Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 467: Amusement Park

"Rumble, rumble, rumble..."


Along with the rumble, a group of people on the roller coaster screamed with excitement. ♦♦  ♦♦

"Boom! Wow!!"


On the other side, the rapids surged forward and splashed a huge amount of water, which spread and wetted a large area in an instant.

Standing where he was, Han Feng glanced around with some confusion...

"Amusement park?..."

Frowning slightly, Han Feng looked thoughtfully at the laughing people around him.

"Hi! What are you looking for?~"

Suddenly, a hand patted his shoulder, making Han Feng jump a little in fright.

"Hahahaha~ What are you afraid of? I haven't even gone to the haunted house yet~"

Looking back... Liu Meng covered her mouth and smiled wildly. A touch of white dress on her body is also rippling in the wind...

In her other hand, she held two ice creams of different colors.

"Hey~here, this is the chocolate ice cream you want~"

After laughing, Liu Meng picked out a piece of ice cream and handed it to Han Feng.

"Thank you...thank you."

Taking the ice cream, Han Feng responded subconsciously.

"Why are you so polite? Let's go and continue playing."

Raising his arms, Liu Meng put his arms around Han Feng's neck and walked forward.

Since Han Feng was taller than Liu Meng, this scene... seemed a little funny.

"Wait here for a moment while I wait in line to buy tickets." When he arrived at the bumper car ticket office, Liu Meng let go of Han Feng and continued, "Oh... why are there so many people..."

As he spoke, Liu Meng had already lined up with his bag.

Han Feng, who stayed behind, always looked around with his eyes. Because he noticed... something was wrong, but he couldn't tell...

"Ah! Bang!"

"Hahahaha! Come again! Hit him! He was the one bullying you two just now!"

With her little nose tilted up, Liu Meng stretched out a finger, pointed at the bumper car that hit him just now, and shouted "fiercely".

"Okay! Let me avenge you~!"

And Han Feng also forgot something in this exciting game...


"Ha ha……"

Controlling the steering wheel of the bumper car, Han Feng crashed into the air and laughed with Liu Meng.

"It's so hot...it's so hot..."

After walking out of the bumper car venue, Liu Meng covered his eyes with his hands and sighed with his mouth slightly open. Looks very cute.

"Let's find a restaurant with air conditioning later. I'm hungry too~"

While Liu Meng was talking, Han Feng looked around and found that the playground was full of lush trees. And the scorching sun is hanging in the sky...

"That's good, but... where is the restaurant in the playground?"

Han Feng glanced around and saw no trace of the restaurant.

"You're stupid~ Didn't you just say you wanted to eat KFC when you saw it? You forgot about it so quickly~"


When Liu Meng said this, Han Feng suddenly heard that there was indeed a burger fast food not far from the amusement park...

"Okay! Don't think about it! I'm almost too hot! Let's go blow the air conditioner and then come out to play~"

Seeing Han Feng deep in thought, Liu Meng grabbed Han Feng's hand and dragged him towards the entrance of the amusement park.

"Okay, okay, don't worry."

While talking, Han Feng adjusted the position of his hand and skillfully took Liu Meng's hand...

Arriving at the hamburger fast food restaurant, Liu Meng pointed to an empty table and said, "Hurry up and grab a seat! Don't let anyone else take it for a while!"

After pushing Han Feng over, Liu Meng turned around and left.

Before leaving, Liu Meng did not forget to say, "I'm going to buy some hamburgers. Please wait for me for a while."

Sitting alone in the bustling restaurant, Han Feng stared at the empty table in front of him in deep thought.

Everywhere you look, there are food remnants accidentally dropped by the guests at the previous table...

"Come on, come on, do me a favor~"

Suddenly, Liu Meng came over with a large tray of food and urged Han Feng to help.

"Why so fast?!!!"

After getting up, Han Feng first looked at the long queue, then at Liu Meng who was holding the tray, and exclaimed in disbelief.

"Don't be stupid! I already placed the order using my mobile phone!"

Seeing Han Feng's reaction, Liu Meng pouted in response. There was a bit of coquettishness and blame in his words, which made Han Feng feel a little guilty...

"I'm sorry...I don't know what's wrong with me...I always feel..."

Saying apologetic words, Han Feng hurriedly picked up the tray and slowly placed it on the dining table.

"What's wrong? Are you... feeling uncomfortable?"

Looking at Han Feng, Liu Meng asked nervously.

"No, no~" waved his hand, Han Feng looked at Liu Meng's clean eyes and continued, "Hey~ forget it~ I'm overthinking~"

Hahahaha, Han Feng took the matter over.

After saying that, Han Feng picked up a burger on the tray, took it out in twos and took a bite.

"You're really good at choosing. Once you get it, you'll find your favorite chicken drumstick~"

Holding a large glass of Coke, Liu Meng rolled his eyes playfully and looked at Han Feng.


Feeling the joy of taste buds in his mouth, Han Feng laughed muffledly and did not respond with anything else.

When lunch was halfway through... Han Feng suddenly noticed a shining diamond ring on Liu Meng's left middle finger.

"This is……"

Holding the burger in his arms, Han Feng stared at the diamond ring and said.

"Your engagement ring~I finally saw it today~so I brought it with me~"

Liu Meng cocked his head and said proudly.


Han Feng stared at the diamond ring with obviously stunned eyes and uttered two words in his mouth.


At this moment, Han Feng looked at this familiar diamond ring, his brows getting darker and darker!

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Seeing Han Feng's appearance, Liu Meng panicked...


At this moment... Han Feng somehow felt that... this diamond ring was not hers! But it belongs to someone else! ! !

But as for who the owner of the diamond ring is... Han Feng can't remember!

"Don't scare me! What's wrong with you?!"


In front of Han Feng, Liu Meng was at a loss and almost cried. But Han Feng still maintained this expression and said the word "wrong" over and over again.

"Brother Han, are you hungry? I'll cook for you..."

Sudden! While Han Feng was thinking hard! The picture of Wei Yun flashed through my mind!

It was at this moment that Han Feng remembered some memories!

"No! This is not yours!"


While shouting, Han Feng stood up and didn't pay attention, causing the dinner plate to be brought to the ground. After a popping sound, Coke and hamburgers were scattered all over the floor...

"This is not yours!"

Han Feng stared at the diamond ring and shouted again!

Following this sound, the restaurant began to shake!

Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, Han Feng also saw that the world outside was beginning to collapse...

"This is mine! Mine!!"

In front of Han Feng, Liu Meng stamped his feet and shouted. Two lines of tears flowed from the red eyes...


Suddenly, Han Feng felt his ears buzzing!

The next moment, Han Feng, who was lying on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes!


Standing up in shock, Han Feng looked erratic, but his breathing seemed extremely rapid...

A few seconds later, Han Feng, who had regained his composure, finally became "conscious".

"I...am I at the second base..."

Looking around, Han Feng saw that he was inside the tent. And underneath him was a camp bed.

"Yes, Team Korea, you are now outside the second base."


In response, Han Feng moved his eyes back, staring at the quilt on his body and "entering trance"...

"Bang... bang bang..."

The moment Han Feng blinked, two tears fell, hitting the quilt with a slight muffled sound.

"I cried?..."

Looking at the "two pools" of water stains on the quilt, Han Feng asked himself in surprise.

"Why should I cry..."

The next second, Han Feng was a little confused...

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