Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 7 Under the Night

The results of the day's investigation are not impressive. The clues obtained at the first crime scene are basically the entire conclusion, which is quite shocking.

After all, they spent a whole day and finally came to the conclusion that it might be more efficient for the police to handle this matter.

But this didn't hurt Si Wei, it would only make him more frustrated and courageous.

The sky is getting darker, the rush hour is gradually fading, and the whole town is covered with a layer of black fog.

Jia yawned and rubbed her eyes. She seemed a little sleepy, but she still forced herself to follow Si Wei and assisted him in questioning potential insiders one after another.

Si Wei noticed this, and after asking the last potential insider, he turned to look at Jia and asked, "Want to sleep?"

Jia glanced at him sideways, "Why does it feel so strange to say this sentence from your mouth?"

"I kindly want you to rest, but your way of answering is too hurtful, isn't it?"

Seeing that he was sincerely asking her, rather than continuing to squeeze out labor, Jia nodded gently, "Well, I'm a little sleepy. You kept turning over last night, and I didn't sleep well."

Is it because of the old parliament...

Si Wei's head had been hurting since he traveled back in time yesterday, and it didn't feel much better until this morning. Turning over at night was helpless.

"Then you go back first," Si Wei said, "I'll walk around outside again to see if I find anything new."

"Don't stay until five in the morning," Ji Yaxu squinted her eyes, "otherwise your and I's biological clocks will be reversed, and it will be difficult to coordinate again."

Si Wei patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, even if I don't have any results until twelve o'clock in the evening, I will just find a bench to sleep on."

"Then don't catch a cold. Find some newspapers to cover it."

My friend, are you serious about what you say...

Si Wei's words just now were half-joking, but Jia's answer was not certain.

Due to limited funds, Jia chose to walk back to Tyndall Hotel, which also strengthened Si Wei's determination to complete the commission.

But having said that, Si Wei is indeed a little confused. Now he can think of walking around the streets and alleys of the town between ten o'clock in the evening and five o'clock in the morning to see if he can find something unique to Oshins. Street sign.


A gust of night wind blew on Si Wei's face, and the sound of scraping paper reached his ears. He lowered his head and saw a newspaper covered on his calf by the night wind.

Picked it up, no stains, and the date is from today.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Si Wei sat down on a bench on the street and read the contents of the newspaper under the orange light of the street lamp.

The newspapers of this era were as messy as ever, recording not only national events but also gossipy news. Some pages are filled with job ads and excerpts from articles by down-and-out poets and writers.

In short, it has nothing to do with Osins Street.

Si Wei was just killing time, crossing his legs and reading today's hot news.

What caught his attention was a report about the North Sea.

In the Old Council last night, the priests and historians focused on the issue of pagans in the North Sea, and this report just mentioned this matter.

"Pirates in the North Sea are becoming more and more rampant, and the residents of Chadril are unbearable?" Si Wei read out the title and felt a little strange.

pirate? Are these pirates heretics?

Just when he wanted to continue reading, a strange sound came into his ears.

Ta, tap, tap——

This was the sound of crutches hitting the ground. An old man with a stooped posture and gray hair came from Si Wei's right.

He wears a simple shirt and coat, has many wrinkles on his face, has a single eyelid, and his two eyes are very small, making it difficult for him to impress others.

The old man sat down next to Si Wei, which made Si Wei wary.

There is an integrated flower bed with benches every thirty meters or so on this street. Why did this old man choose the bench he was sitting on?

From the outside, the old man was not threatening, but Si Wei did not dare to jump to conclusions if he was related to the missionary.

"Sir..." the old man spoke, his voice seemed weak and hoarse, "You are troubled by some problem, right?"

Si Wei pretended to be staring at the newspaper, but in fact he was wary of the old man's every move, "How could it be? I am quite cheerful and rarely bothered by any problems."

The old man turned his head and smiled, which made Si Wei even less able to see his eyes. "Haha, you are not the kind of cheerful person. I have lived for seventy or eighty years, and it is still difficult to understand someone." Simple. Sir, what problem have you always been troubled by?"

Seeing that the old man's words had expanded from "now" to "always", Si Wei felt more and more that something was wrong with this man. But now that the other party is here, Si Wei can't get any clues and can't explain it, so he asks: "I still can't hide it from you... I have been looking for the whereabouts of Osins Street. In your opinion, I must be stupid, right? But This is the truth I want to pursue, so I will do whatever it takes.”

The old man raised his head and looked at the bright moon in the sky, "Haha, how can pursuing the truth be stupid? Only those who accept ignorance and deny the unknown are stupid. Young man, you are looking for Oshins Street Right? Such a clueless search will only make you lost in the mysterious other side."

Si Wei felt more and more that the way this old man spoke was very similar to the way the other three apostles of the old council spoke, "Oh? Then how should I find the whereabouts of Oxins Street?"


The old man put a coin on the bench, then put his hands back on the cane, "Take this coin."

Si Wei hesitated for a moment, but still stretched out his right hand to hold the coin.

The coin was cold, without any residual body temperature of the old man. The bronze body gave people a sense of vicissitudes and eternity. The pattern on the coin was twisted and arrogant, as if it could make people see the evil here.

"This is the key to Osings Street." The old man smiled mysteriously, "To find the truth, the key is what you need."

Si Wei frowned, "Who are you?"

"Does it matter?" The old man asked, "Who you are and who I am are not the core of the problem. All we need to explore is the truth."

"So for the so-called 'truth', is it worth abandoning the 'self'?"

The old man smiled, "You are the first to ask me this... The body is the carrier of the soul. If you lose the body, the soul will not disappear. The 'self' is you. I just said it is not important, not that it can be abandoned. You are changing the concept."

Seeing that the old man was so good at arguing, Si Wei gave up arguing with him.

Because it was just a waste of time.

"Come on, young man." The old man stood up and tapped his spine with the back of his right hand, "You still have a long way to go..."

Si Wei watched the old man's back disappear into the night, and the street lights tore the old man's shadow, like a devil with fangs and claws.

It was like... something crawling out of hell in the night.

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