Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1506: Prophet seeking

As the surface of this gold fork stone continues to sag, huge kinetic energy begins to spread over the entire stone!


With a muffled sound, Luo Zheng’s gloves formed by the power of Shentai’s nine stars finally broke open!

At this moment, Luo Zheng also suddenly pulled his right back...

Such a huge force, Luo Zheng, is still not enough to control. The power is mutual. After all, his fist is on this piece of gold fork, which will form a considerable reaction.

However, this force does not depend on Luo Zheng's body. After all, there is still a half inch distance between the "power box" and Luo Zheng's fist!

If Luo Zheng directly concentrates this power on his own hands, under such a shock, his arm will be crushed directly!

Under the rapid contraction, Luo Zheng's body just shook slightly, could not help but vomit a slight breath, this power is terrible, he is also very difficult to control, a little careless is to play with fire!

After Luo Zheng’s power spread throughout the stone, the Thunder’s face suddenly burst into shock, and he felt that his feet were standing unstable!

His reaction was also extremely fast. At this moment, he was suddenly forced to make a rollover in the air. He jumped straight from the Jinchai stone and stood firmly on the ground.

And when he stood on the ground, he saw this piece of gold fork stone at a very fast speed, smashing toward the front!


The quality of the Jincha Kistler is extremely heavy. When the speed is running at a high speed, the surrounding air is desperately drained, and a fist-sized cyclone is picked up and continuously hovering around.

Even the surface of the square paved by silver ochre was marked by a deep dent in this golden fork stone!

Imagine the power of Luo Zheng in it!

One foot...

Ten feet...

Twenty feet...

30 feet...

Forty feet...

Fifty feet!


Ten inches is one foot and ten feet is one foot.

In this place where the Jinzhi Kistler is five feet away, there is a building of the collapsed mountain family. The building was also built from silver ochre. It was also used to store all kinds of animal bones, blood of the beast, and blood on the square. The slots are almost all gathered here!

The Jincha Kistler mixed with a strong inertia toward the front, and directly crashed into the building!


The entire flying building made of silver ochre collapsed and completely covered the gold fork stone.

Luo Zheng station in situ, seeing the damage caused by this fist, is also a bit worried.

The heart suddenly screamed badly, and the power he used was too much...

For the first time, with the power of the Shentai Jiuxing, Luo Zheng could not control the strength of the power well, or he did not know how great the power contained in the Shentai Jiuxing.

Twenty-oneth of them, it seems that Luo Zheng has not been much, but even he himself never thought that this has such a powerful explosive power.

The important thing is that the power of Luo Zheng’s punch is slightly biased below, so the Jincha Kistler and the silver meteorite on the ground have a considerable friction. If he is boxing out, he may be able to fly this golden fork. Go out...

This scene has shocked Luo Zheng himself, and the face of others is even more imaginable.

It was blocked by the building and it was only 50 feet away. If there is no such building, how much can it slide?

One hundred feet? Two hundred feet?

How much is no longer important.

The Bengshan people have used this piece of Jincha Kistler as a tradition to continue for many years.

The best record is thirty-one feet.

Of course, this record is for the first time to step into the holy spring of the military.

The adult hunters of the Chuangshan people can almost push the Jincha Kistler at a distance of thirty or forty feet. As for the top presence of the Thunder, the result of Luo Zheng can also be launched under the full force.

However, Luo Zheng has only been here for half a year, how can he compare with Thunder and others?

When this guy came in, it was a foreign warrior who could not climb up...

Looking at the collapsed building, all the people on the square were silent.

The tassels are a smile. "I said, I believe that it sells flowers."

He Zuowei swallowed his mouth. "This power is not enough to break the soul of the town..."

"Of course I know, but is Luo Zheng really full of strength? Have you seen him back?" The tassel stared at He Zuowei.

This is a common sense problem. Many warriors are neglected, but like the Thunder, tassels and others have noticed.

The damage caused by the golden fork stone may be very attractive, but these people are more concerned about the action of Luo Zheng! This guy has no back!

The role of power is mutual, you punch a punch, after all, there is a reaction to feedback on itself.

If the refining warrior slams a fist toward the bottom, the force suddenly explodes, and you can make yourself rise to the sky!

According to common sense, Luo Zheng punched out this punch. His own quality is countless times smaller than this golden fork stone. Under the feedback of power, he is afraid to fly out.

However, Luo Zheng actually stabilized his figure, just shaking it in place!

They subconsciously believe that Luo Zheng has left some strength, so he can stand still in the same place!

Think carefully, still not right.

Even if Luo Zheng had enough strength to counter the power of feedback on the Jincha Kistler, he stood in the same place, and the body should not be able to bear it.

Retreat 10,000 steps and say that Luo Zheng’s body is sturdy and horrible, then he should also step out the deep footprints of the silver-stone paved ground or directly crush the ground.

The problem is that these don't exist.

The reaction seems to have disappeared. Luo Zheng is quite unreasonable to stand in the same place, while others can't solve the doubts in happiness, but at the same time have to face the reality of this scene!

"This ... does not know under the subordinates, why Luo Zheng has not retreated," He Zuowei's head is also a mess, he really can't figure out this section.

"Then don't say that Luo Zheng didn't have that skill," said a mouth with a fringed mouth, and a smug color on his face.

He Zuowei was quite helpless. Looking back at a few people behind him, the few landlords were also helpless. They were just as shocked as He Zuowei. They were more confused and unable to understand.

"How to do it?" The Thunder did not cover anything and asked Luo Zheng directly.

Luo Zheng’s performance has far exceeded the expectations of the Thunder, and even threatened the Thunder. He hoped that Luo Zheng could grow as much as possible, especially in the Shengquan Mountain to get as much power as possible, and the strength could be improved rapidly. .

But it is not this promotion method. This speed is completely beyond his imagination. Even if the Thunder's character is quite calm, it is now somewhat unacceptable.

"You asked to push this stone out?" Luo Zheng is also distressed, can only brew new rhetoric to explain his strength.

I didn't expect the Thunder to care about this. He shook his head. "No, I want to know how you can do it without going back..."

"I...had not backed up?" Luo Zhengyi, the heart was once again dark and bad.

In order to avoid the reaction force of the formation of the strength glove, he removed the fist in time, so there was no direct contact between Luo Zheng and the stone, and the power of feedback was greatly reduced.

In this way, his performance is too calm.

Knowing this, Luo Zheng should go backwards crazy backwards. It is best to fly out of a distance of hundreds of feet before stopping. This is normal...

"I cultivate a magical power that can transport power out of the body, so there is no retreat," Luo Zheng replied.

He did not lie, but indeed brought the power of the Shentai Jiuxing to an invisible glove.

The Thunder didn't believe Luo Zheng's words at all. He only said: "There are talents on the Jiangshan generation, which makes me too surprised, but..." The original serious face suddenly became kind and smiled and said to Luo Zheng: "But Congratulations, broke this record and won the title of King! You can enter the God Hunting Team!"

The requirement of the title of "Ban Wang" only needs ten feet distance. Luo Zheng has launched more than forty feet, but unfortunately, the collapsed mountain family has only these four titles, and there is no higher level.

At this time, the two children of the Bengshan family walked quickly. After the Thunder, one of the children said: "You come with me, the prophet wants to see you."

"Prophet? Where is he?"

Luo Zheng also entered the Shengquan Mountain, only to know that there seems to be a prophet among the Bengshan people, but he has been here for half a year and has never seen it before.



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