Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 478: Fierce Battle


In mid-air, Han Feng remembered the crazy knife thrown a few minutes ago. ░▒▓█►─═ ═─◄█▓▒░、

Driven by the power of his mind, the mad sword floated from the ground a hundred meters away and was behind Han Feng in an instant. Then its broad blade pressed against Han Feng's back, preventing him from continuing to fly upside down.


Tapping his toes lightly on the ground, Han Feng finally stopped and stood firmly on the ground.


After landing, Han Feng turned around and picked up the Crazy Saber, whirring and picking out two sword flowers in mid-air.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

Han Feng pointed his sword wildly and said to the seventh-level zombie, "Death!"


As soon as the words fell, Han Feng's figure instantly disappeared...

"Ding Ding! Ding!!"

What followed closely was the shadow of knives in the sky...

But what Han Feng never expected was that a level seven zombie could resist the mad knife's attack with its physical body alone! Don’t be at a disadvantage!

Seeing this, Han Feng had to slow down the speed of the sword and increase the power of the strike!

For a moment... there was sand and rocks flying around the feet of Han Feng and the two men, and fire burst out.

Each of Han Feng's swords will hit the seventh-level zombies accurately. But... the effect is very small. A level seven zombie can always block the blade with his forearm, and then sneak attack with the other hand.

After more than ten rounds, the level 7 zombie continued the momentum in front of him and retreated several meters, widening the distance from Han Feng.


The tip of the knife touched the ground, and Han Feng gasped heavily. But his eyes were still staring at the level seven zombie full of anger and hatred.

"Crazy enough?"

Looking at Han Feng, the level 7 zombie joked.

Although the tone was relaxed, the level 7 zombies were no better.

All over his body, his casual clothes had long been ruined. Especially the shirtless upper body, which is full of various scars...

Blood flowed out thickly along the breach, giving people a sticky feeling.

"Do you think...enough is enough?!"


Han Feng just asked in reply. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a small blood flower bursting out of the right calf of the level seven zombie!

After the crisp and explosive muffled sound, the figure of the level 7 zombie suddenly trembled forward and almost fell to his knees.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng steadied his body, intending to find out the facts and wait and see what happens...

"Bang! Bang...bang..."

Until a few seconds later, an extremely dull gunshot will be heard with a long echo...

It's Natasha! It was Natasha who shot! ! !

After the gunshot, Han Feng instantly understood that it was Natasha's long-range support! !

Before, the battle between the two was so fierce that Natasha didn't have a suitable opportunity to shoot.

But the level 7 zombie had been standing there for four or five seconds. In the time it took to count her breaths, Natasha seized the opportunity!

Sniper bullets, faster than the speed of sound. So Han Feng first saw a level 7 zombie being shot, and then heard gunfire...

All this happened in a flash of lightning.

When the level 7 zombie was shot, the level 7 zombie first glanced in the direction where the bullet came from, and the next second it jumped out. It also turned back several times along the way. It seems... this guy also knows that Natasha's sniper bullets can hurt him.

"Watch where you are running!!"

Han Feng's eyes were always fixed on the somewhat biased level 7 zombie, and he did not forget to threaten him!


This time, Han Feng didn't hesitate at all when he finished speaking, and jumped directly towards the seventh-level zombie!


The crazy knife was swung in the air, making a roaring sound, and stabbed straight into the chest of the seventh-level zombie!

With Natasha's assist, the level 7 zombie's spinning bodies intersected half a minute slower than before.

Taking advantage of this great opportunity, Han Feng gritted his teeth and stood up, once again fighting to the death!

However... the physical body of the seventh-level zombie has obviously been "tempered", as if it has received some degree of evolution or bonus.

No matter how hard Han Feng swung his sword, he couldn't break through the body defense of the seventh-level zombie! You know... three months ago, Han Feng could easily cut off an opponent's arm!

In this fight, Han Feng and the seventh-level zombies fought from dusk until the setting sun set.

At night, the two continued to fight in the thinly lit mountain forest...

During this period, Natasha fired four times, but failed to hit the opponent. [6] [9] [s] [h] [u] [x] [.] [c] [o] [m] But even so, the seventh-level zombies are still quite afraid of the "black gun" behind them. Every time I stay in place, I won't stay for more than two seconds...

"Bang! Dong! Ding Ding..."

In the darkness, various collision sounds could be heard.

And around the two of them, there were no trees or rocks within a hundred meters. The debris everywhere is shocking!

The eyes of level seven zombies are much sharper than ordinary people's in the dark. But Han Feng was also a being who had been "tortured" by the GS virus. Although his eyesight was not as good as that of a level seven zombie, it was not much inferior.

In order to supplement the "number of frames", Han Feng activated God's Vision at the beginning of the night. This made Han Feng's vision wider, filling the final "gap" with the seventh-level zombies.

At this time, inside the second base...

"Baipi! You stay here! Don't go!"

Holding her exclusive weapon, Natasha lay on the high ground of the base and saw Tanya below, walking left and right. From her anxious expression, Natasha guessed that this "fighting maniac" wanted to go into battle to help.

In order not to disturb Han Feng's fighting state, Natasha gave him a "preventive shot" in advance.


Below, Tanya, who was standing on the open space below the combat laboratory, looked up at Natasha, pursed her lips and said nothing.

In fact, Tanya knew in her heart that this level of battle... was no longer something she could intervene in.

Otherwise, she would not have waited until now and not taken action!

But... Captain Han took up his sword and went out to fight the enemy for nearly six hours!

After such a long battle, she could not sit idly by...

"k! k!!!"

Pulling her hair, Tanya burst into desperate curses...

After cursing, Tanya squatted on the ground, took out a military cigarette, lit it and smoked it. In the turbid fog, Tanya also knew that she and Natasha had their own tasks. That is - guarding the house!

That's right...

At this time, the second base was the most dazzling "Crystal Tower" in the eyes of the zombies. As long as this key building was pushed down, Han Feng's plan would have to be postponed for at least three months. Even... even longer! !

Zombies can afford to delay, but Han Feng can't.

When will the GS virus break out? I don't know...

Will the next GS virus break out, will it kill Han Feng? Will it turn Han Feng into a zombie? I still don't know...

Facing all these unknowns, the best way to deal with it is to stay at the base and not move! Not move!

So far, the only "good news" is that there is only one level 7 zombie!

The next level 6 zombie has the same combat power as level 5.

I, Natasha, five Terminators, plus nearly 400 Red Alert soldiers, and these defensive weapons can withstand it! Absolutely withstand it!

The premise is that as long as I don't go out...



The depressed Tanya dropped half of the cigarette on the ground, then stood up and walked to the post she was responsible for...

On the other side, in the mountains...


At this time, until this time, Han Feng asked the question that should have been asked long ago.

While asking the question, Han Feng's attack in his hand did not decrease, and it was still strong.

"Hehe, what's the reason?!"

When he received the attack, the level 7 zombie chuckled and pretended to be ignorant.

"Why did you kill my child! Why!!"

"Haha~ Do you need a reason?!"

Unexpectedly, the level 7 zombie did not answer directly, but "slid" to the other side and asked Han Feng back.

"Looking for death!"

After hearing this, Han Feng approached closely and punched the level 7 zombie.

At this moment, the level 7 zombie's fists and feet also arrived, and the two of them didn't know how many times they blasted each other apart...

"When you killed the queen, did I ever ask you why? ~"

Covering the huge crack on his chest, the level 7 zombie steadied his body and walked in front of Han Feng and asked. The tone... was still so cynical.

"There's nothing to say, fight again! Fight again!!!"

Seeing that he couldn't communicate, Han Feng supported the mad knife and got up again with the power of mind.

Under the moonlight, the blade of the mad knife in Han Feng's hand was already riddled with holes...

After the reflection of the bright moon, the ground was reflected with the illusion of a "saw".

It was also fortunate that it was the world's first knife made by the third-level combat laboratory, otherwise...it really couldn't withstand such a high-intensity battle!

Another two hours later...

At this time, the deep forest was already pitch-black. But around Han Feng, due to the lack of shade from trees, he could still barely see things.

Sitting on the ground covered with gravel, Han Feng didn't care about dirt or cleanliness at all...

At his feet, the level 7 zombie was lying on the ground with his head drooping. Upon closer inspection, the head and neck of the level 7 zombie were only connected by a thin layer of skin...

That's right...the level 7 zombie is dead. After receiving the two million gold coins rewarded by the system, the level 7 zombie finally...died!

Having solved the biggest worry now, Han Feng didn't feel the happiness he should have.

At that time, the broken meat in the hands of the level 7 zombie was lost after the battle began. Looking at the broken books on the ground, even if Han Feng wanted to collect them, he couldn't find them...


Very abruptly, Han Feng, covered in blood, laughed out loud in the silent mountains...

Because he had mobilized all the Red Alert soldiers and armed forces to the second base. So there was no soldier left behind in the city.

Even the announcement of the death... was not done by anyone.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

After Han Feng laughed, a burst of rapid running sounds came from far to near... It was Tanya.

Tens of seconds later, Tanya rushed to Han Feng with three genes - fast recovery potions.

"Captain Han... bear with it."

Tanya looked at Han Feng's "rotten flesh" and her eyes twitched unconsciously a few times...


Holding the three injections, Tanya, who had always been courageous, hesitated... It was better to say that she was afraid.

Looking at Han Feng's skin, Tanya couldn't find a single intact place.

As far as the eye could see, Han Feng was in a state of skin and flesh.

The exposed muscles trembled from pain or something else.

"Let me do it."

Seeing that Tanya didn't move for a long time, Han Feng took the injection and inserted it without thinking...

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