Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 8: Find Liu Rui

This also made Han Feng a bargain. After Winter Soldier dealt with the zombie, Han Feng asked Winter Soldier to use the fire axe as a weapon. Han Feng, who was sitting in the car, watched the gold coins in the system slowly rise, and his heart was filled with joy.


In less than an hour, Han Feng collected 38 gold coins with the help of Winter Soldier. Now Han Feng has a total of 64 gold coins.

It's almost time, the second mobilized soldier will be summoned soon! Han Feng thought excitedly.

"Winter Soldier, give me the fire axe, you stay by my side and protect me." Han Feng looked at the neat and tidy Winter Soldier and wanted to face the zombies himself. Because Han Feng knew that if the Red Alert system suddenly disappeared one day, he would not be able to survive on his own. So Han Feng wanted to train himself and make himself stand out in the apocalypse.

Holding the fire axe, with Winter Soldier following behind him. Han Feng strode towards the lone zombie closest to him...

"Heh!" A dull sound of exertion came out of Han Feng's mouth, and he did not dare to make a loud sound.

"Crack." The fire axe hit the zombie's neck accurately, but there was no follow-up movement, because the fire axe was stuck in the zombie's bones.

Han Feng hurriedly pulled back the fire axe, but he didn't expect to bring back the zombie! In a hurry, Han Feng forgot that the fire axe was still stuck in the zombie's neck!

Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer, Han Feng was so nervous that he couldn't say a word, and his legs couldn't stop shaking.

The zombie opened its mouth and tilted its head to bite Han Feng.

"Bang!" The zombie took a few steps back and fell to the ground.

It was the Winter Soldier behind him who rushed out and punched the zombie in time, saving Han Feng's life again. The Winter Soldier walked quickly towards the zombie, and the zombie still wanted to struggle to stand up. But the Winter Soldier's movements were faster than the zombies, and he pulled out the fire axe and chopped it down fiercely...

The zombies didn't move, Han Feng sensed the increase in gold coins for a long time without saying a word, and the Winter Soldier returned to Han Feng after killing the zombies.

The quiet street was occasionally blew by the breeze, and the two stood on the messy street for a long time...

It was too dangerous... Winter Soldier's actions were so decisive, why did he almost die in his hands? If Winter Soldier had not followed him before and he had acted separately from Winter Soldier, then at this moment... Han Feng didn't dare to think about it anymore.

Since it is so dangerous to kill zombies by yourself, why can't you let Winter Soldier do it for you?

"You go and break the limbs of the zombies and bring them back to me. Remember to keep them alive and be careful not to get bitten." After standing still for a few minutes, Han Feng gave instructions to Winter Soldier.

"Yes." Winter Soldier said and started looking for zombies.

Han Feng turned back to the car and lit a cigarette.

A few minutes later, Han Feng heard the sound of dragging in the distance and knew that Winter Soldier had brought back the zombies.

Winter Soldier threw the zombies to the ground, and the zombies roared and struggled. But everything was in vain, because the zombies' limbs had already been broken by Winter Soldier.

"Give me the fire axe." Han Feng said to Winter Soldier.

After receiving the fire axe, Han Feng took a deep puff of the cigarette as if to cheer himself up, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and walked towards the zombie on the ground. One, two... The zombie was killed by Han Feng.

After confirming that the zombie was dead, Han Feng's attention returned to the Red Alert system.

What's going on? Why is it still one gold coin?

Han Feng looked at the 66 gold coins in front of him and fell into deep thought... It seems that it really doesn't work. Han Feng originally wanted to exploit the loopholes in the system, but he didn't expect that the system would not give Han Feng a chance at all.

Forget it, let it be. Let's put the gold coin thing aside. Now the main thing is to find Liu Rui.

"Get in the car, let's go." After saying that, Han Feng handed the fire axe to Winter Soldier. After getting in the car, Han Feng drove the car to the villa area where Liu Rui was.

A few dozen minutes later, Han Feng parked the car next to a villa.

The villa area is inhabited by rich people, there are relatively few people, and the zombie outbreak time is around ten o'clock in the morning. So there are basically no zombies in the whole community, only one or two scattered zombies are wandering around, and most of them are locked in the door before the zombie outbreak.

"Get off the car, be alert." Han Feng said to Winter Soldier and got off the car.

"Dong Dong Dong." Han Feng knocked on the door of Liu Rui's house.

No movement? Is this kid not at home? But it's impossible, this kid hasn't woken up since the morning. Han Feng hesitated for a while and knocked on the door again.

"Dong Dong Dong." This time the knocking sound was louder than the last time.

"Bang!" A fierce bang sounded behind the door.

No! There are zombies in the room!

Yes, I forgot that there are zombies everywhere after the zombie outbreak! Liu Rui... won't become a zombie?

"Winter Soldier! Break the door!" Han Feng stepped back a few steps.

"Bang!" Winter Soldier kicked the wooden door. The door opened but was not kicked to pieces. However, the zombie behind the door was not so lucky and was knocked to the ground by the suddenly opened door. Seeing this, Winter Soldier rushed into the house and dealt with the zombie.

Gradually, there was no movement in the house. Han Feng looked around and walked in.

After entering, Han Feng first took a look at the zombie on the ground and found that it was not Liu Rui, but the nanny of Liu Rui's family.

"Huh..." Han Feng was temporarily relieved. Fortunately, it was not him...

Han Feng glanced at the first floor and found that there was no other figure. That's right, there were zombies on the first floor, how could there be others.

"Go upstairs." Han Feng went upstairs after he said to Winter Soldier, and Winter Soldier followed closely.

"Let's search room by room, don't go too far." Han Feng said to Winter Soldier while going upstairs, thinking that there couldn't be too many zombies in the villa, but it was better to be careful.

"Liu Rui? Where are you?" Han Feng opened several rooms but there was no one.

At this time, Han Feng heard a subtle sound, coming from the direction of the bathroom.

"Let's go and take a look." Han Feng turned his head and whispered to Dong Bing.

Walking to the bathroom door, Han Feng whispered again, "Liu Rui, is that you?" After saying that, he turned around and waved to Dong Bing, signaling Dong Bing to come to him. He was also afraid that there were zombies in the room...

A voice came from the bathroom, "Brother Han? Is that you?"

Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief, "Open the door"

"Ah? It's Brother Han! Brother Han! You're finally here!" Liu Rui opened the bathroom door and cried and hugged Han Feng.

"It's okay, it's okay, why are you in the bathroom?

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