Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1588: Take care of

There is no such thing as "Thunderbolt" in the Great Pole, and the animal husbandry is extremely strict with the control of the tyrannical in the world.

Therefore, the saints of the saints saw this sudden robbery, but they even looked at each other...

Did the Mobbinite tribe break through?

"No, stop this day!"

"Without enchantment protection, the blood curse is too fragile!"

After all, "Thunderbolt" is a very special practice. This method is to communicate with Heaven and summon the day.

Once the summoning is successful, the whole process is irreversible. Even if Luo Zheng himself cannot stop it, what other means do these leaders have to stop these days?

Moreover, time is too late.


A burst of thunder and rush, like a shower, directly enveloped the entire blood curse.

The 100,000 lines in this blood curse are very fragile, and very precise. The intimacy between each of the gods is slightly inconspicuous, and there is a slight damage, which may lead to the collapse of the entire blood curse!

At the moment, those mad thunders are in a chaos, and they are suddenly amazed. Where can those gods survive?

In an instant, half of the gods burned, and the blood curse on this blood pool was destroyed.

Originally, this blood curse was still taking blood from the blood pool and turned it into a **** disc above the sky. When this blood curse was destroyed, the blood column that went straight into the sky lost. The pillar collapsed toward one side, and the blood column fell into the city, forming a shocking blood band.

Looking at the ruined blood curse, the audience in the field suddenly felt awkward... A blood curse was destroyed like this?

"Not good!" Red Devils' face suddenly changed.

Since the four elephants and the enchantment were broken, the other three blood pools in the main city were also exposed. This kid was only moved, and it was probably rushing to destroy other blood pools.

Ma Zan’s face is also very cold and cold, and he does not say anything. He also uses the big shifting technique to rush to the blood pool in the north of the city.

However, Luo Zheng used a large shifting technique. His position is uncertain. The two big borders can only take chances. They choose a blood pool to examine each other. In addition to these two big borders, other circles The Lord will not be idle, but they are the blood pool that rushed to the west of the city.

The poetry and air dance climbed up from the blood pool, and the body shook gently. All the blood was turned into a drop of blood and flowing away. Looking at the destroyed blood curse, the cold snoring, The Red Devils and Mazan did not listen to their own words. If they were to suffer, if the blood curse was destroyed, the two big worlds might be quite miserable.

But this is not her business.

The poetry and empty dance has just stepped into the realm of the border, and it is also for the sake of the seven demarcations. Even if the high-ranking saints punish them, they will not be punished.

"But just that kid..." The poetry dance is sitting next to the blood pool, and the face is full of doubtful colors. Does the kid have such a powerful force, is he more powerful than Capricorn?

When I thought of it, the poetry dance was remembered. Capri said that he would come over, so she raised the voice in her hand and asked: "Capricorn brother, are you coming soon?"

Capricorn is not far from here. There are only three barriers between the unbounded and the seven boundaries. But Capricorn wants to come over and it will not be done in a short time.

"Give me some time, dance," Capricorn seems to be anxious.

"But the Capricorn brother will not come again, but the kid is going to slip!" The poetry danced with a smile.

"Skip? Not so easy, hehe," this time is not a Capricorn.

The order of the animal husbandry is too important. The saints attach great importance to the ten Taoist priests. In addition to him, there are two Tianzun, who rushed to the seven extremes at a very fast speed. It is a miracle to be able to slip away in the hands of two Tianzun!

Capricorn is anxious because he wants to be hands-on.

The two great world leaders moved to the blood pools in the north of the city and the east of the city. They saw that the blood pool was empty. They knew that they had chosen the wrong one, so they immediately turned into a twilight and rushed toward the blood pool in the west of the city.

After entering the landlord, the understanding of the space law reaches nine layers, and the large movement can be performed, but it is not unlimited use. For example, the Red Devils need to spend 50 time intervals for each display.

At the moment they can't wait, they can only choose to fly.

In addition to the two big borders, the other six landlords chose to move to the blood pool in the west of the city. One of the landlords was the fastest.

When he emerged from the space, his eyes just wrap around, and he felt a strange killing behind him.

His face changed slightly, and his heart screamed badly.

Still too late to turn around, I feel the pain of the vest uploading!

"My Sakyamuni..."

At the last moment, the mind of the leader was flashing such a thought.

The saints of the saints had made a great contribution, so they were given a magic weapon by Tianzun. This is a piece of Sakyamuni, and the magic weapon is extremely rare. This Sakyamuni is a supreme artifact. He has saved his life many times at a crucial moment.

It is a pity that he is facing Luo Zheng. This level of defense magic is of course powerful and cannot protect him.

Under the punch, the piece of Sakyamuni was beaten and smashed by Luo Zheng, and the smashing of the lord's internal organs!

Then the saints of the saints were like fallen leaves, falling away and falling into the blood pool.

The blood curse was close at hand, but Luo Zheng did not rush to destroy it.

Instead, he chose to stay here!

When the landlord moves and moves through the space, it is inevitable to escape the strong spatial fluctuations. According to those fluctuations, it is easy to capture the position of the mains.

Therefore, the landlord and the landlord confront each other. If the two of them cast a big move and chase and escape, the one who escaped has a small advantage, because the one who escaped can feel the fluctuation of space, and then he can hit it with ease. !

Just under the levy of Luo Zheng, the landlord was killed, and from the place where Luo Zheng was dozens of feet away, the space law began to fluctuate constantly, and the second world was mainly drilled out from here.

Luo Zheng’s figure flashed, and he moved it to the place again!


The moment the sect of the saints drilled from the crack in the space almost hit the Luo Zheng, and the two face to face, only a few inches apart.

The landlord did not expect that Luo Zheng would dare to wait for himself here, but it was full of wrong colors. Luo Zheng’s face showed a bright smile, and the fist in his hand had already slammed out!


With a muffled sound, this holy communist is like a ruin, falling down towards the bottom...

As the light of the space law flashed together, Luo Zheng also continually swam in the air, as long as the bounds dare to appear, Luo Zheng will kill it in an instant.

There are many mortals below the blood pool. Of course, there are also a number of mortals who have some low-powered warriors, such as innate spirits, such as the most sacred warriors, in addition to the saints. They all looked at the sky silly.

In their impression, the saints are not always invincible...

How to face this man-owned warrior without any help!

After Luo Zhengyi shot and killed five saints, he saw that the sky was black and white and the two dawns approached quickly. The two big borders finally arrived.

With a slight smile, he slowly fell into the blood curse, accompanied by a circle of light under his feet, leaving a "Thunderbolt", Luo Zheng actually moved again, and went straight down Going for a blood pool!

"Fast, use the Lei Shi!" Ma Zan's face is blue and violent, and at the same time toward the Red Devils.

This red magic east thinks of this, he has a magic weapon in his hand to introduce the thunder, only to panic, but forgot this treasure.

"I am going to chase the kid, you arrange the Lei Shi!" Mazan said, once again using the big move, moved to another blood pool...

This Red Devil East is already on the verge of eruption. He also wants to kill Luo Zheng and then quickly. Where is the interest to stimulate the Lei Shi, he saw a saintist in the side, but he is roaring: "How come you are! Others!"

The landlord pointed to the blood pool, and on both sides of the blood pool, several bodies of the landlord fell on it.

The red devil smashed the hole in the moment, he did not expect such a time, Luo Zheng actually killed his saints digital leader!

Under his eyes, the Red Devils East was already in a state of urgency, and gave the sacred stone to the saints. "You take the day to rob, I will help Mazan!"

After all, the Red Devils also followed, leaving only the leader of the saints who was holding the stone in his hand and looking at the raging robbers. "This, I will not use this ray." what……"

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