Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 65: Trapped

"Dengdengdengdeng" Ten teams moved forward quickly, and after two breaths, all members entered the building.

A battle is about to begin...

"Luna, continue to report the location of the enemy on the first floor!"

"Teams 1, 2, and 3 stay at the door! Be responsible for vigilance!"

"Teams 3, 4, and 6 are responsible for blocking the enemies coming down from upstairs!"

"Everyone else, follow me!"

One order after another was issued, and Han Feng's leadership ability was slowly improving unknowingly. Both the correctness and feasibility of the orders have made great progress compared to before.

"Yes!" All the ten teams answered in unison.

"Da Da! Da!"

Before Han Feng could make the next move, the Red Alert soldiers at the door had already started fighting with the patrol team outside.

"Quick!" Han Feng shouted, but there was no time to watch. The most important task now is to kill Brother Hao! Cut off the other party's communication.

With four teams, Han Feng rushed to one side of the corridor.

"Da Da!"

"Fuck!" The sudden gunshot in the corridor startled Han Feng, who turned around quickly after yelling.

At the critical moment, he forgot that there was still half a corridor behind him. The few shots just now made it too late for everyone to respond, and the Red Alert soldier next to Han Feng was shot.

"Squad 7 and 8, withdraw to control the opposite side!"

"System, summon 10 American soldiers! Confirm, confirm! Quick!"

After the two instructions were issued, Han Feng began to defend the "position" of the corridor on the first floor.

At this time, the patrol teams outside the building and on the second floor were desperately attacking the defense, and more patrol teams were coming in the distance...

"Build a sentry gun! Confirm!" Seeing that he could not resist, Han Feng could only reluctantly build a defensive fortification-a sentry gun.

"High-explosive grenades of teams 1, 2 and 3 are ready! Throw!"

"Boom! Boom!" According to Han Feng's instructions, three loud noises were heard, and three high-explosive grenades exploded outside the door of the building.

The fragments produced by the explosion penetrated everything within the explosion range, and the shock wave that followed swept across the ruined battlefield.

Several patrol teams outside the door were instantly eliminated. Although most of the other party's troops were still on the way, this moment of respite gave Han Feng time to summon more Red Alert soldiers!

The picture turned, and at this time, both sides of the first floor corridor were almost on the verge of being lost...

Although the Red Alert soldiers summoned by himself are strong, don't forget that the other party also has grenades! In the corridor without shelter and space, Han Feng is simply a living target!

In order to protect Han Feng from being hurt, several mobilized soldiers used their bodies to block the attack of grenades... and died.

Fortunately, the other party did not have high-explosive grenades, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Hold on... Hold on!" Han Feng silently chanted in his mouth, but his attention shifted to his mind, and he kept paying attention to the summoning of American soldiers.

After struggling for several minutes, the summoning of ten American soldiers was completed.

"Call 20 mobilized soldiers!" When the last American soldier appeared, Han Feng immediately gave the system another order to call.

"Calling 20 mobilized soldiers requires..."

"Confirm! Confirm!" Han Feng responded without waiting for the system's prompt.

At this time, the first batch of soldiers summoned by Han Feng had been killed or wounded, and no reinforcements came out...

"Mobilized soldiers are being called." Hearing the system's reply, Han Feng was slightly relieved.

"Report to the commander, the enemy has stopped two hundred meters away from here."


Luna, who had been reporting the enemy's precise position before, suddenly said this, making Han Feng a little uncomfortable.

You know, the opponent had been attacking fiercely before, at the door and upstairs... Now the attack suddenly stopped, is there a conspiracy?

Just thinking about this, Han Feng saw that the patrol team that was attacking at the door was slowly retreating at this time...

"What's the situation? Luna."

"I don't know, the radar shows that the other party is gathering two hundred meters away. And... we are surrounded."

Listening to Luna's answer, Han Feng suddenly felt that a storm was coming. If the other party keeps charging, it will be really difficult for him to resist. Although there is a short break now... but the conspiracy behind is a bit tricky.

"No matter, since the other party has given this opportunity, then... everyone returns to defend, clear the enemies on the first floor first! Then rush upstairs!"

While Han Feng was talking, more than a dozen mobilized soldiers had been summoned. After making up for the lack of manpower, Han Feng planned to take this building first!

The newly summoned Red Alert soldiers were added to the short-staffed team by Han Feng. Several teams attacked alternately, and with Luna's accurate reconnaissance report, the enemies on the first floor were soon cleared.

A few minutes later, more than a dozen teams finished their missions and gathered around Han Feng waiting for the next order.

"Let's go up to the second floor." Looking at the empty outside at the door, Han Feng sensed the patrol team gathering two hundred meters away.

In fact, Han Feng knew in his heart that the other party gathered people and horses just to attack at one time! To avoid greater unnecessary losses. But the other party obviously underestimated Han Feng. For him who has a red alert system, as long as there are enough gold coins and time... then there will be a constant supply of reinforcements on his side.

Now the most urgent task is to clear the enemies in this building. According to Luna's intelligence, there are more than a dozen enemies on the second floor, and more than twenty people on the third and fourth floors.

"It's almost there..." Turning around, Han Feng looked at the stairs. The enemy was no longer charging downstairs.

"Mobilized soldiers! Attack with grenades in batches!" With an order, several mobilized soldiers stepped forward. Pulling the grenade rings and throwing them to the second floor...

"Boom! Boom!" Three grenades exploded at the entrance of the second floor stairs.

"Charge!" After saying this, Han Feng rushed out first with an assault rifle.

"Da Da! Da Da!" Ten seconds later, all the enemies in the entire corridor on the second floor were killed.

At this time, according to the radar display. All the people on the fourth floor have moved to the third floor.

"It seems that Brother Hao cherishes his life." Han Feng muttered, noticing that the enemies upstairs were no longer charging downstairs.

"Since you don't come down, I'll go up!" Staring at the empty stairs, listening to the pin-drop silence. After a pause, Han Feng said, "Use high-explosive grenades to clear the way and let them feel it."

As soon as the words fell, an American soldier walked out. Gently pull the high-explosive grenade in your hand and throw it upward with force.

After several collisions, the high-explosive grenade successfully stopped in the corridor on the second floor.

"Boom!!!" A huge explosion sounded, followed by the falling dust.

Looking at the radar, the red dots on the third floor disappeared. Han Feng smiled and said, "Go! Be careful."

"Bang, bang, bang" Teams 1 and 2 rushed up first.

At this time, the enemies on the third floor were blown up by the high-explosive grenade just now, and even several were seriously injured and lying on the ground and lost their combat effectiveness.

In the next minute, Han Feng successfully took the third floor after sacrificing four mobilized soldiers.

Keep your attention on the radar. At this time, the three

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