Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 495: Liu Meng Reappears

Just when Han Feng was about to break free, a strange voice suddenly came from his ears...

Immediately afterwards, his surroundings gradually became brighter, revealing a laboratory full of foreigners!

I don’t know what method Huhu used to change the language of the "video". It seemed that these people were speaking a foreign language, but to his own ears, it was Chinese language.

"Coming, coming!"

Outside the door, several men's voices sounded...

A few seconds later, a ragged girl was dragged in.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

Although the girl lowered her head and her hair was scattered covering her face, Han Feng still recognized her at a glance. She was Liu Meng!

"Liu Meng!"

Subconsciously exclaiming, Han Feng stepped forward to kill everyone and save Liu Meng.

But the next second, Han Feng found that he had overcome all obstacles! I... feel like a ghost! Can't touch anything! !

"Can I move?"

Looking at his body, Han Feng found that he was free from restraints...

Helpless, as an outsider, Han Feng could only stand in the video projected by holographic technology and watch Liu Meng being tortured with his own eyes...

At this time, the screen fast forwarded, and within a few seconds, it came to the screen where Liu Meng was about to be injected.

"Start recording, energy 6 reagent, No...."

Han Feng had seen this scene before, so he felt familiar...


Tied to the bed, Liu Meng burst into a shocking roar...

Immediately afterwards, Liu Meng broke free from the shackles of his limbs and broke free!

The hands turned into sharp claws, killing all the living bodies in the laboratory...

"You've seen it."

In the void, the voice of the fox came...

"Haha~Dad, come chase me~"


"Mom! Mom! Dad is scaring me! Wuwu..."

The scene turned and it was Liu Shi's memory...

On the green lawn, the fox was wearing a white dress and a ponytail running on the grass. Behind him, a man with no visible face was chasing him.

In an instant, Han Feng knew... Liu Shi was Hu Hu... No wonder, there was an indescribable similarity between the two of them.

But why, I have already killed Liu Meng, and that Huhu...

wrong! These are just two people! Two completely different entities!


Feeling Han Feng's thoughts, Hu Hu's ethereal voice echoed in the void again.



The space was distorted and time was spinning. The next moment, Han Feng opened his eyes and saw that he was still standing in the same position, but Huhu was no more than two meters away from him!


Huhu raised his hand and pointed at Liu Meng's empty tomb.

Following Huhu's direction, Han Feng saw a different scene!

"Wei Yun! It was Wei Yun who walked out of the tomb!!!"

In an instant! Han Feng's pupils shrank to the shape of needlepoints!

"I...I saw Wei Yun walking out of the tomb! That's right...that's right! You will die here! You will die! Die here!"

Looking at Wei Yun, Liu Rui's ravings from that day suddenly appeared in Han Feng's ears!

If Wei Yun comes out... he will die...

These words began to rise in Han Feng's heart...

"Hey? Haven't you always wanted to see her? Why do you look like this?"

In front of Han Feng, Huhu asked differently. In her understanding, shouldn't Han Feng be ecstatic?

"She is not Wei Yun!"

Looking away, Han Feng looked at Huhu and shouted.


Looking at Han Feng, Huhu didn't say anything, just smiled. I laughed until I was holding my stomach...

"But I can always look like this, what? You don't like it?"

Beside the grave, "Wei Yun" said in Wei Yun's voice.

Looking back, "Wei Yun"'s whole body began to disappear...gradually, he turned into Liu Meng's appearance!

"What about this look? Do you like it?"

A white dress... exactly what she was wearing when she died!

"Who are you?!"

Pointing at Liu Meng who suddenly appeared, Han Feng couldn't believe it.

In the sonorous tone... there was also a vibrato for the first time.

"I am Liu Meng~"

"Then who is she?! Who is she?!!!"

Looking back, Han Feng continued to look at Huhu.

"Then take a look~"

At this time, the two of them said this sentence at the same time.

After saying that, Huhu raised his legs and walked towards Liu Meng. Liu Meng also changed his route and walked straight towards Huhu.

In a trance, the two walked together...

That's right! It's together!

In the blur, Huhu and Liu Meng overlapped and finally became Liu Meng's appearance.


The corners of his mouth trembled, Han Feng didn't know what to say...

"Stay with me."

Liu Meng smiled and looked at Han Feng affectionately.


Facing Liu Meng, Han Feng didn't make any reaction, and still stood there blankly.

"I'll marry you, you marry me."

Seeing Han Feng didn't respond, Liu Meng smiled and continued.

"No...it's impossible...it's impossible for me to marry you..."

As he murmured, Han Feng's expression gradually became determined...

Found it... found it! Finally found it!

I finally found the murderer of Wei Yun! I finally found it! ! !

This was the first thought that came to Han Feng's mind after he "recovered" his sanity!


Do you really want to kill me? "

At this moment, sensing what Han Feng was thinking, Liu Meng stepped forward and asked.

"Is it because of Lin Lan? Hehe..."

Without waiting for Han Feng to speak, Liu Meng continued, "Then... let her disappear forever, just like Wei Yun~"

While he was understating it, Liu Meng had the intention to kill!


The next moment, Liu Meng's expression became weird...

"It's you?!"

Then, Liu Meng looked at Han Feng with a hateful face and roared!

It was the Mind Control Tower! It was the Mind Control Tower that blocked the mental attack for Lin Lan! It didn't let Lin Lan turn against him! ! !

Looking at Liu Meng, Han Feng smiled... smiled from the bottom of his heart!


Take a step, Han Feng instantly activated his speed superpower! Rapidly approaching Liu Meng!

On the way, Han Feng reached out and pulled out a crazy knife from behind, trying to chop it down!

"Do you really want to kill me?"

Looking at Han Feng approaching rapidly, Liu Meng asked again.

"I... won't be fooled again."

At this moment! Han Feng's eyes were as clear as water! His tone was neither arrogant nor impatient, like normal communication, but also like talking to himself!


The mad knife! It tore the air in front of Liu Meng, and with a whistle, it pressed down vigorously!


Liu Meng didn't even look at the mad knife that was about to fall in front of him, but just smiled and stared at Han Feng's eyes.


The mad knife chopped down along the trajectory of movement, facing Liu Meng's face!

But... the sharp blade of the mad knife was one centimeter away from touching Liu Meng, but it was blocked by an invisible force! No more progress!!

Seeing this, this scene was within Han Feng's expectations.

Under the unhappy face, Han Feng suddenly raised his mouth frivolously, pulled out the mad knife and chopped it at a different angle!



The second attack was blocked by Liu Meng again.

So far, Liu Meng has never moved his body, just standing in place, allowing Han Feng to "chop".



Seamlessly, Han Feng drew out the mad knife for the second time and chopped it at a different angle!


"It's no fun to fight, let me show you something fun~"

After perfectly defending the third knife, Liu Meng turned his face slightly and looked at the second base...


When Han Feng looked in that direction, his eyes suddenly flickered!

The periphery of the base... was full of towering zombies! So many... all over the mountains and plains! So many that it was incalculable!!!

"Marry me and we will live in peace. Otherwise, you will all die."

At this moment, Liu Meng whispered softly.

"Haha... you are dreaming!"

Turning back, Han Feng drew out the mad knife again! He chopped out the fourth attack with great force again!

At the same time, Han Feng also urgently contacted Luna and said, "Luna! Everyone is on alert! Unlimited gold coins can summon soldiers! All of you are engaged in battle! Fire!!!"

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

"Boom! Bang! Bang! Bang!!"

With the sound of firing, eight Apocalypse tanks took the lead in spitting out huge flames!

Sixteen heavy shells, with sharp whistles, pierced in all directions!

In the dark night, eight beautiful fireworks bloomed... Countless zombies turned into a burst of blood rain... No! In the moment of high heat, the blood evaporated into a stream of steam, which was blown away by the shock wave!

"I said there was no movement for so long, it turned out... I wanted to hold it in..."

Looking at the endless zombies in the mountains under his feet, Han Feng regained his calm and even teased.

"I'm curious, why do you want to marry me."

Moving away from the so-called safe distance, Han Feng asked.

"I don't know~"

Unexpectedly, Liu Meng actually used this sentence to start!

"During the time I spent with you, I found that I fell in love with you."


Anyway, the war was imminent, so a few words would not matter.

"On the day you were with Wei Yun, I felt something was taken away. You are mine, and only mine."

Like Han Feng, Liu Meng was calm at this time...

"No wonder...there are so many pearls...you insisted on the one in Wei Yun's hand..."

Suddenly, the past gradually came to mind, and Han Feng recalled that on Christmas Day, Hu Hu insisted on the black pearl in Wei Yun's hand...


"So I killed her, using Lin Lan's hand."

As soon as Han Feng started to speak, Liu Meng interrupted him and took over.


Two lines of tears fell with a soft voice...

Even though Han Feng was crying, his expression was still cold.

"Then you deserve to die."

After muttering again, Han Feng had no other thoughts and swung his knife again!

"Marry me! Or die!"

"I choose to die."

Han Feng muttered in mid-air.



"This is your choice!"

Blocking the fifth attack, Liu Meng's face changed drastically! He stretched out his hand and slapped Han Feng's chest directly!


A violent muffled sound exploded in front of Han Feng!

In just a moment! Han Feng was like a human cannonball, flying backwards!


Flying backwards in the air, Han Feng swallowed half a mouthful of blood! Then he activated his telekinesis immediately to support his backward flying figure.

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