Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 69: Occupation of the Prison

This is no longer something that can be explained by a sentence like "I can't explain it, please build a combat lab. →".

"It's not Brother Hao... He's dead..." Han Feng muttered in a low voice at this time, his mind was a mess, and the amount of information in just a few seconds was so huge that he couldn't accept it for a while.

I didn't expect that a high-explosive grenade would explode so many surprises. Since it can't be explained from a distance, then... let's take a look in person!

After finalizing his thoughts, Han Feng stopped struggling. ✪

"Let's go over and see! Let's see which one can't be killed? Which one can be killed and still be alive again!" Han Feng said with gritted teeth after getting up.

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"

"Damn! Lie down! Quick! It's a rocket..."

"Boom! Boom!!"

Han Feng was interrupted by a rocket exploding beside him before he finished speaking.

Lying on the ground, Han Feng spat out a mouthful of blood. Because his body was too close to the ground, his internal organs were instantly injured.

"Cough! Huh... Huh..." Han Feng felt a little better after spitting out blood again, but his whole body was still in pain, as if thousands of needles were piercing his body at the same time.

"Ah! Get up!!" Han Feng shouted while trying to prop up his body.

It is impossible to determine when the next rocket will hit, so take advantage of the gap and rush up! Let the other party be cautious.

"Come and help me..." Han Feng tried to stand up several times, but all failed. Helplessly, he could only ask the mobilized soldiers beside him for help.

With the help of the mobilized soldiers, Han Feng finally stood up.

"Cough! Cough cough..." After coughing a few times, a small amount of blood was brought out, and the blood stasis in the lungs was finally coughed out.

The first thing Han Feng did when he got up was to look around and check the situation of the Red Alert soldiers around him.

Fortunately, there was an order to disperse before, and Han Feng reminded him earlier, so the casualties of the Red Alert soldiers in this wave of rocket attacks were minimal.

"Everyone! Advance quickly! The target is 50 meters away from Brother Wei! Then... cough cough!!" Han Feng's shouting was interrupted by a violent cough.

His lungs were injured just now, and coupled with the loud shouting just now, Han Feng finally couldn't help it.

"Then find a shelter and wait for an opportunity to attack." This sentence was supplemented by a remote command.

"Dengdengdeng" After receiving the new order, the Red Alert soldiers charged again! Han Feng, who was following the large force, trotted slowly.

When he arrived 50 meters away from Brother Wei with difficulty, Han Feng opened his mouth and ordered, "Leave three teams here, and the rest of the teams will attack the opponent's sides and outflanking!"

After the order was issued, except for the three teams around Han Feng who continued to stay in place, the other teams ran towards the opponent's sides.

"Da da! Da da da!" The sound of fierce exchange of fire came from not far away.

"Grenade attack!" In order to save time and reduce unnecessary casualties, Han Feng ordered the mobilized soldiers to attack with grenades first.

"Boom! Boom!" In an instant, the light of the grenade explosion illuminated the night sky on both sides.

"High-explosive grenade!" Hiding behind the bunker, Han Feng ordered again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" One explosion after another continued to sound, and the huge explosion shook the ground.

Ten seconds later, the last explosion ended...

"Da da! Da da da!" At this time, listening to the gunshots was like listening to small firecrackers during the New Year, and there was basically no movement...

Rubbing his dazed ears, Han Feng felt that his hearing seemed to have recovered a little.

Looking out from behind the bunker, Han Feng saw Brother Wei not far away, and dozens of patrol members around Brother Wei.

From the gap surrounding the patrol team, Han Feng saw Brother Wei half-kneeling on the ground. At this time, his clothes had been torn for the most part, probably caused by the high-explosive grenade.

But what surprised Han Feng was that there was a person standing in front of Brother Wei. The person's clothes were more torn than Brother Wei, but the other party seemed to be standing there as if nothing had happened. It cannot be said that he was not injured at all, but the degree was far less than that of being injured by the explosion, just like... just like a normal person fell down.

Due to the large number of people in sight, Han Feng did not see the "resurrected" guy behind Brother Wei.

At this time, Han Feng was only 50 meters away from Brother Wei, hiding in the bushes waiting for the final "general attack"!

In the distance, the gunshots were not as intense as before. Through the visual connection, it was found that the patrols on both sides had been forced to get close to Brother Wei.

"Prepare high-explosive grenades and wait for orders." In his mind, Han Feng contacted the three American soldiers around him.

"Hu... Hu..." Sitting in the bushes, Han Feng panted. After using superpowers, he was still injured, plus he ran hundreds of meters just now. Now that he rested, Han Feng only felt his eyes black...

"Luna, always pay attention to Brother Wei, tell me immediately if there is any dynamic."

"Okay commander, I will always pay attention to him."

After getting Luna's answer, Han Feng found a comfortable posture and quietly adjusted his body. About a minute later, Han Feng vaguely heard Brother Wei's voice in the distance...

"Waste! You let him come over here! What do you do for a living..."

"I don't care! Organize people now! Break through!"

"Let them come! All the people on the front line are dead! Are they really stable?!"

Hearing this, Han Feng knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had come! At the same time, danger was approaching...

Looking at the radar screen, the patrolmen scattered not far from Brother Wei are now slowly approaching Brother Wei. According to what he just overheard, Han Feng can easily guess that Brother Wei wants to gather all the existing forces and break out from one direction...

Silently paying attention to the radar screen, Han Feng began to analyze what Brother Wei said just now.

"They? Who are they? Could it be..."

"Commander, look here."

Luna's speech interrupted Han Feng's thoughts. Looking at the holographic projection of Luna, she pointed to the screen and said, "Here, and here..."

"So that's it..." Looking at the radar, Han Feng understood. Brother Wei is calling for reinforcements!

From the map, two groups of people are rushing here at this time.

"Number of people, distance." Han Feng said.

"The two groups of people total 126 people, the nearest group is 695 meters away from here, and it is expected to arrive in three to four minutes."

After listening to Luna's data report, Han Feng nodded.

"Almost..." After whispering, Han Feng issued an attack order in his mind. "High-explosive grenades! Throw them over! Blow them up!"

After receiving the order, three American soldiers threw grenades in the direction of Brother Wei.

"Boom! Boom!" Three huge explosions accompanied by flames bloomed around Brother Wei...

"Hmph, let's see if you can survive this time! Still calling for reinforcements?!" Han Feng leaned out and said fiercely...The plan was very simple. Han Feng first asked the Red Alert soldiers to attack both sides, with the purpose of forcing Brother Wei to mobilize people to return to defense. When the patrol members around Brother Wei gathered almost, three high-explosive grenades were thrown at the same time! Try to weaken the guards and forces around Brother Wei as much as possible.

Staring at the radar display, Han Feng saw that after the three high-explosive grenades exploded, the originally dense red dots were now few.

"Go! If we don't fight now, when will we fight?!" After saying that, Han Feng jumped out of the bushes. The Red Alert soldiers who were attacking both sides also converged on Han Feng at this time, and the encirclement was complete!

"Da da! Da da!" Han Feng's swift attack came in an instant. Faced with the sudden attack, the patrol team, which was already stunned, had no time to react.

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