Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 90: Wei Peng is on the verge of death

"Xiao Peng! Xiao Peng! What happened to you guys?!" Han Feng ignored the whereabouts of the third-level zombies, and did not dare to shake Wei Peng in his arms violently. He could only hold Wei Peng and scream wildly.

"Brother-in-law... um!" Wei Peng forced an ugly smile, trying to use a relaxed tone, but as soon as he said the word brother-in-law, he spurted out a mouthful of blood!

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →𝓽𝔀𝓴π“ͺ𝓷.𝓬𝓸𝓢]

Wei Peng's scarlet blood sprayed on his body, and Han Feng was stunned! Because he saw Wei Peng's chest in his arms and its abnormal ups and downs! He... I don't know how many ribs were broken!

"Xiao Peng! Don't... don't talk! Don't move! Hold on! Please..." With a trembling voice, he spoke incoherently. Seeing this scene, Han Feng was shocked.

"Yes... yes! System! System!!" Han Feng, whose mind was blank, subconsciously said the system. As if grasping a life-saving straw, he quickly contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna! Help! Help!"

"Report to Captain Han, Wei..."

"Please save him! I order you! Save him! I promise you everything! I know you can save him, right!"

"Save him! Please! Save him!!" Han Feng closed his eyes and trembled all over, roaring in his mind again and again.

Outside world-

Wayne, Winter Soldier and several American soldiers surrounded and protected Han Feng and Wei Peng on the ground. Their guns were aimed at and blocked any direction where the enemy might appear.

And Guo Yongxing was rushing here.

"Report to Captain Han, after preliminary system testing. Wei Peng... suffered a violent impact on his chest, resulting in 14 broken ribs, comminuted fracture of the sternum with bleeding in the chest cavity, and rupture of the sternocostal radial ligament. The damage to the spine is... comminuted fractures of the third, fourth, sixth, seventh, eleventh and twelfth thoracic vertebrae... Even if he can be cured, he... will be paralyzed for life..."

Luna's every word was like a death sentence for Han Feng. Hearing the end, Han Feng burst into tears...

"Save him... Even if he can't stand up, save him! Please... Please..."

At this moment, endless despair swept over Han Feng. If he could choose again, Han Feng would rather bear such pain for Wei Peng himself.

"Report to Captain Han... Wei Peng's body is not only injured..." Suddenly, Luna's words shocked Han Feng! There are so many test reports, is there more to it? !

"What! This... Is this not enough?!!" Han Feng exclaimed in his mind.

"Yes... Wei Peng's biggest problem now is..."

"Say! I can hold on!"

"His biggest problem now is his fourth rib on the left side. After this rib was broken... the bone fragments at the broken bone have been attached to the heart! As long as he moves a little... the sharp bone fragments will instantly pierce into the heart..."

After listening to Luna's second round of reports, Han Feng suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes... but in an instant Han Feng quickly stabilized his body and tried not to let his body shake, for fear that because of his shaking at this time, the broken bone would pierce into Wei Peng's heart.

"Sister, brother-in-law..."

"Xiaopeng, don't talk, be good! Don't move!" Seeing Wei Peng talking, Han Feng hurriedly comforted Wei Peng in his arms, trying to stop him from moving.

"Brother-in-law... it hurts, it hurts so much..."

Hearing Wei Peng say this, Han Feng's heart felt as uncomfortable as a needle. But he still endured it, showing an expression that it was not a big deal and said, "Xiaopeng, it's okay. Now your ribs are broken, I'm afraid that if you move around, it will aggravate your injury. Don't worry, I will save you! Believe me! Believe me!"

"Don't you want to be a man? You are a man now! As long as you stay still, you are a man who stands tall and proud! Your sister will be proud of you!" At this moment, Han Feng didn't know how to comfort Wei Peng, so he could only pull Wei Yun out to try to calm Wei Peng.

When Wei Yun was mentioned, Han Feng felt even more painful... If something happened to Xiaopeng, what would he do to face Wei Yun? !

"Sister... Yes, sister is still waiting..." After saying these words, Wei Peng's eyes rolled up and he fainted.

Seeing Wei Peng rolling his eyes, Han Feng's heart, which was already tense, rose again!

"Luna! Quick! Save him! Save him!"

"I'm sorry, Captain Han... I can't do anything. Right now, this broken bone is the highest level threat to Wei Peng..."

Hearing Luna's answer in his mind, Han Feng just stood there in a daze... He didn't say a word for several seconds.

"Captain Han, if... if Wei Peng can hold on until the combat laboratory is completed, he might be able to save his life."

Just when Han Feng was desperate, Luna's words gave Han Feng a glimmer of hope!

"Really?! The combat laboratory can save Xiao Peng?! Really?!" Grasping this life-saving straw, Han Feng repeatedly confirmed in his mind that he had not heard wrongly.

"I'm not sure. The system's current evaluation of Wei Peng's health value is - the mortality rate is over 99.8%, and the survival rate is less than 0.2%. With such a low survival rate, I'm afraid Wei Peng won't be able to hold on until the combat laboratory is completed..."

More than 99.8% mortality rate... less than 0.2% survival rate... It's unknown whether the combat laboratory can save Wei Peng... It's also unknown whether Wei Peng can hold on until the combat laboratory is completed...

All appearances indicate that Wei Peng has no chance of recovery... In his arms, Wei Peng's breathing slowly became weak...

No! Even if the system gives such a report, I have to save him! Xiaopeng must survive! No matter what method is used!

Han Feng raised his head, and a trace of tenacity was revealed in his helpless eyes!

Around him, there were American soldiers, mobilized soldiers, Wayne, Winter Soldier... no medical staff, no medicine... nothing, how to save him? !

When he saw Guo Yongxing, a ray of light suddenly flashed in Han Feng's eyes.

"Brother Yulang! Can you do me a favor?!" Han Feng tried his best to control his pronunciation and body, trying to be calm and not move.

"Captain Han, you are welcome, please speak!"

Although Guo Yongxing arrived later, he could also feel some of Han Feng's inner feelings when he saw this scene.

"Xiaopeng's fourth rib on the left side is broken, and the broken bone is now attached to his heart! Can you move this broken bone away? Even if it is slightly away from the heart, it will be fine!"

Han Feng didn't waste words, and immediately told Wei Peng about his crisis, and then looked at Guo Yongxing with pleading eyes.

"Um... this... Captain Han, you know that I can't touch anything after I disappear. Secondly, even if I can touch his broken ribs, I will show up at that moment. Wouldn't my hand be connected to Wei Peng?" Shaking his head, Guo Yongxing said slowly.

"Let's take a step back! Even if I can save him, it has not been 24 hours since I last used my superpowers, and I can't control how long I disappear. What if... What if I show up in advance, wouldn't that harm people?" Seeing that Han Feng was about to speak, Guo Yongxing rushed to speak out the last doubt in his heart.


"Ah? You..."


"Didn't I just say..."

"Please! Please save him! I, Han Feng, have never begged anyone in my life, but this time... I beg you! Please save him!"

Seeing Han Feng say this, Guo Yongxing couldn't say anything for a while. Looking at Han Feng's state, if he could stand up now, he would definitely kneel down and beg him.

With his lips pursed and his brows furrowed, Guo Yongxing then said, "I... OK, really

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