Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 4 Osins Street

The next day, the sun has risen.

The residual pain in his head woke Siwei from his sleep. As soon as he got used to the dazzling sunlight, he saw Jia curled up on the sofa, reading the book in her hand engrossedly, regardless of the scenery under her nightgown.

"Didn't you wake me up?" Si Wei got up from the bed and prepared to pour himself a glass of water. "If I keep sleeping like this, are you going to keep reading like this?"

Jia picked up the coffee cup on the side and took a sip, "Aren't you awake now? And you are angry when you wake up. I'm afraid you will scold me if I wake you up."

"The wake-up irritation has been cured." Si Wei himself did not have the wake-up irritation, so he made sure to correct Jiya's wrong impression of him, "From now on, just wake me up."

Jia frowned, squinted her eyes, and looked at Si Wei, "Can't you get up earlier and be an artificial alarm clock to wake me up?"

This is too straightforward...

Si Wei didn't answer, but took a cup of warm water from a paper cup, moistened his chapped lips, and prepared to go to the bathroom to wash up.

"By the way," Jia took a small bite of the biscuit, "You seem to be in a bad mental state today, so don't force yourself too much."

Si Wei stopped moving his hands, said "hmm" in a low voice, and walked into the bathroom.

In the mirror above the sink, Si Wei observed his eyes.

A large amount of bloodshot eyes had occupied his eyes, and the eye sockets were sunken visible to the naked eye. Si Wei's energy and energy were also obviously low, and he might even be arrested as a drug addict while walking on the street.

I still need to take a good rest... I hope the old parliament is not open every night, otherwise my mental state will not be able to bear it...

After washing up, Si Wei walked out of the bathroom. Jia also prepared breakfast for him: simple sandwiches and milk, no fried eggs and croissants, and there is no kitchen here.

While eating breakfast, Si Wei asked, "Where is Akela Zhong?"

Hearing this question, Jia's eyes towards Si Wei finally became strange, "Did you lose your head in the forest last night? Accra is your birthplace, and you actually asked me This kind of problem?"

"Uh..." As soon as Si Wei saw that things had changed, he immediately started thinking, "I'm not sure... I'm still not quite sober until now..."

Jia sighed helplessly, put down the entertainment novel in her hand, picked up a plain notepad, and opened the first few pages, "You have now accepted Mrs. Linster's commission. Trying to run to Accra without seeing the client is a breach of contract.

"The compensation to be paid for breach of contract is 50,000 rum. We cannot afford the compensation based on our current economic situation."

Lem is also the currency in circulation in this world, and its purchasing power is basically equal to the purchasing power of RMB.

Even if Si Wei didn't know the exact amount of fifty thousand rams, he could tell from Jia's last words that he was very poor.

There is no way, as people live in society, funds are the strongest guarantee. He also had to bow to life and put down his pride.

"Okay... then let's go see Mrs. Linster today, finish handling the commission as soon as possible and leave for Accra."

Jia yawned and attacked Si Wei's initiative, "You have to think clearly. Nowadays, at least five missionaries and detectives have accepted Mrs. Linster's commission. Unfortunately, they ended up either crazy or in the world. evaporation.

"You are just an archeology professor, and at most you can be considered a half-starting missionary. Now that you are deeply involved in such a case, it is not outrageous to lose your life."

Such words did not scare Si Wei.

The disappearing sensibility and absolute rationality serve as BUFF blessings, causing Si Wei's SAN value to be extremely high, and he himself has the status of an apostle of Cthulhu. Want to make yourself crazy?

That might be really difficult.

"Do you think I'll be afraid?" Si Wei grinned, his smile a little twisted.

Jia looked at his smile expressionlessly and replied, "That's an ugly smile. Don't smile in front of me in the future."

Si Wei's half-breathing mood was ruthlessly interrupted by Jia, and he didn't feel depressed at all. He started to sort out his clothes, "Get ready to go after breakfast. The client can't wait any longer."

"I didn't drink any milk..." Jia looked at the glass of milk that had not lost one milliliter and shook her head silently.


Ding dong~

The doorbell rang, and Mrs. Linster, who was wearing regular clothes, came to the door in displeasure and yelled through the door, "Our family doesn't need to subscribe to newspapers, please come back!"

Standing outside the door, Si Wei touched the side of his face awkwardly and added: "I'm not a newspaper seller..."

“We don’t need to order milk either!!”

The sharp sound of tearing his eardrums forced Si Wei to take a few steps back. Jia rolled her eyes at Si Wei and rang the doorbell again, "Mrs. Linster, we are missionaries commissioned by you. Please open the door."

"Preachers? Oh! Are they Miss Greenville and Professor Siwei?" Mrs. Linster opened the door to her room. "Sorry, I have formed a conditioned reflex. Recently, the newspaper and milk sellers There are just too many salesmen.”

Mrs. Linster is a very typical middle-aged woman. The wrinkles on her face are covered up by skin care products. Between her eyebrows, she can still vaguely see the grace of her youth and her temperament that has been polished by the years.

Even wearing an ordinary linen dress, the first impression Mrs. Linster brings to people is that of a rather favorable woman.

"It's okay, that's understandable." Si Wei bowed and saluted. This had nothing to do with status, it was just out of politeness, "Would it be convenient for us to go in and talk?"

Mrs. Linster smiled softly, "Of course, please come in, I will make tea for you two."

Mrs. Linster's house is not big, it is a single-family villa with a double-story structure and the decoration is also in a typical European style.

There was an obvious dent in the handle on the first floor of the duplex staircase, which made Si Wei a little concerned.

"Please sit down." Mrs. Linster placed the two cups of brewed black tea on the coffee table in the living room and motioned for the two of them to come and sit down.

They had no reason to refuse, so they sat down on the sofa and Si Wei started the conversation, "Mrs. Linster, where are your children and husband?"

He must have asked this question when he was confident that he would live alone. This kind of house was a bit luxurious. Moreover, Mrs. Linster's finger showed obvious signs that she had just taken off her wedding ring.

"My son has gone back to live with his grandmother. As for my husband...this is why I entrusted you."

Si Wei listened very carefully. Every word the client said could be a clue. But he may not know it personally, so Si Wei must personally judge whether each sentence can be used.

"My husband died at home half a month ago. It was on that staircase that his head hit the duplex staircase, leaving that dent. He was going crazy before he died, muttering something that I couldn't hear. If you understand, it behaves strangely.

"I always thought my husband was mentally ill, but it wasn't until one day I heard him say 'Oxins Street' that I realized something was wrong."

Osins Street? What it is?

Mrs. Linster explained: "Oxins Street is an urban legend here. It says that if you see a sign pointing to Osins Street in a dark alley, you must not go in because there are things inside that you can't even imagine. The unknown and the truth about it. So far, more than ten people have been judged to have died from this urban legend...

"But no one has ever found Osins Street, or everyone who has found it has died."

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