Apotheosis – Ascension to Godhood

Chapter 1262: Unwilling to declare war

The energy that surged like a river began to erode the body of the solitary sword!

Even in the rules of heaven in the causal hall, the solitary sword is also not in the eye.

The dark iron sword in his hand has the strength to be above the heavens.

Before entering the dream space, this sword had also told the solitary sword. This dream battlefield had a special repulsive force on him. It is possible that except for himself, all hidden souls and souls could not enter together.

Just as Luo Zheng entered the fantasy battlefield, he failed to bring the smoked and Qinglong together. The projection of the fantasy battlefield can only be accepted by Luo Zheng, even if Luo Zheng can't communicate with them now.

However, this sword has broken through the rules of the dream battlefield and forcibly squeezed into the fantasy battlefield.

This sword is also clear. If he does not come, it is difficult to become a climate with his own strength.

With this sword into the fantasy battlefield, the solitary sword has enough confidence to go to the first place in the fantasy battlefield.

Not to mention that Tianjiao is not his opponent, it is the way to truly enlighten, nor is it his opponent!

Although the cause and effect hall is dangerous, it may fall down if you don't pay attention. Just like in the second causal hall he just spent, there are countless ropes. According to the law of the causal hall, this life-threatening rope can hardly be cut off, but the sword of the solitary sword is based on this sword, and it is hard to smash the rules of heaven.

This is also the root cause of why ten people have swayed the cause and effect hall, but one person has never fallen. This is why the core geniuses of the ten major races all call him the big brother, because they found this "done alone". "It seems to be a thick, unimaginable thigh...

Under the leadership of "Duogu", they may be able to finish this causal hall very easily.

With the harvest in this causal hall, I am afraid that ten people will be among the top ten in this world!

However, this only went to the third causal hall, which was arranged to collide with another team of people. At first they even thought that the difficulty was reduced. After all, the strength of "done alone" was enough to clear the other seven people alone.

Never thought of it.

Sogou fell into the energy river.

"I am not willing to take me up!"

This energy river quickly eroded the golden layer of the solitary sword. It is also the dark iron sword that is overbearing. It is replaced by any military weapon and falls into this energy river. I am afraid that there is no bone in the blink of an eye. Eroded and clean.

"It’s useless, it’s a failure, the problem is not big... we can catch up,” the sword replied.

"That, then... let me float up, I want to say something to the guy!"

Where did the solitary sword think that he would be in this hall of cause and effect, and was still caused by a boy who was unclear, how to accept his proud heart?


The surface of this dark iron sword suddenly flashed a dazzling golden light, but it dragged the solitary sword from the bottom of the energy river and went up.

It is also because this dark iron sword is not in its heyday. With the power of this sword in its heyday, it is enough to protect the solitary swords and swim in this energy river. It’s said that this round of heaven is not a problem, but Now it can only be preserved for a little while.

Even so, it has already made the military on both sides of the shore stunned.

The warriors in the dark saw the solitary sword falling into the energy river, and a heart suddenly sinking. After the second battle in the causal hall, the strength of the solitary sword has already made this group of pride The geniuses were completely impressed, but now they are alone but fallen, and the shock in their hearts will only be even worse.

As for Luo Zheng’s side...

Ji Nan recognized this person from the moment he was consecrated from the darkness.

Solitary swords...

The guy who became famous in World War I.

It is also the birth of this person, can take away a lot of limelight.

It is a pity that the four ethnic groups, Ji Luoxue did not play against the solitary sword.

Not only Ji Nan recognized this person, Jin Hai also recognized it. After all, the solitary sword was the name of the Tianjiao who stepped on his Wanfo Sanctuary. The matter was passed to the Wanfo Sanctuary. The vibration is also extremely intense!

So the moment I saw the solitary sword, Ji Nan was already in a state of despair, and my heart sighed and finished.

Although she trusts Luo Zheng, but in her mind, Luo Zheng's strength should be stronger than her, as well as Jinhai, the magic spirit and so on, but it is still unknown to confront the Tianjiao.

However, just back and forth a few times, just between the electric and the Flint, Luo Zheng dragged the person into the state of life, and Luo Zheng himself was in an extremely dangerous state, and then he did not see it in Ji Nan. Under the circumstances, the solitary swordsman fell on the energy river and disappeared in an instant. Seeing this is dead.

Although Luo Zheng did not rely on his own strength to win in front, but to take possession of luck and tricks, he only brought the Tianjiao into the energy river, but this is enough to make Ji Nan feel very emotional, at least this Luo Tianxing Yun, I am afraid it will be much stronger than the one-of-a-kind sword.


Just as Ji Nan sighed slightly, from the bottom of the dark river, there was a sword shadow. After the sword was drawn out of the water, the figure of the solitary sword had already sunk, and a head appeared, but at the moment His face has been eroded by the pure energy flow in the river, and that is the result of the sword's full protection.

"This can still get up! This guy is so perverted!"

The rude demon also sighed.

Ji Nan, Jin Hai, the illusion and so on can not help but take a breath, they are really afraid that this guy can fly from the energy river.

It is only in the cause and effect hall that the flight is forbidden. In this state, he is not very likely.

As for the warriors on the side of the Solitary, there is also a hint of hope in the eyes.

However, the solitary sword did not leave the river. The sword brought him to the river. It was already very difficult. After all, it was almost a hard-foiled rebellion against the rules of heaven. The consumption of the sword was also very large.

However, the solitary sword did not leave the river. After his outcrop, he only had deep hatred in his eyes. With a laugh, he stared at Luo Zheng and said: "Kid, this time you won! But you win me. It’s just luck, nothing to do with strength!”

Luo Zheng stared at the head of the solitary sword in the river, and his face showed an undecidable color. To be honest, this person can survive in this energy river for so long. Luo Zheng himself is very strange, even if he is a magical body, fall into I am afraid that I will be eroded by an instant. This person seems to have an extremely powerful force to protect him.

A certain degree of power against the rules of heaven...

Either the Celestials are personally present or they are beyond the existence of Heaven.

The question is on the sword?

"Come on! I hope that you can go all the way smoothly, so that we will meet again sooner or later. At that time, I hope that you will not play this and other means, I will let you fall downright under my command... Qianlong, Qianlong... ”

Later, it is not clear.

The sword of the solitary sword has reached the limit.

He quickly sinks into the energy river and loses the protection of this sword. His body is also instantly eroded, melted and turned into a moving energy in this energy river.

At the same time, a large group of dreamy lights burst!

"A lot of dreams!"

The eyes of everyone suddenly lit up!

Judging from the previous experience, there is probably a million dreams that this unique solitary sword bursts open!

The yellow light spots float quietly on the energy river, and will not rise or fall, and will have a strong appeal to the warriors on both sides.

But what about the attraction? Who dares to step into this energy river to absorb it?

It is Luo Zheng who saw this scene, and his face also showed the color of regret. Such a huge number of dream points, I am afraid it is wasted here, but this person is not killed by his own hands, otherwise these dream spots will automatically 遁Into him.

After shaking his head, Luo Zheng took out a long hook and showed a smile in the darkness. He solved the most difficult one, and the other party had seven remaining.

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