **** his legs!

Still not moving!

"This..." Luo Zheng also took a breath, and he did not expect the gravity on the footprint to be so strong, but then his face showed a dissatisfied expression.

Four thousand...

Five thousand...

Even if Luo Zheng raises his strength to the limit, his feet are still moving!

Luo Zheng’s eyes flashed, and he did not expect to walk along these footprints. It would be so difficult. He could move beyond one step.

The strength of five thousand dragon scales is close to the limit of Luo Zheng. He just poured these strengths into his legs and pulled up hard. There was a hot feeling in his legs. If the strength is big, your legs will probably break.

"If I have been unable to pull it out, haven't I been nailed to this footprint for a lifetime?" Thinking of this, Luo Zheng tried to retreat.

Unexpectedly, under the retreat, the feet were easily lifted up. Because of the excessive force, Luo Zhengyu’s retreat a few steps, he almost fell to the ground.

After standing still, Luo Zheng looked at this row of footprints, and his eyes gradually calmed down.

At this time, the book said in the book: "Oh, in line with the owner's consistent style, although I do not know why the owner must be so arranged, but the meaning of the difficult to retreat is clear!"

Easy to retreat...

It is extremely difficult to move forward, but it is extremely simple to retreat. This is a simple reason, but how many people can you really do in ancient times? Most people understand this truth, but at the crucial time, after all, it is still a "recognition and retreat."

Thinking of this, Luo Zheng’s eyes flashed slightly, and the eyes were full of fortitude, and he stepped on the footprint again!

None of the three women spoke.

They also know that they should not speak out now, but there is still some concern in their hearts.

However, Xiqin Qin is obsessed with Luo Zheng, but she is very happy with the expression of Luo Zheng, this time the man is also the most charming.

Luo Zheng’s feet were once again welded to the footprints. Since the owner has set up such a road, it is impossible to have no solution at all. This time, Luo Zheng is ready to do everything, first Relax your body and take a deep breath!

Since the power of five thousand dragon scales can't move, then use six thousand!

After the break of life, Luo Zheng’s cultivation has improved, and the strength of the dragon scale can be more. Only when he is promoted to the power of six thousand dragon scales, his body is finally at the limit!

Under the skyrocketing body, he once again burst into a **** mouth.

"Puff puff……"

The three blood ports were separated from the chest of Luo Zheng, and the back collapsed. The blood was shot like an arrow.

"Get up!"

Luo Zheng tried to pick up one foot.

"Or not……"



The fourth blood port also appeared.

"Get up again!"

The feet are still moving.



Still not moving...


Six thousand four hundred...

Six thousand five...

Six thousand six...

Under this increasing power, Luo Zheng’s blood is growing more and more.

The face of the fairy in the book reveals a strange color. "Where did this kid get such a powerful force? This power is beyond the limits of his physical body..."

Afu also shook his head and looked indifferent.

As for the three women, the worries in their hearts are getting stronger and stronger, and they are forbearing and not talking! Su Lingyun’s heart is also full of regrets. She knew that she would not export the footprints on this land. It’s just that she said that she would not find Luo Zheng’s own sooner or later.

"Six thousand seven hundred! Start!"

This time Luo Zheng finally kicked his right foot! At the moment when the right foot stepped out, it was a step, and it was firmly sucked on the front of a footprint.

Luo Zheng is to force this force, and lift his left foot!


Because the force oppressed the blood vessels of Luo Zheng, the tiny blood vessels in his eyes burst into bursts, so his eyes looked like a red pass, like a pair of blood!


Two steps...

Three steps...

In fact, the strength is maintained at about 5,000, Luo Zheng can play the strongest combat power, if forced to upgrade to 6,000, his body is close to the limit, just suppressing the power of the body violent will make Luo Zheng a headache!

So this step, Luo Zheng's speed is also very fast, half faster than the average person walking, as if walking a mountain!

Four steps, five steps, six steps...

Did not take a step, Luo Zheng's body will burst a **** mouth, and at the same time a blood arrow cut through his clothes and shot out.

One of the blood arrows actually shot from the direction of Su Lingyun, and it was also a fast-paced butterfly eye. Under the wave, an ice crystal shield blocked the blood arrow, and the light is the power of the blood arrow. The condensed ice crystal shield hit a dent and looked at the dent on the shield. Ning Yudie's gaze was full of horror.

Luo Zheng’s body is full of horrible power...

Su Lingyun is reaching out and stroking the dent on the ice crystal shield. The blood arrow hits the ice crystal shield, and it is solidified by the cold air. He touches the blood mark, and Su Lingyun can't speak.

Seven steps, eight steps, nine steps...

The limit is...

Luo Zheng suddenly exhaled a breath, and that breath was also contaminated with blood in Luo Zheng's body. It was a red mist that spurted out - his internal organs could not withstand this powerful force and was injured.

"Cry, shout..."

Luo Zheng violently gasped, he only walked out of the nine steps, and the footprints in front of the road stretched all the way to the other side of the bookshelf, for the owner, the entire shelf is only two or three steps away, for Luo Zheng I am afraid it is a distance of thousands of steps.

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