The woman wore a veil of vomiting purple ash, and the ivory streamers fluttered behind her, as if the fairy in the painting was generally out of the dust.

She stepped on a pair of crescent embroidered shoes but walked on the edge of the wall. Every time I took a step, I built a step of ice crystal condensation under my feet. The toes gently floated forward a distance, and the ice crystal steps crashed. Split, so every step of her lightness is accompanied by the crisp and mellow ice crystal cracking...

"Oh... oh..."

Looking at this purple woman, Luo Zheng eyes calm, but the heart is very vigilant, the limbs also quietly stretched out.

Rehabilitation is a measure of the strength of a warrior, but in the upper bound this standard becomes very broad.

For example, the powerful sea of ​​warriors may be far stronger than the talented gods!

Luo Zheng had previously easily killed and killed the martyrdom of the gods, and this situation does not only exist in Luo Zheng, this many core warriors in the universe, the racism of all ethnic groups can also do.

When Luo Zheng felt the woman's fierce chill, he also realized that this person's strength was extraordinary. It may be the strongest person he encountered after entering the fantasy battlefield.

"The city owner is coming..."

"Is this woman the city owner of this main city? I have this temperament!"

"Hey, what's so strange about the people of Jijia?"


Many warriors on the wall of the city saw the appearance of this woman, and the shining light appeared in both eyes. It was the look of a perfect thing, and the heart will be revealed!

The woman in front of me is indeed perfect!

In the eyes of Luo Zheng, the same is true. In terms of appearance and temperament, I am afraid that only smoked can match it!

However, she is completely different from the smoked temperament.

Smoke gives people a sense of nobleness. Standing anywhere is like a goddess coming to the world, and there is a sense of decisiveness and killing between the gestures. Under the cold appearance, there is a hot hide. The heart is like a frozen volcano.

The woman in front of her eyes gives a feeling of peace and peace.

Just like the falling snow, this kind of scent is not only uncomfortable, but it makes people calm.

However, under the immersion, there is a faint murder. This kind of murder is very proud. It seems that the life of all beings has the grasp of killing and killing, and this "all beings" naturally also includes Luo Zheng.

The purple woman is getting closer and closer to Luo Zheng, and the calming chill is getting more and more dignified, and the snow falling from her around is getting bigger and bigger.

Inside and outside the main city, all the warriors closed their mouths and only heard the sound of a snow falling on the ground and making a "squeaky" sound...

The temperature in this dream battlefield is not low. It can be called a sultry heat for mortals. The snow does not melt, but it is piled up at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a short time, a thin layer is laid on the ground.

"Is you killing Fanfan?" The woman in purple clothes fell on Luo Zheng through the scattered snow. Like her temperament, the woman's eyes were exceptionally pure and thorough.

"Who is who?" Luo Zheng smiled slightly, looked up at the woman and immediately said: "You said the blue shirt warrior?"

The purple woman nodded, "Yes."

"That's right," Luo Zheng did not deny, saying that he pointed to the place where the golden pill broke out: "But he should be considered suicide, at least I didn't get the dream points."

The blue-shirt warrior committed suicide, but the dream points were absorbed. So far, the Luo Zheng has no idea, which does not meet the rules of the fantasy battlefield!

"Those dream points, naturally I absorbed, it should be my dream points," said the purple woman faintly.

"How do you do it?" Luo Zheng was most curious about this matter.

The woman in purple did not answer the question of Luo Zheng, but continued to stare at Luo Zheng with that pure look. "You also killed the bull gold."

When I heard this, Luo Zheng was also speechless. It was clear that a woman could ask for a question. This woman had to ask twice separately. So Luo Zheng grinned and said, "Yes, it is indeed what I killed! You are." The city owner's! These two people are yours?"

Luo Zheng’s words like this have already had an obvious provocative taste. Although he values ​​this opponent, he is not afraid of war.

The woman in purple did not answer Luo Zheng’s words. She did not seem to care about what Luo said, but she was completely immersed in her own ideas. “You took half of the dream points of Niu Jin, I will kill you three times. I can earn it back. After three times, I can let you leave the main city..."

Once again heard this inexplicable words, Luo Zheng also understood, it seems impossible to communicate with this woman is impossible.

But this does not affect the goal of Luo Zheng!

Now it seems that this woman is indeed the city owner, killing the city owner and taking away her dream points, this is the only goal of Luo Zheng!


The thunderstorm and the sacred sword suddenly came out of the sheath. The blue sword was covered with a faint sword light. Luo Zheng converges on his own emotions. The sword in his hand is on his chest. "If you can defeat Luo, Do not say three times, thirty times is also feasible."

The purple woman faintly glanced at Luo Zheng’s long sword. Although she did not know the origin of Lei Feng’s sword, she also knew that this sword was extraordinary, and the pair of clear eyes showed a slight surprise. color.

"You...sir name? What is your name?" The woman in purple asked suddenly.

"Luo Tianxing," Luo Zheng reported his name.

After hearing the name of Luo Zheng, there was a disappointment in the face of the purple woman.

There are many tens of thousands of warriors in this fantasy battlefield. There are no million in the name of Luo, and there are millions of people. The possibility of encountering the guy is too small...

Then she gently exhaled a chill, thinking that the guy dug a few pits, the cold heart also gave birth to a fiery hot, if the guy entered the fantasy battlefield, it must not be a nameless generation, he should be able to find it! As for the guy named Luo in front of him, since he disobeys the rules he has set, he will naturally kill it!

"I don't call the ‘owner',” said the woman in purple, the slender fingers of the white singer snow, and then a ray of light around her fingers.

After the light was gone, five rings appeared in her fingers!

The styles of these five rings are old and there are no patterns on them, but they are very different from the temperament of Ji Luo Xue!

And these five rings are each other, and there is a thin chain necklace. I saw that she suddenly stretched out the long five fingers, and the thin chains began to sway...

At this time, Ji Luoxue went on to say: "My name is Ji Luoxue, remember my name, then... let it die..."

Her voice just fell, and the speed of the slowly falling snow around her suddenly increased ten times!

If the party is the heavy snow that falls quietly in the winter night, then now it is the blizzard in the winter!


Not only is the snow getting bigger, but the wind is getting stronger!

In this frenzied blizzard, the shape of Ji Luoxue suddenly fluttered straight to Luo Zhenglai!


This woman is quiet, but once she moves, she has the momentum to run, and she is not inferior to the man.

Her figure suddenly grew bigger in Luo Zheng's pupils. It was almost a blink of an eye. The distance between Luo Zheng and her was less than a mile!

Between a mile, Luo Zheng’s long sword also suddenly shot!

"The shadow of the gods!"



As Luo Zheng infused the chaotic gas into the thunderstorm sword, a whirlwind of lightning has taken the lead to this woman!

After this lightning, it is a sharp wind blade!

After the wind blade, it is a dense shadow of the gods, and each of the shadows of the gods will display different punches, and they will attack the enemy!

Above the wall, all the warriors are staring at the scene!

Many of the warriors in the main city have seen the strength of Ji Luoxue. They dare not cross the wall half inch because they know that only the rules of the main city can protect them!

"How do I feel a little unfair, the city owner suddenly became kind, just killing this kid three times, let it go?"

"The character of the city owner was originally weird and moody. I heard that it is related to the books she read. She seems to be easily influenced by the story in the book!"

"Sometimes gentle, sometimes brutal... I think this character is very charming, haha!"

"Charming? Hey, she is the arrogance of Ji family. Are you climbing up?"

This war has just begun, and many warriors also whispered in this gap.



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