Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 85 Acting

A hotel in Manburg City is also where Baifuli is staying now.

She would not live in a bar like Siwei and Norris, two men, so she naturally found a hotel to stay in, which was much more decent than the two of them.

But today, Norris found Baifuli.

"Huh? What are you going to do today?" Baifuli saw that Norris had changed into casual clothes today, and couldn't help asking curiously, "Why? Are you going to date an unknown beautiful lady?"

Norris stood at the door and pointed to the bright sunshine outside the door, "Accompany me out for a while.?"

Baifuli was stunned for a moment, then glanced around and found that there was indeed no one, then pointed at herself, "Are you asking me?"

"I don't think there should be other men in your room?" Norris was unforgiving.

"Aren't you going to drink in the Seaton Bar today? It seems that the Seaton Bar is deserted, and the daily income must be unsatisfactory. In addition, there were people making trouble a few days ago. Why don't you go to help with some cash flow? Instead, you come to me... What is your purpose?"

"I really don't understand why all of you have to use the darkest thoughts to guess my intentions, but I don't have any ill intentions." Norris sighed and expressed his despair for the situation he encountered. "Although I have only been here for a few days, Si Wei and I just discussed the arrangements yesterday. You have to cooperate with the work, right?"

Hearing this, Bai Fuli looked at him with strange eyes, immediately hugged herself, and said with a vigilant look: "I hope what you said is true, and you don't use these excuses to use me to achieve certain goals."

This girl's thinking is really jumpy... Are all women like this?

Norris's expression did not change, just as if the woman was telling the truth, "Then, are you willing to go out?"

"Why go out?"

Norris replied: "I need your disguise skills, let's go investigate someone together."

"Who do you want to investigate? You actually need my disguise skills?"

"If you have so many questions every time, I don't think we have a better chance of continuing to communicate." Norris replied, "Time waits for no one, every second you waste now may lead to the birth of a new victim."

Seeing this, Bai Fuli had no choice but to compromise, "Okay, but you give me the information of the person you want to disguise first, otherwise I can't do a good disguise."

Norris didn't say anything, just handed the file to Bai Fuli, and explained: "This woman has disappeared recently. Although people in Manburg City have often disappeared during this period and were later found dead in a street alley, this woman is different.

"There are witnesses who claim that they saw the woman during her disappearance. This is the information provided to me by Bell. I suspect that this woman has been controlled by the missionary."

Bai Fuli responded while opening the file, "Well, but what if you have confirmed the target? If the other person is crazy, you will definitely not be able to save him. After being tortured by such a guy and being manipulated to kill others, this woman should have become a fallen person long ago, right? "

"But even if she became a fallen person, she was a normal human being before that." Norris responded to Bai Fuli's doubts in a serious tone, "She is just an innocent person involved in this accident, and there are people waiting for her to go home indefinitely. In this case, even if there is only news of death, I will let her family know what happened."

Baverly heard Norris's answer, and her eyes were very complicated when she looked at the latter.

"What a righteous answer..."


"Do you know anything about this city?" On the street, listening to the collision of the wheels of the carriage passing over the ground, Norris asked this question to Heloise beside him.

Baverly turned her head, "Why ask me this question at this time?"

"Because I have not been in this city for a long time, I don't know much about Manburg City, so I want to find someone who is familiar with this place to ask. "

"That's a bit embarrassing," Baifuli put her hands behind her back and turned her head to look at the brick-red chimneys towering into the sky, "I don't know much about Manburg City, and we judges are not guides."

Norris took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, carefully blowing smoke rings in the opposite direction of Baifuli, "Really? I thought you were familiar with this place. After all, you are still a judge who travels around, and you must have known the cultural landscape of many places."

Berfuli's eyes wandered among the buildings lined up one after another, and she did not forget to reply to Norris' words, "That's not necessarily the case. After all, I used to be a superior sitting in the office. People in the Court of Justice don't need to run around. They just need to issue orders and then wait for the Court of Justice to send people to execute them. "

"It sounds like the work of the Court of Justice is pretty good, not so busy."

The air was filled with the smell of the sea, and Baifuli closed her eyes, greedily absorbing the fragrance in the air.

"Why do you want to be a tomb robber? "Halfway through, Heloise suddenly asked such a nonsensical question.

Norris was a little surprised that Bailey would ask such a strange question, "Why do you ask that?"


"Curiosity kills the cat." A very perfect answer.

Berley glared at him, "I know my limits!"

"Then I can only say that you have some misunderstandings about yourself."

The street where the two were going was not too far from the hotel where Boveli lived. The rent of all the storefronts was paid by the same landlord, who was exactly the person they needed to find.

The landlord lived in a place in Port Manburg, where there was often a smell of blood and fish. I don't know why she chose to settle in such a place.

This is an independent bungalow with only one floor. Logically speaking, the landlord should be very rich to have the right to rent a storefront on an entire street, but the landlord still lives in this relatively simple bungalow for unknown reasons.

Knocking gently on the door, Norris used his hands as a megaphone and said loudly: "Hello! Mrs. Liddy! Are you at home today?"

After saying this, Norris did not say another word, but stood behind the door, waiting quietly.

Not long after, the sound of the bolt being opened came from behind the door, and the dark brown door was opened, revealing the smiling face of a kind old woman.

The old woman's back was a little hunched, and she was wearing a dark green long skirt. Her still bloated body held up the long skirt, and it was easy to feel the difficulty of her movement without much description.

Mrs. Liddy had a dark green headscarf tied on her head. The headscarf was a little white, and it looked like it had been used for a long time.

The wrinkles on her face did not make her uglier, but made her smile more kind and gentle, so that people could not hate her from the bottom of their hearts.

"Mr. Anderson? This... you brought my daughter back?!" Mrs. Liddy saw Bai Fuli, and her face showed obvious surprise.

Her eyesight was not very good, and she could not see things clearly even with glasses. In addition, Bai Fuli changed her makeup according to the photos in the file, which could easily make her misunderstand.

"Mom!" Bai Fuli lowered her voice a little. Before that, Norris and her had asked some residents around about the voice of Mrs. Liddy's daughter, and finally decided on the current voice.

Mrs. Liddy showed some doubts, "Hey? Little Heidi, are you sick? Why does your voice sound a little different?"

Beverly quickly added: "Yes, I have a problem with my throat these days..."

"That's too bad! Come in and drink some water!" Mrs. Liddy turned to the room and waved to the two of them, "Come in first, it's not convenient to talk if you stand outside all the time."

Beverly said "um" and stepped into the entrance.

Norris first said "Excuse me", and then followed Berli into the house.

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