Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 33 The man favored by heaven and hell

"Stop, stop, stop, just put it here," Joe ordered the workers who were responsible for transporting the coffin to stop and let them put the coffin in the middle of the basement, "Okay, you can go, the money will be paid to you later, there is a guarantee, don't worry."

Si Wei collected the letter, including the fragmentary footprints. Jia Ya on the side didn't say anything, just stood up with Si Wei and came to the coffin.

"Now let's study this thing." After sending away the group of porters, Joe sat on the ground, giving people the feeling that he moved this thing here by himself, "By the way, where is Norris?"

"Pay the electricity bill." Si Wei answered casually, squatting in front of the coffin and carefully looking at its patterns.

The text on it is obviously not a human language that belongs to this world, and it is very likely to be the language used by the "unknowns". But unfortunately, even as an apostle of Cthulhu, Si Wei still knows nothing about these words.

The golden patterns strolling on the coffin gave Si Wei a very familiar feeling.

Si Wei frowned and began to search his memory.

On the side, Qiao sat on the ground, found a piece of paper and a pencil from somewhere, and began to sketch the coffin.

Jia stood not far from Si Wei, staring at the rusty lock on the coffin, as if something was locked in the coffin and she didn't want it to be released.

The three of them, each with different ideas, began to explore the secrets of the coffin.

On the other side, Norris also made some progress.

Norris paid the electricity bill early in the morning and was ready to go to the basement. But he was robbed by someone on the way.

"Anderson! I finally found you!"

The man who stopped Norris was a man of the same age as him, but the man was very haggard. He was skinny, the bones of his cheeks were clearly visible, and his eyes were almost sunken in his eye sockets, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

He was wearing coarse cloth filled with tattered patches, and he was dusty and weathered.

"It's a pity that you chased me here..." Norris didn't even move his lips, and looked at the man who was almost a head shorter than him with his eyes slanted, "Bros, are you really not afraid of being cursed?"

"Curse? Curse is shit!" The man looked manic and excited, and even attracted the attention of many people around him, "I don't care about curses or not, I must get rid of those guys! You have to go with me! Anderson, I can't come back alive alone!"

Norris glanced at the crowd, not caring about these onlookers at all, and directly answered the man's words, "Are you so sure that you won't die if you go with me?"

Bros grabbed Norris's collar, his hands embedded with fingerprints were extremely dirty, "You can! Norris, no one in the tomb-robbing world is more famous than you! You are a man favored by heaven and hell, even the 'unknown' is in love with you, as long as you can go with me, we will definitely come back alive!"

"Let go, uneducated thing." Norris slapped his hands away with a slap, and Bros staggered and almost fell to the ground.

He straightened his clothes and turned around, leaving only a back view to Bross.

"It's okay for me to go with you, but you have to stay where you should be and wait for my notice. I will come to find you then."

Bross looked at his back, and a chill grew in his heart.

Although he couldn't see it, Bross could still feel something. Something invisible was wrapped around Norris, radiating some kind of energy similar to emotion to the surroundings, affecting everything around him.

"How can you find me?" Bross asked with courage. This is also normal, after all, who knows that you can definitely find yourself?

Unexpectedly, this sentence was exchanged for Norris's murderous eyes.

"No one, I can't find it." He slowly lifted his lips, revealing a mouthful of white teeth, but gave people the illusion of fangs, "Don't think you are an exception, no one... will be an exception."

After saying this, Norris did not stop his steps, but slowly turned his head back and walked forward.

The crowd around also moved their curious eyes away. After all, for them, the conversation between the two people had nothing to do with them.

Bross knelt on the ground.

When Norris disappeared from his sight, he felt that something disappeared, causing him to lose his balance and fall forward to the ground.

His heartbeat seemed to stop at that moment.


Norris did not return to the basement immediately, but turned into a corner of the downtown area.

There is a small flower shop here, with few customers. The owner is just a girl in her early twenties, with a sweet smile and amiable manner.

"Welcome! Do you want to buy any flowers?" The girl's voice was very crisp and very comfortable to listen to.

Norris nodded, and in response, "I'll just take a look myself."

Hearing this, the girl didn't say anything else, and secretly took out a wrinkled book from the counter, taking a break from her busy schedule.

There was a sound echoing in Norris's ears, the sound was very subtle, not easy to detect, and even the content of the sound could not be discerned.

But Norris knew that this was guiding him.

He walked into the flower shop and strolled among the flowers. The plants around him seemed to come alive. The unseasonal bouquets bloomed their immature flowers, with lush branches and leaves, overdrawing their young and tender lives.

Norris hated this behavior, so he rarely responded to this guidance.

The road ahead was gradually extending, and every scenery was just repeating the flower landscape that Norris saw around him.

"What do you want to do?" Norris patted off the dusty collar just now, and looked forward, "If you don't say something, I'm going to get down to business."


The voice still echoed, which was very similar to the voice that Si Wei heard. It was gradually amplified in the echo, and then some key words could be captured.

[…… Numbers……]

Norris heard the number of seven sevens in the letter given by the client.

The number seven has a strong religious meaning, and it also has important meanings in mysticism, astronomy, etc.

The other party mentioned the number, which was obviously telling him that the number was the key.

[Use numbers to find the key...]

After hearing this, Norris understood.

The key is indeed the numbers, but you just need to use the numbers to find the key first.

And the key is naturally the key to open the iron lock.

In this case, the only question is how to find the key through numbers.

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