Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1582: Weak sorrow

This blood curse is another means of using suffocation.

Helium is a curse, but there is no systematic use of radon in Da Yan.

Chen Huangyi, who taught Luo Zhengyi a sword, developed a usage that uses his own pressure to make his own emotions and to cultivate lyricism.

In contrast, the use of raspberry by the saints is much more sophisticated.

They are free to transfer the curse in their anger...

The power of the curse at the moment before the death of a single creature is negligible, but the power of many curses is terrible.

This blood spell is only for the same race.

For example, the blood curse made by the blood of the human race is only effective for humans, and has no effect on other races and other creatures.

Therefore, once the blood curse is released successfully, this blood curse arranged by human blood will be completely aimed at the human race, and the saints, the devils, the demon nights, and even the various beasts will not be affected...

After the Terran has been repaired, the Terran will not be afraid of this blood curse. Even the Lord is affected. In the area where the Blood Curse is arranged for a long time, the Lord will also be eroded!

Now the saints capture a large world and immediately arrange a bleeding spell, so that they will never worry that the Terran will occupy it again, unless the other party uses Tian Zun to clear the blood curse.

However, in this case, the Tianzun of Da Yan Zhiyu is hidden in the heavenly family. If you dare to come alone, there will be no return. After all, the Terran has fallen into the three heavenly lords, and every Tianzun’s fall and victory. It will tilt towards the balance of the saints.

This is a step-by-step strategy.


The whip slammed down like a poisonous snake swooping down.

If the whip is really drawn, the old woman and the shofar girl will be drawn into a **** fog.

Everyone around is a cold and tired face, and no one dares to help.

In these human eyes, these saints are devil-like existences, and anyone who dares to resist will be pinched to death like an ant.

Before two hours, there were hundreds of people clamoring for rest, but the saints did not pay attention to it and fled directly with a whip.

The whip swept underneath, like a sharp sharp knife, directly smashing hundreds of people into two pieces, and miserably fell into the blood.

Since then, everyone has understood that don't try to pray for the mercy of these saints and pray to them that they will only let themselves die faster.

But at this time, the figure wearing a golden robes suddenly flashed out, but it was holding the little girl's arm and tumbling toward the side!

The little girl had just left the place, and the whip had fallen heavily and was directly drawn on the old woman.

The thin body of the old woman was suddenly crushed by this whip and turned into a group of blood fog disappeared in front of everyone.

"Country, the Lord..."

When the little girl saw the person who saved her, she suddenly stopped.

The middle-aged man in the yellow robe nodded to the little girl in her arms, but she looked up and said: "The saints, I will lead my subjects to continue on the road, please the saints to bear with me!"

More than 300,000 mortals from this line came from the "Xi State", and the middle-aged man in the Yellow Robe is the owner of the "Xi State" and the only one in the Xi State who is a martial artist.

The development of the Xi country in the past years is not bad, and even the formation of two second-class sects, and the king of the country is one of the two masters.

In the face of the saints' warriors, the head of the small country in his district has almost no resistance.

He understands that the saints are trying to send his subjects to the Seven Immortals for blood sacrifices, but he is powerless to resist the saints and can only cooperate with the saints to migrate to the Seven Immortals...

In the process of migration, the 500,000 people in his country have already fallen by more than 100,000. A small part of them are killed by the saints, and most of them are alive and dead.

"Inclusive? I want you to contain me! What should I do if I delay my time?" The saint warrior in the gods of the gods stared at the king of the country.

The hearts of the kings of the country have long been resentful, but he knows that these hundreds of thousands of people have no qualifications for desperation. These saints drive hundreds of thousands of humans, just like driving hundreds of thousands of sheep.

"I will urge my subjects to speed up the road," the king of the country promised.

"Oh! That's good!"

In the eyes of the saints, the king of the country is also an insignificant ant, but these hundreds of thousands of people are also relying on the continual deployment of the king of the country to be able to travel smoothly, if not less. This guy, the speed of this hurry is probably slower! There are still many people on the road.

In fact, the saints do not want to die too many mortals. After all, they rushed these mortals to the seven sacred cities, the purpose is to squeeze out the blood in their bodies, and when they are busy and die, most of them are on the road, and they will not be lost.

The head of the creek of the creek sighed a little, and said helplessly to one of the courtiers next to him, "pass me to order, let everyone speed up,"

That courtier is also a seventy-year-old age, although it is also a warrior, but now the body is not as good as before, this day is forty miles, even if it is young and old, it is unbearable, let alone an old man?

"But the lord...they can't stand it!" said the sorrowful anger.

All the way up, there are many people who are living and exhausted. Isn't this pushing people into death?

"There is no way, everyone will bear with patience," said the singer of the country.

"Patience, when do you endure? Send us to the Seven Immortals, let the sacred people drain our blood?" It was a general of the Xi State.

This is the sorcerer who is a congenital and full-fledged martial artist. His temper is also very hot. He has endured this path. He can’t stand it anymore!

"That's right! It's not dead!"

"There is a death in the horizontal and vertical, it is better to fight with them!"

"Death is dead, I would rather everyone die more comfortable!"

The human being is not the lamb to be slaughtered. The lamb does not know his fate, so he will be very obedient at the last moment.

If they know that it is a dead end, then there is no need to move forward. They are all dead and horizontal. Why do you want to contribute to your saints?

The rebellious feelings that have been suppressed for a long time began to spread, and some low-ranking warriors and mortal people began to erupt!

As for the little girl who is a shofar, she has been burying her head in the chest of the king of the country. She has never lifted her head. Her grandmother has no bones in front of her eyes. For this age, the world is full. Malicious.

"Noisy! Look for death!"

Hearing the noise below, the saints in the air suddenly raised their long whip and slammed into it!

The long whip broke out with a loud noise, and a powerful force suddenly spread out!


A few people were suddenly smashed into pieces, but the stumps were flying all over the sky, and the screams came one after another.

The warriors in the innate realm have already been red-eyed, and they can no longer bear it!


"kill him!"

"It’s going to die if you die..."

The congenital spirits were unable to fly, and they all leaped high with the help of the mountain wall next to the valley, and rushed toward the saint warrior.

There is a hint of ridicule in the face of the saint warrior. "On your own? No qualifications for desperate!"

If a rabbit is desperate with human beings, it must be a very ridiculous thing. This sacrificial warrior is probably the idea.

After the saints’ warriors said that they had picked up the long whip in their hands, the long whip was twisted and turned into a snake shadow, and they were chosen for those who were innate.

The king of the country closed his eyes. He couldn't bear to watch the scene. The pain in his heart made his face twist.

Three months ago, he was still a group of scorpions, and he lived a leisurely and comfortable life all over the country. He did not expect that he would bring his own country into the abyss a few months later.

He is powerless to stop this from happening. This is the sorrow of the weak.

If he is strong enough to kill the gods, he may still be able to save his subjects...

"Sure enough, is weakness a sin?" The heart of the country sighed.

But in the next moment, the lord did not hear the screams. Instead, he heard a scream from the saint warrior. "Who are you!"

The face of the lord showed a doubtful color. When he opened his eyes again, he saw a youth of the Terran standing on the air and holding a swaying long whip with two fingers.

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