Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 88 A World Without Fallen

The battle between Bell and the monster has been switched to another place. At this moment, at the place where they first met, a person appeared here.

Baifuli Shelley.

Using a rubber-tipped dropper, she drew a drop of blood from the pool of blood that had not yet solidified on the ground. She took out the Balem slate that had been prepared early in the morning and dripped the drop of blood on the initial node of the slate.

Soon, the blood moved and flowed towards one of the branches. This shows that the monster is indeed a missionary, but what is puzzling is that the power of this person's gift is not a fallen person.

But a night walker.

"How could it be?" Baifuli frowned. In her speculation, Heidi had already fallen, otherwise how could she have persisted until now?

"Have you come to a conclusion?" Norris' voice suddenly appeared behind her.

Bofuli turned around and showed Norris the branch on the Balem slate, "Look, this guy is a night walker, what's going on?"

Norris glanced at the answer on the Balem slate and replied very calmly: "Isn't this normal? This shows that from the beginning, your understanding of the power of grace was wrong."

Bevry frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's just the surface meaning. This guy's behavior can be regarded as verifying something, that is, under what conditions will a person become a missionary instead of a fallen person."

Bevry looked at Norris with cold eyes. He turned cold, "What do you mean? How many things have you not told us?"

"You seem to have misunderstood something," Norris turned sideways, with a cold look in his eyes, "Including Arnold and Siwei, when did I become your companion? Maybe you did reach an agreement with Bell in private, but Bell and I are just a commission relationship. During the commission period, I only need to do what I need to do and complete his commission. That's enough. What obligation do I have to share information with you?

"Indeed, I know a lot of things, even why the missionary wanted to capture Heidi as a test subject.

"But, I have no obligation to share some information with you."

What he said was right, and Bai Fuli had no way to deny him.

And Norris's view of good and evil is very unique, and Bai Fuli could never threaten him by moral kidnapping.

From beginning to end, she and Bell were the ones who had no way to deal with Norris.

"Now, I need to do what I want to do, and please don't disturb me." There seemed to be something under Norris's wrist, but Bai Fuli didn't see it clearly, and only heard a "click". "Otherwise, I don't know what I might do."



A gloomy voice echoed in the dark street.

The man wrapped in bandages walked on the cobblestone road in a shaky posture, repeating that word.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Because someone blocked his way.

Si Wei put his hands in his pockets and stared at the guy in front of him silently.

"It's you..." The bandaged man laughed in a low voice, "Are you the missionary who accidentally broke into my test site... How interesting... You actually came to me now..."

Si Wei maintained his current flawed posture and communicated with the bandaged man very peacefully, "I'm curious, what kind of motivation supports you to complete what you are doing now. Whether it is controlling an ordinary person or planning such a plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife, it is theoretically very troublesome. But you still did it. Is it really that you just like watching others kill people, or... do you have other purposes?"

The bandaged man's head was actually broken at 90 degrees, with his shoulder tilted to one side, and his right eye exposed from under the bandages was shining with a bloody light, "You are the first A person who asks me this question... You are very interesting, maybe you are the same type of person as me. "

"At least I won't break my head," Si Wei said, "From the perspective of paranoia, you are much better than me."

"Hehe...Hahahahaha!!!" The bandaged man laughed wildly, and his funny top hat almost slipped to the ground, "Paranoia? Every genius has some problems. Paranoia...Maybe it's my problem, but I prefer to think of it as a talent given to me by Him! With this paranoia, I will have a stronger focus and a stronger motivation when doing certain things! Ordinary people can't understand my behavior, but I can get a response from Him...Isn't this a talent? ! "

No, this may mean that you are really crazy.

Si Wei still responded to his statement on the surface, "You are right, paranoia is your talent. It is also your advantage, but using human lives for experiments, this kind of anti-human behavior, is it really the oracle given to you by Him?"

"For the truth, the process of proving the truth does not need to follow human ethics." The bandaged man has a lot of crooked logic, "The truth is proven, which is a gift to the people of the world. Do you care how much money your parents spent on gifts for you?"

Si Wei did not point out that this guy was changing the concept. Now he had better not anger the other party, "What you said makes some sense."

"Oh?" The bandaged man's IQ does not seem to be as high as Si Wei thought, and it cannot be ruled out that this guy is setting a trap, "What? Do you understand what I mean?"

Si Wei replied, "Everything you said makes sense. I don't think I'm incapable of understanding it."

The bandaged man laughed even louder, "Hahaha! I thought the pioneers of each era were lonely. It seems that I'm lucky... There is someone who can understand me."

"So, what is your purpose?" Si Wei was more concerned about the bandaged man's previous twisted logic.

The bandaged man answered, "I want to explore under what circumstances a person will become a fallen person."

Si Wei became interested in his topic, "Oh? Isn't it that if you lose control and fall, you will become a fallen person?"

"But where is the definition of losing control and falling? What are the factors that cause a missionary to fall? This is a topic that Curtis Brandt has not completed. I am perfecting it! Once I succeed, perhaps there will be no more fallen people in this world. Isn't this the ending that all missionaries look forward to?

"If there are no fallen people in this world, the influence of the 'unknown' on our world will be reduced. At that time, we will all change our beliefs and believe in their existence! In this way, won't our world be perfect?"

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