Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 455: Facing a formidable enemy

"Quick! Someone is coming!!"

Lifting Han Feng's arm, Bo Lao shouted into the hospital.

In an instant, a team of men in white rushed out of the hospital, pushing a cart.

Lying on the cart, Han Feng was covered in sweat.

"Luna...let them go...go..."

Han Feng knew that even the system couldn't solve the problem, and the medical staff in the hospital couldn't do anything about it.

Rather than letting them cause chaos here, it is better to give yourself a cleaner environment. Maybe... there are other ways.

"Okay, Team Korea."

"Everyone is waiting, stand back!"

Luna responded to Han Feng by saying that she was already at the door of the operating room.

The red police soldier holding a gun suddenly changed his expression and stopped the medical staff and Bo Lao.

"He, he, he... oh! The doctors are outside! What's the point of sending him in!!!"

Seeing Han Feng being pushed alone into the operating room by the soldiers, Mr. Bo was extremely anxious and continued, "I won't go in. Can you put the doctor in?"

"Everyone is waiting, stand back!"

The four American soldiers standing guard at the door of the operating room looked determined and spoke repeated words.

"Human life is at stake! Why can't you rogue soldiers listen to what others say?!" He knew that Han Feng, who was seriously injured, needed medical help, but with four big-headed soldiers stuck in front of him, Bo Lao was a little angry.

"I'm telling you! If something happens to the Korean team, I can't bear it! You can't bear it either!" Pointing at one of the American soldiers, Bo shouted, "Get out of my way!"

"What's wrong? What's wrong?!"

As soon as Bo Lao's roar ended, Tanya, who came behind him a little later, spoke.

Turning around, Bo Lao saw Tanya and Natasha who were sweating profusely and wearing tattered clothes.

As soon as he saw the two of them, Mr. Bo immediately remembered that outside the West City, the strength of these two women simply surpassed the "masters" around him.

"The Korean team has already entered the operating room, but these ruffians won't let the doctor in! Isn't this a delay?!"

Facing Tanya and Natasha in front of him, Bo Lao poured out his depression. He knew that to be able to follow Han Feng and have such strong fighting power, he must be in the military.

"Let's go in and take a look!"

After hearing what Mr. Bo said, Tanya looked at Natasha and said something. As for Bo Lao... Tanya didn't bother talking to him yet.

"Tap tap tap tap..."

After saying that, the two women sidestepped into the operating room.

"Everyone is waiting, stand back!"

After letting the two of them in, Mr. Bo also wanted to follow, but he was sternly shouted back by the red police soldier again...

"Team Han, you..."

During the operation, Han Feng rolled on the ground, the veins on his head bulging. And the ground... was full of traces of Han Feng's fingers scratching the glue paint on the ground.

"Luna, what's going on with Team Han?!"

Frowning deeply, Tanya asked Luna hurriedly.

"I don't know... the system only detected unprecedented activity of the GS virus in the Korean team. But regarding the Korean team's heart problem, the system couldn't detect anything at all..."

Luna said these words to Tanya and Natasha truthfully.


Han Feng, who sometimes curled up and sometimes tensed up, let out a cry of extreme pain.

"Where's the morphine?! Have you tried it?!"

Biting her lip, Tanya said suddenly.

"It's useless... the gene-quick recovery potion contains morphine, but... it's completely ineffective.

Hearing Luna's response, Tanya stopped talking for a moment...because she really couldn't think of a better way.

unless……! ! !

As soon as Tanya's thoughts came to her mind, Natasha immediately glared at Tanya! (Hero-level soldiers can communicate with each other remotely to order connections)


Maintaining a shocked expression, Natasha pointed at Tanya and spoke.

"There is nothing we can do, we can't see him in such pain!"

Tanya gritted her teeth and walked towards Han Feng, seemingly determined.


In front of Han Feng, Tanya knelt down and quickly struck Han Feng's neck with a palm, intending to knock him out.


Something happened that shocked Tanya!

After this palm fell, Han Feng actually managed to hold it down! No signs of fainting! Even after he muffled the sound, the pain became more intense...


Without retracting her palm, Tanya slowly turned her head and looked at Natasha. There seemed to be some kind of inquiry in his eyes.


Natasha narrowed her eyes and said nothing, just nodded silently...


Looking back, Tanya prepared a palm and struck out again! As the palm fell, there was a muffled sound in the operating room.

"Er! Ah...ah..."


Bounced up, Tanya showed an even more shocked look!

Others don't know about this palm, but I know it...this has used up half of my strength!

If placed on an ordinary person, this palm would probably break the opponent's neck! But... when applied to Han Feng, it had no effect at all! ! !

"I'm afraid not..."

Having just bounced up, Tanya standing aside suddenly thought of something.

After muttering to herself, Tanya immediately crouched in front of Han Feng and reached out to touch his exposed skin.




One second, three seconds, five seconds... Ten seconds passed, but Tanya's frozen figure did not change at all. It’s just...the emotions in his eyes are getting more intense.


After a long time, Tanya looked back at Natasha and slowly uttered two words.

That's right... By touching Han Feng, Tanya realized a terrible fact. Han Feng's skin... is turning into a zombie!

The reason why the chop didn't stun Han Feng is that the toughness of his skin has withstood a lot of force!


On the ground, Han Feng trembled and called Luna's name.

"Captain Han, you say."

"If I really turn into... a zombie... kill... me!"

Han Feng said word by word.

"Captain Han, you..."

"Go... go! Everyone go!"

On the ground, Han Feng didn't want to hear Luna's next words, but just kept driving everyone away.

"Okay, Captain Han..."

Sensing Han Feng's persistence, Luna had to respond softly...

More than ten seconds later, everyone withdrew from the operating room.

When Han Feng was the only one left in the operating room, Han Feng was still conscious and ordered, "All Red Alert soldiers, listen to my orders!"

"Once I lose my will and turn into a zombie... kill me immediately! No mistakes!!!"

After saying this, Han Feng continued to hammer the ground in pain. His twisted figure showed Han Feng's pain at the moment...

And outside the operating room...

"How is Captain Han?! Why don't we let the doctor go in first!"

Seeing Tanya leading everyone out of the operating room, Bo Lao hurriedly stood up and said.

"Let's go out of the hospital first."

Tanya didn't stop, but kindly "instructed" Bo Lao when she passed by him.

"Hey?! What's wrong with you! You left the injured alone..."

Halfway through his words, Bo Lao stopped talking... because he saw Tanya and everyone else had already walked out of the hospital.

Looking back at the unguarded door of the operating room, and then turning back to look at the hospital gate... In the end, Bo Lao still waved and led a group of people out of the hospital.

Arriving outside the hospital, Bo Lao saw Tanya and others facing the hospital with a serious look.

"Is Captain Han okay? Is the blood flowing from others?" Walking up to Tanya, Bo Lao suddenly remembered something and said, "Do you have a military doctor?!"

Seeing that Tanya ignored him, Bo Lao smiled bitterly and said, "I was wondering why you weren't in a hurry. It turns out that there is a military doctor~ I was abrupt, I was abrupt~ Haha."

These words, Bo Lao not only comforted himself, but also gave himself a way out.

"Rumble rumble rumble..."

"What's the noise???"

The laughter gradually faded, and Bo Lao suddenly heard a roar like an earthquake.

Looking in the direction of the sound... Tanks

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