Apostle of Cthulhu

Chapter 11: Selyer Cemetery

Dong, Dong, Dong.

Si Wei and Jia Ya knocked on the door in front of them, standing at the door of the apartment, waiting for the sound behind the door.

There were hurried footsteps behind the pure white oak door, and the other party seemed to be pacing back and forth behind the door, hesitating whether to open the door.

Even though he heard the footsteps behind the door, Si Wei still did not intend to urge the other party, but chose to remain quiet.

Jia Ya combed her hair with her fingers while looking inside the window of the apartment.

After about two or three minutes, the door handle finally made a sound of turning. I saw a gap of about three centimeters between the door panel and the door frame, and a bloodshot eye moved out of the darkness.

"Who are you?"

This is a woman's voice. Si Wei bowed slightly with a kind smile on his face, "Hello, Ms. Mulin, my name is Si Wei, and I am a professor of archaeology."

He did not say that he was a detective or a reporter assisting the police. First, he did not want to irritate this poor man who was still frightened, and second, Mulin might not cooperate with the investigation after hearing this identity.

However, using this identity also has disadvantages. Mulin quickly asked back: "If you are a professor, why are you looking for me? I... I have nothing to do with archaeology..."

Si Wei replied: "Because what happened last night has something to do with what I am studying. Although it is very presumptuous, I still want to ask you a few questions, okay?"

Hearing this, Si Wei and Jia Ya clearly heard a very strange sound coming from behind the door. Mulin's emotions also fluctuated greatly, and he let out a ferocious roar, "Get out! It has nothing to do with me! Don't come to harass me! This matter has nothing to do with me!"


The door was slammed shut, and Si Wei's hand, which was originally trying to pry open the door, also hovered in the air.

Jia Ya stood beside him and said sarcastically, "Ah... It seems that your plan to get close to her has failed..."

"What is a plan to get close to her? This person's mental state is not very normal now. As long as I mention what happened last night, she will definitely become like this." Si Wei defended, "Theoretically speaking, I just let this inevitable situation arrive in advance."

Jia Ya rolled her eyes at him, "There are many crooked reasons, but it's a pity that the situation has become like this now. How should it end?"

Si Wei really had no way to deal with this matter, so he chose to shift the focus of the problem, "Anyway, there is no reliable information here for the time being, let's go investigate the corpse."

Jia Ya certainly had no room for refusal. Mu Lin had made it clear that he didn't want to see them again for the second time, so now he could only change the mission target.

Si Wei first returned to the crime scene and exchanged some speculations about the corpse with Morton. He learned that a coffin was lost in a cemetery today, and it was very likely that it was the corpse controlled by Si Wei last night.

After getting the specific location of the cemetery from Morton, Si Wei and Jia Ya set off for the cemetery.


The cemetery is not too far from the crime scene, and it took thirteen lems to take the carriage. As soon as the coachman learned that the two were going to investigate the murder, he rushed to the destination and hoped that the two could find the murderer.

In response, Si Wei could only simply respond and said that he would do his best.

This cemetery is not large in scale, and its name is Selye Cemetery. There are about five hundred people buried there now, some of whom are unclaimed bodies, and Selye Cemetery buries them free of charge.

In other words, the body that Si Wei manipulated last night is likely to be one of the unclaimed bodies.

There is no surveillance in this era, and it is difficult for Si Wei to infer the truth from a modern perspective. He can only solve the case step by step, like in novels and TV dramas.

Si Wei and Jia Ya came to the gate of the cemetery. An elderly gravekeeper pushed open the door of the waiting room and walked towards the two of them. "You are Professor Si Wei and Miss Greenwell, right? Sheriff Morton has informed me before you came. It's a pleasure to meet you two."

"You are too polite." Si Wei shook hands with him. The gravekeeper was called Walter Dana. He had been working as a gravekeeper in this cemetery for decades.

He had gray hair and a strong body. He didn't wear glasses, but his clothes had many coarse cloth patches, and he didn't look like he had a good life.

"Let me take you to the burial place of the body first," Dana pointed to a small hill, "It's not too far, we can just walk over there."

Si Wei's eyes were cast on the periphery of the waiting room. There was a rusty women's bicycle parked on the wall. I guess when Dana wanted to go to a farther place in the cemetery, he would ride this bicycle.

Jia Ya still looked around, as if observing something.

When Si Wei was about 50 meters away from the destination, he saw a pit dug by someone, and there was a gray tombstone with words in front of it.

"This is where the body should be," Dana came to the pit and pointed at the tombstone, "This is an unclaimed body, so we can only give it a number, and naturally there is no name on the tombstone."

Si Wei looked at the words on the tombstone, which not only had the number of the body engraved on it, but also the time and place where the body was found.

However, this time and place looked a little familiar.

Jia asked: "Mr. Dana, this body... what was the cause of death?"

"I don't know about this," Dana spread his hands. "That's information only the police know. I'm just a gravekeeper. It's enough to know when he came in. As for who he is and why. And death, no matter what the cause of death, has nothing to do with me. "

Si Wei also knew that this would be the answer, so he didn't ask out loud. Moving his eyes towards the pit, it turned out to be a very standard rectangle, as precise as a mold.

There is certainly no way for normal people to dig holes so accurately, and neither can the creatures inside the coffin. The only explanation is... someone used some kind of ability to remove the soil on the surface of the coffin, and then took the coffin handle with it. The bodies were stolen.

But...why did the other party even steal the coffin?

Even if the unclaimed body will be buried free of charge in Serie Cemetery, the coffin used must be the cheapest. Is it necessary for the other party to steal such a heavy thing?

Jia poked Si Wei on the shoulder and asked, "Do you think it's strange? Why did the other party even steal the coffin?"

"Yes, do you have any ideas?"

Jia did not answer Si Wei's question directly, but instead asked Dana, "Mr. Dana, may I ask... what kind of wood were used in the coffins when burying these unclaimed remains?"

Dana did not expect that Jia would ask such a question. He thought about it for a while before giving the answer, "If I remember correctly, the coffin material used to bury these people is the cheapest ebony wood."

"That's no wonder," Jiya chose to answer Si Wei's question after getting the answer. "The selling price of ebony wood among missionaries is relatively high, because after being transformed by mystics, ebony wood It can become an important item for missionaries to connect with the 'unknown'."

Si Wei also vaguely grasped the focus of the problem, "If the other party's target is Wuhumu, then taking away the body is actually just a cover? Even if you let me control the body?"

Jia nodded slightly, "The other party's real purpose is to steal the coffin. After stealing the body and letting you control it, the benefits it brings are just attachments. If it can make you feel guilty and then surrender, then it is definitely a Very good results.”

In other words, in the name of stealing the body, the other party was actually covering up the fact that he had stolen the coffin.

"What a clever trick. It's a pity that I wasn't fooled." Si Wei nodded approvingly, "What we should be concerned about now is the whereabouts of Wu Humu, right? It's a pity that the situation is still not clear."

Dana, who was standing aside, couldn't understand what the two of them said to each other, but he could still feel that the two of them must have made a new discovery.

At this time, a distant shout came from the gate of the cemetery, and it seemed to be Si Wei's name.

The three of them turned around, and saw a young man in police uniform sprinting in front of them. He was out of breath. It was obvious that he had gone through a "long journey."

"What's the matter?" Si Wei asked.

The police officer put his hands on his knees, took a few breaths, and said quickly: "Huh...that...Ms. Mullin...she...she shot herself..."

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