Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 486: Mind Detector

sSorry, sorry! I read the wrong chapter yesterday! I have submitted the updated chapter now. When the review is over, the previous chapter will be back to normal. Sorry everyone!!

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Ten minutes later, a series of ground-smashing sounds were heard.

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝖙𝖜𝖐𝖆𝖓.𝖈𝖔𝖒]

At this time, all defensive weapons have been built.

On the periphery of the tank formation, Han Feng "covered" it with a layer of armed claws!

"Not bad~"

Looking at his "masterpiece", Han Feng couldn't help but admire it.

At this rate, you can't hit my tank from a long distance. At close range, let alone whether the tank can move... just these four "bodyguards" can tear the surviving comers to pieces!!

"Luna, build fourteen more sentry guns and fourteen machine gun bunkers! Copy this template to each tank formation!"

Han Feng said to Luna, pointing to the tank formation in front of him.

"Report to Captain Han, building fourteen sentry guns requires a total of 70,000 gold coins. Building fourteen machine gun bunkers requires a total of 35,000 gold coins. The total of the two is 100,500 gold coins. Please confirm the construction."

"Confirm! Construction~"

"Okay, Captain Han, fourteen sentry guns and fourteen machine gun bunkers are under construction. The estimated construction time is one hour and forty-five minutes. Please wait..."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned around and walked towards the tent.

"Oh, by the way, Luna, that... How long will it take to build the mind detector?"

"Report to Captain Han, the mind detector is under construction. The remaining construction time is twenty days and ten hours."

"There are still twenty days..."

Pausing, Han Feng raised his head and looked up at the sky and repeated a sentence.

"Luna, detect the GS virus in my body."

Keeping his head up, Han Feng suddenly thought that he hadn't paid attention to the virus in his body for a long time...

"Okay, Captain Han, the system is testing you, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, according to the system's preliminary test of you, it was found that the GS virus in your body is still in a dormant state and there is no sign of recovery."

"That's good, that's good.

After saying it twice in a row, Han Feng turned his head back and continued to walk towards the tent.

In the following time, Han Feng stayed with everyone every day.

Although he occasionally went out to look for news about the mother body,... nothing was found.

After several "setbacks", Han Feng temporarily "gave up" to continue the investigation. Just because... there was no clue.

That's right... since the death of the seventh-level zombie, unless Han Feng specifically looked for it. Otherwise... it would be difficult to find traces of zombies.

This Han Feng was both happy and worried...

It is a good thing that the zombies don't come out to harm people, but... they are now "nesting" in their nests, and I don't know what they are planning...

Fortunately, the mind detector is about to be built.

For this reason, Han Feng also specifically asked Luna whether the mind detector can detect the zombies' attack intentions.

And Luna's answer was that it can.

With this guarantee, Han Feng is temporarily relieved...

As long as the base is still there, as long as he doesn't die, then everything is possible!


A dozen days later...

On this day, Han Feng got up early on purpose. Because today is the day when the mind detector is built!

At about nine o'clock in the morning, after Han Feng had breakfast, he accompanied Lin Lan to stroll around the yard...

It has been more than six months since that night...

In six months, Lin Lan's belly has bulged even more.

"After today... we don't have to worry about being scared anymore!"

Beside Lin Lan, Han Feng suddenly said something out of the blue.

"Ah? What do you mean?? "

Stopped, Lin Lan raised his eyebrows and asked curiously.

"I have a new set of equipment that can detect the zombies' offensive intentions! Within a radius of 500 kilometers~ As long as there are zombies trying to approach us, we can make defenses or attacks in advance!"

"Really? !"

After listening to Han Feng's explanation, Lin Lan asked with wide eyes.

"Why would I lie to you~"

At this moment, Han Feng was full of pride...

"That's too...too..."

Opening his mouth, Lin Lan wanted to express something, but because of his insufficient "vocabulary", he couldn't express his feelings at this moment.

Maybe he has been persecuted by zombies for a long time...

Maybe it's the first time he heard that "light" has come...

"Don't get excited, life will definitely get better and better! All regrets...will disappear!!!"

Staring into Lin Lan's eyes, Han Feng "swore".

"Yeah! I believe it too! "

Holding Han Feng, Lin Lan whispered...

In the blink of an eye, the time came to a little after eleven thirty in the afternoon...

Looking at the mind detector that was about to be completed, Han Feng's eyes were full of anticipation...

Behind Han Feng stood Tanya, Natasha and others. Like Han Feng, they were looking forward to the birth of this "black technology"!

"Report to Captain Han, the mind detector has been built."

As soon as the time reached eleven forty, Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Captain Han, do you want to turn on the mind detector?"

Following Luna's voice, Tanya's voice also sounded in his mind.

"Turn on! Turn on the mind detector!"

Without a sound, Han Feng ordered Tanya.

Although Han Feng's face was expressionless,... in fact, his heart was already filled with excitement! ! !

"Yes! Team Han!"

After responding excitedly, Tanya ran towards the mind detector in three steps at a time.

Opening the door downstairs of the mind detector, Tanya flashed in...

"Luna, vision connection!"

In order to satisfy his curiosity, Han Feng also wanted to see the inside of the mind detector...

"Okay, Team Korea, the vision connection is being connected. Target Tanya is being connected. Please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng closed his eyes...

When Han Feng opened his eyes again, the scene in front of him had changed to Tanya's sight.

Narrow, complicated...

Looking at the narrow aisle that can only accommodate one person, and the numerous lines above the aisle. This is Han Feng's first evaluation of the inside of the mind detector...

But that's right. In the eyes of the outside world, the mind detector is a "slender and tall" existence...

"Report to the Korean team that I have arrived in the control room."

While talking, Tanya had already arrived at the relatively spacious control room.

Through Tanya's eyes, Han Feng saw four or five staff members wearing research uniforms in the control room of more than ten square meters.

"Turn on the mind detector!"

Rubbing his hands together in excitement, Han Feng ordered again.

"Okay, Team Korea! The mind detector is about to turn on!"

After replying, Tanya took a big step and came to the main console.

On the console, a red eye-catching cover was opened by Tanya, revealing the buttons inside.


At this moment, Han Feng was extremely nervous... This feeling was no less than pressing the launch button of a nuclear bomb...


After Tanya pressed the button, a long beep sounded.

"Dip, drip, drip..."

Immediately afterwards, there were several short beeps...


Three seconds later, all the instruments in the control room began to operate and made a humming sound.

At the same time, the external structure of the mind detector is also undergoing huge changes.

First, the three upper detectors in the mind detector began to rotate regularly.

Secondly, the mind detector also began to emit waves of microwaves, spreading to all directions. Like... water waves.

"Report to Team Han that the psychic detector has been activated."

"Thanks for your hard work!"

After thanking him, Han Feng released the vision connection on his own.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw the psychic detector that had started to operate.


Listening to the buzzing in his ears, Han Feng frowned and asked

He said to Luna, "Luna... this buzzing sound is so penetrating, will it affect everyone's sleep at night..."

"Report to the Korean team, it won't happen."

After speaking, Luna paused and continued, "The operating principle of the mind detector is to emit radio waves to the surroundings, and then integrate and calculate based on the feedback information. Because this is the first time the mind detector operates, it must be emitted in the early stage. Strong enough radio waves.”

"When the first round of radio wave sensing comes back, the mind detection will decrease and maintain a relatively stable radio wave signal. It takes about eighteen seconds from being strong to weak. After that, you will not hear anything. The sound of radio waves.”

After Luna finished speaking these words, exactly eighteen seconds passed...


After pursing his lips and listening attentively, Han Feng found that he could no longer hear the buzzing sound...

"Luna...the mind detector emits radio waves, right..."

A few seconds later, Han Feng frowned and asked weakly...

"Report to the Korean team, yes."

"Since it is radio waves...will there be radiation?"

After hearing Luna's answer, Han Feng asked about the anxiety in his heart.

"Reporting to the Korean team, yes. But the radiation dose is very small and will not have any impact on the human body."

In order to relieve Han Feng's fear of radiation, Luna continued to explain, "Before the zombie outbreak, the mobile phone you used needed a signal tower to transmit information."


Hearing this, Han Feng nodded...

"The radiation emitted by the signal tower is fourteen times that of the psychic detector."


After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha~ Aren't you scared of being exposed to radiation~"

Scratching the back of his head, Han Feng smiled awkwardly...

"Luna, when will the mind detector be able to detect zombie movements? By the way, with the mind detector, will we be able to know the location of the zombies?"

Putting down his hand, Han Feng asked two questions in succession.

"Report to the Korean team, the psychic detector has started working. As long as the enemy's offensive intention is detected, the psychic detector will warn you in your mind."

"Although we can monitor enemy movements, we cannot detect zombies without offensive intentions."


After hearing this, Han Feng frowned and thought for a while, then continued, "Is it possible that... that is... the zombies do not specifically attack the base, but are now gathering near the base. When they reach a certain scale, they will launch an attack intention. In this case... the psychic detector will not be of much use!"

"Reporting to the Korean team, the offensive intention includes the intention of approaching."

"Haha~ That's good~ Then I'll feel relieved~"

After getting the answer, Han Feng smiled.

In the eyes of others... Han Feng stood there frowning for a while, then smiling... very confused!

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