Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 94: Overstepping

Volingdu, the capital of the empire.

This is the most prosperous city in the world, covering an area of ​​nearly a thousand square kilometers. In the world before Si Wei traveled through, it could be considered a municipal city.

The Imperial Palace is located in the center of Volingdu. The closer you get there, the more prosperous it becomes visible to the naked eye.

Nanyoku University is located southwest of the Imperial Palace and is built in a basin. However, there have been no floods, so it is relatively lucky.

Taking a boat from the port of Manburg, you have to go around a long way to reach some city docks near Volingdu, and then you have to take a long train.

Jia didn't complain along the way. She also liked the quietness in these moments. It felt great to hold a newspaper and enjoy her own peace in the noisy carriage.

Si Wei put his head in his hands and leaned on the back of the chair, looking at the scenery outside the window boredly, his thoughts already flying to nowhere in the sky.

"Are you ready?" Jia suddenly closed the newspaper, gently placed it on her lap, and asked aloud.

Si Wei turned his head and said, "In what way?"

"In various aspects, you should still remember that you are an unpopular professor at Nanyoku University, right? After all, no one wants to socialize too much with a lunatic who studies R'lyeh culture."

The original owner had a bad reputation, which Si Wei could understand, but according to Jia, it was not only the character of the original owner that was the problem, but also the problem with the research topic.

From this point of view, it is really difficult for Jia to be her assistant if she is willing to do so.

"I understand, it's just about communication," Si Wei replied in a relaxed tone, trying to appease Jia's mood, "These things are too simple for me."

If Si Wei had said this before he got involved in the investigation on Osins Street, Jia would definitely not have believed it and would even have ridiculed him.

But for Si Wei, who had become a missionary and had a drastic change in temperament, Jia was willing to trust him.

After witnessing the "unknown", there are too many possibilities. Maybe Si Wei can really handle everything in Nanyoku University now.

After explaining to Jia, Si Wei suddenly felt a little sleepy and closed his eyes.

But strangely, Si Wei went from closing his eyes to deep sleep in just a few seconds.

It's like, someone did it on purpose.


There are still stars all over the sky. In the vast world of starry sky, many stars and dark stars are hovering and circling, reflecting each other.

The familiar bronze round table, the four familiar seats, and...the familiar four black shadows.

This time, Si Wei was not as embarrassed and reckless as the last time. He quickly regained control of his body amidst the discomfort, raised his head and looked straight ahead.

"Welcome to this Old Council, fellow apostles." The one who spoke was the apostle of Azathoth, the priest. "According to real time calculation, it should be a long time since we last met, right?"

real world? Si Wei captured something extraordinary from his words. Why did he say it was real time? Could it be that the time flow rate in this space is not the same, and the sacrifice has always been in this space? That's why you said such suspicious words?

The apostle of Yog-Sothoth, the historian, said: "Indeed, I am glad to see that our four apostles are still in peace."

What does this sentence mean? Could it be that an apostle has died at the hands of others?

Hastur's apostle, Obsidian, said slowly: "Maybe things are not so good."

The historian turned his head and said, "Oh? How do you say this?"

"The matter over there in the Beihai is still serious, right? During this period of time, you should have been doing other things instead of dealing with the Beihai incident immediately, right?"

The historian admitted this matter very generously, "It is true, but the reason is not because of my laziness, but because I feel that there are some things that have priority above it, so I deal with other things first. But Don’t worry, I will take care of Beihai, you don’t need to worry about it.”

The priest said: "I feel reassured by the words of the historian. As apostles, we cannot deal with everything in a linear form every time. What we have to do is to act in a branched manner and let each event We can all extend different possibilities, and then let the possibilities interact with each other to ultimately achieve our ultimate goal.”

It sounds like using the most troublesome means to achieve the simplest goal. But this doesn't sound like this to Si Wei. This interaction between possibilities is often the most difficult to guard against and the most advanced method.

If you blindly complete a task, you only need a few methods to reverse the outcome. However, the possibilities created by using the method of sacrifice are endless. In the end, even if you want to reverse the ending, it is impossible.

"Let's get the topic back on track," the priest opened his arms towards Si Wei, "Congratulations on completing your mission, professor. Now you have truly become an apostle of Cthulhu."

"It's a great honor." Si Wei replied gracefully, "Truth will last forever, but ignorance will perish."

Obsidian interrupted, "You learn so fast..."

Ignoring Obsidian's words, the historian asked: "Professor, do you have any ideas or plans now?"

The problem is obvious, that is, they recognized Si Wei and gave him a certain right to speak, but did not regard Si Wei as a newcomer.

"Thoughts and plans..." Si Wei answered the historian's question in the most obscure words. After all, he didn't want to easily reveal his true identity now. "Let's wait and see. I just became an apostle and I'm not too clear about my mission."

The priest nodded, "You can wait and see, but you can't go with the flow. You must always understand that you are an apostle of Cthulhu, not one of the common people. You are a truth disseminator who determines the direction of the world, not a passive believer."

"I understand."

Obsidian glanced at Si Wei and said, "But I think you really don't know what you should do, so let me give you some things..."

Before Obsidian finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by the priest, "Obsidian, you should still remember the rules."

The former closed his mouth and looked at the priest.

"Maybe I need to repeat the rules of the Old Council," the priest said in a steady voice, without any obvious emotional changes due to Obsidian's transgression. "All apostles of the Old Council are equal and need to live in harmony with each other. We cannot test each other's true identity, nor can we privately assign some tasks to another apostle under the revelation of the ruler, otherwise it will be regarded as an identity test."

The rules are really strict...

Si Wei didn't say anything, just listened quietly so that he would not touch those regulations in the future.

Now he can't deal with "Unknown" and these apostles.

Obsidian nodded and made the gesture that only the apostles would do, "May the ruler forgive."

Si Wei didn't know the emotional changes of the three people present because he couldn't see their faces, so he could only follow their words and deeds.

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