Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 463: Calling in the Night


Hearing Han Feng’s exaggerated tone, Luna was silent for a moment and stopped talking…

“Hey, Captain Han?! You look much better than yesterday!”

Seeing that Han Feng didn’t answer for a few seconds, Bo Lao changed the subject.

“Facial complexion?”

“Yes, when I saw you yesterday, your face was a little dry. I had prepared some skin care products for you, but now it seems… I thought too much~haha~”

After laughing a few times, Bo Lao looked at Han Feng kindly and continued, “It’s still good to be young, and you recover quickly.”

“Oh? Really? I didn’t pay much attention to it myself.”

After saying the above sentence to Bo Lao, Han Feng immediately said to Luna, “Turn on the God’s vision.”

“Okay, Captain Han, the God’s vision is being turned on, please wait…”


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng’s other vision opened up in front of him…

With the “filling frame” of the other vision, Han Feng saw his own face.

After careful observation, it turned out that…the dry wrinkles on his face had smoothed out a lot.

The next second, Han Feng took off one glove and looked again...


"Captain Han, how did you get this? Is it a burn?"

Hearing Han Feng's sigh of relief, Bo Lao took the opportunity to ask. And this reply was also the point of Bo Lao's curiosity...

"I got it when I was fighting zombies a few days ago. Fortunately, there are special drugs researched by the country.

With a smile, Han Feng made up a lie.

"The country is really powerful..."

After hearing this, Bo Lao muttered with admiration.

"Thank you, Bo Lao~ I was just worried about how to find these pillows and beddings~" Looking away, Han Feng looked at the number of trucks behind Bo Lao and continued, "Okay, I have something else to do, I'll let someone take over these trucks~"

As he spoke, Han Feng said to Luna calmly in his mind, "Let the American soldiers take over the trucks and send them directly to the second base."

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it. "

"Okay, okay, if it weren't for the confidentiality, I would have sent someone to do it for me~" After saying that, Bo Lao stepped back a few steps, bowed his hands and said, "Then I wish the Han team a victory and success!"

"Thank you~"

After returning the greeting, Han Feng waved his right hand gently, and the order to set off was issued again.


Leading the convoy, Han Feng continued to drive towards West City.

And behind him, several American soldiers left the team and took over Bo Lao's truck...

After an hour's drive (the infantry behind the convoy moved slowly), Han Feng returned to the building materials city again.

"Luna, let the Terminator continue to clear out the zombies that may appear here." Looking at the empty building materials city, Han Feng got off the car and walked in it...

With the entry of various types of trucks, the building materials street gradually became "lively".


"Hu...Bang! "


Walking between the truck and the building materials store, Han Feng used telekinesis to load the goods himself in order to speed up the delivery.

In less than an hour, as bundles of steel bars, steel coils, and steel pipes were loaded into the trucks, all the trucks were fully loaded.

"Return to the construction site of the second base, the Red Alert soldiers will stay here temporarily."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After speaking to Luna calmly, Han Feng got into the vehicle and led the way.

Back to the second base, Han Feng also used telekinesis to unload the goods.

With Han Feng's "strong participation", the speed of steel transportation doubled!

When Han Feng returned to the building materials city again, it was already noon.

After ordering everyone to stop their work and eat, Han Feng walked around alone with a nutrient paste in his mouth.

Anyway, Han Feng did the work of hundreds of people by himself by maintaining telekinesis without delaying eating...

That day, the convoy traveled enough between the two places. It took four "round trips", and the weight of the steel transported was a thousand tons! ! !

At night, Han Feng stayed next to the second base as he did yesterday. At the same time, he recalled the Red Alert soldiers in the building materials city to the East City Hotel...

Lying on the bed, Han Feng half covered with bedding, carefully observing the skin of his hands...

It has been two or three days since he woke up. His hands have almost "recovered".

If it weren't for careful observation, I really couldn't see any traces of "zombies".

"Luna, what's going on? Is the GS virus "conscience"? It turned me back again?"

Although he was overjoyed, Han Feng still had a little worry in his heart... In order to clarify this matter, Han Feng decided to ask Luna.

"Report to Captain Han, I don't know... According to the system's observation of you, the GS virus in your body is still in a low-activity state at this time. As for why the skin has recovered... It's not clear yet. ”


After hearing this, Han Feng curled his lips, thinking that it was not “bad news” anyway, as long as he didn’t really turn into a zombie, he would be very satisfied…

Putting down his hand, Han Feng turned off the light in the tent, closed his eyes and began to sleep…

The next day…

Han Feng woke up before the alarm rang.

After relieving himself, Han Feng looked at the steel piled up in the wall and suddenly became “interested”.

“Bang! Chi…!”

Walking into the wall and coming to a bundle of steel rolls, Han Feng charged and punched out.

Under the huge force, the huge steel roll moved horizontally for several meters…

Putting back his right fist, Han Feng rubbed the slightly red fist tip…

Raising his leg and walking to the steel roll again, Han Feng instantly turned on the blood rage!


“Bang!! Chi…Dong!”

The steel roll that was hit the second time moved sideways for several meters again. Finally, it hit the wall, making a deafening muffled sound...

At the moment when this straight punch was thrown, Han Feng released the blood rage. Because the blood rage was activated for too short a time, the blood had no time to overflow from the body surface. So Han Feng still looked "clean" at this moment, as if the blood rage had never been activated.

Walking into the steel roll again, Han Feng stopped to observe the two fist marks carefully.

This time, the corners of Han Feng's mouth finally turned up!

The fist mark of the second fist was several centimeters deeper than the fist mark of the first fist! Compared with yesterday's test, the effect is much more obvious!

Although the situation is not very clear, but... this is at least a good sign! It means that the blood rage is "recovering" its effectiveness!

"Luna~ notify all Red Alert soldiers to get ready, we will continue to collect construction materials today!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned around and got on the off-road vehicle.

On the way, Han Feng thought happily that if he collected materials at this speed, the steel would be collected in less than three days.

In addition to steel, there are other materials such as copper and aluminum in the building materials city.

As for zinc...

"Luna, summon seven Nightingale transport planes! Let these ten transport planes keep going back and forth between the zinc mine and here to transport zinc!"

As he spoke, Han Feng was full of confidence! He owns an entire zinc mine. In addition to steel, the easiest material to get is zinc!

"Report to Captain Han, summoning seven Nighthawk transport planes, a total of 14,000 gold coins are needed, please confirm the summoning."

"Confirmed, confirmed, once summoned, they will be put into the transport mission immediately. If there are not enough pilots, select a few SEALs to fill in."

"Okay, Captain Han, seven Nighthawk transport planes are being summoned, and the estimated summoning time is four hours and forty minutes. Please wait..."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng pondered for a few seconds and continued, "Forget it... Let's select two more groups of transport plane pilots. In this way, the pilots will not be overworked in three shifts, and the construction period will not be delayed."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After the two finished communicating, Han Feng just arrived downstairs of the hotel.

Looking at the hundreds of soldiers ready to go in front of him, Han Feng ordered "Let's go!"

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