Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 452: Resistance


Using the momentum of the damage from behind, Han Feng took a half step forward and dodged the encirclement of the level 6 zombies.


After running a few steps, Han Feng's eyes went dark and he finally fell to the ground...


Holding the mad knife, Han Feng subconsciously shouted "bad"...

At this time, half an hour had passed since the blood rage was activated. Almost all the blood in the body had flowed out.

Due to the lack of blood, the subsequent power was broken... This was definitely a terrible news for Han Feng who was "trapped in the enemy camp".

Holding the knife, Han Feng reached into his jacket pocket, but... only took out half a nutrient paste!


Gritting his teeth, Han Feng knew that he was careless... At the beginning of the battle, he should have asked Luna to make a quick recovery injection!

At this time, if Luna made it again... I'm afraid it would be too late!


Han Feng, who felt a little better after propping himself up, smiled self-deprecatingly... Today, is it possible that he will die here? !


More than 20 level 6 zombies stood there, staring at Han Feng. And around them, countless zombies rushed...

"Luna, make three recovery potions..."


As soon as the words fell from his mind, Han Feng stepped back quickly with his knife in both hands.

This is not the time to fight hard. As long as he can "escape" to the city, the Red Alert soldiers can still resist one or two with the help of the "city wall".

As long as he can drag it out for a certain period of time, when the blood in his body is accumulated enough, he can continue to fight.

But...the problem is whether he can return to the city safely!

"Swoosh! Huh..."

Han Feng's feet are full of wind, but the level 6 zombies are not vegetarians either...

Following Han Feng, several level 6 zombies showed ferocious smiles.


Gritting his teeth, Han Feng drew out a bit of strength and swung the heavy blade of the mad knife to the side.

But... Han Feng was already "exhausted" at this time, and the power he swung was less than usual.

The sixth-level zombie also saw Han Feng's weakness, propped up his forearm and chose to resist the knife!


A crisp sound came between the two.


Supporting Han Feng's mad knife, the sixth-level zombie swung out a leg and kicked Han Feng in the back!

"Hu! Bang! Gulu..."

Flying forward dozens of meters, Han Feng fell to the ground and kept rolling...

Blood, along with the inertia of rolling, splashed on the ground and scattered.


Stopped rolling, Han Feng fell to the ground, and cursed softly...and the mad knife in his hand was lost during the rolling, and no one knew where it fell.

"Tap tap..."

Behind Han Feng, the footsteps of the level 6 zombies approached slowly...

"Report to Captain Han, the rapid recovery potion has been made!"

At the critical moment, Han Feng heard Luna's "good news" in his mind!

"Swish swish..."

Stretching out his hand, Han Feng took out the three injections from his jacket pocket.

But... before he pulled out the needle cap, he saw a hand pinching his wrist!

Looking at the dry knuckles, Han Feng knew that it was the damn level 6 zombie again! ! !

"Bang! Bang bang!"

The other hand of the level 6 zombie took the injection in Han Feng's hand, and with a light pinch, it turned into crystals all over the ground...

"Haha! Hahahaha!!!"

On the ground, Han Feng, who was controlled by the level 6 zombie, suddenly laughed. His voice... was full of sadness.

"Telekinesis! Start! Start!!!"

After laughing, Han Feng shouted loudly!

This time, Han Feng poured all his mental power into it!

"Xiao! Clang!!!"

Instantly, the telekinetic weapon thrust out from Han Feng's waist turned into a dancing "meat grinder"!

"Even if it means death! You guys will be buried with me!"

Han Feng shouted again with his fists clenched! And his eyes, which had gradually turned red, turned scarlet again!

"Ziz! Chi!"

Under the powerful traction, the telekinetic weapon suddenly hit the level 6 zombies around Han Feng.

With just one impact, six level 6 zombies were killed. The rest were all injured. Although he didn't know he was going to die, his muscles and bones were also touched...

"Haha! Haha..."

On the ground, Han Feng, who was lying in a pool of blood, was no longer able to support the next attack...

"Ding... Ding Ding..."

In the distance, the silver shuttles and silver wings that lost their telekinetic power fell to the ground one after another, making crisp tremors...

On the ground, Han Feng, whose "last breath" had ended, grinned with satisfaction...


Beside him, a wounded level 6 zombie raised half of its arm and pretended to hit Han Feng.


Looking at the swooping fist, the limp Han Feng chose to close his eyes...This time, he couldn't avoid this attack anyway...

"Hu! Bang! Boom!!"

Suddenly! Han Feng, who had closed his eyes, suddenly felt a flash of red light in front of his eyes! Then, the sound of a strong fist rang out!

Opening his eyes, Han Feng saw an old acquaintance - Master Zhi!

Fighting in the group of level 6 zombies, Master Zhi was filled with a rich red light! Standing in the distance, Han Feng, who was driving Blood Rage, looked like him.

"Master Zhi..."

Looking at Master Zhi who saved him, Han Feng gradually widened his eyes.

"Got it!"

When Master Zhi saw Han Feng "waking up", he threw out a box and gave a reminder.

"Whoosh!! Snap..."

After a short "flight", the box slid to Han Feng's side accurately.

"The Great Compassion Mantra...note...phonetic version?!!!"

Reading the "title" on the box, Han Feng was stunned! Is it possible that Master Zhi wants me to "transcend myself"? ! ! !

"Report to the Korean team that the box contains genes - quick recovery injections."

Sensing Han Feng's doubts, Luna in her mind explained in time.


After hearing this, Han Feng quickly stood up and opened the book box. Inside the box, five injections lay side by side.


Without thinking, Han Feng immediately took out all the injections, pulled off the needle caps, and injected them all into his body in one breath!

"Watch out! Take it!!"

While Han Feng was still injecting himself, Master Zhi's reminder came again.


The next moment, Han Feng heard a buzzing sound in the air.

He raised his head and looked for the sound, it was Crazy Sword! It's a crazy knife flying towards me while spinning in mid-air!

"Boom! Boom!"

The crazy knife flew down, and finally the tip of the knife pointed downwards, inserting tens of centimeters into the asphalt road and stopping the blade!

Looking at the crazy sword a few meters in front of him, Han Feng's eyelids trembled a few times...

After pulling out five empty syringes, Han Feng felt a burst of strength coming from his body.

Then with this weak force, Han Feng propped up his body and stood up with a few staggering steps.

Walking to the knife, Han Feng tried to pull it out from the ground, but unexpectedly... With this little recovered strength, let alone pulling out the Crazy Knife from the asphalt road, even if Master Zhi handed the Crazy Knife to his hand, he would You may not have the strength to pick it up!

After several attempts, Han Feng, who knew that he could not pull out the mad sword at this time, decided to wait a little longer.

"Bang! Buzz...dong-dong! Buzz..."

On the other side, Master Zhi fights with level six zombies. Every time he is attacked by a level 6 zombie, there will be a buzzing sound from Master Zhi's body.

As he was attacked more and more times, the red light on Master Zhi's body gradually turned towards golden color.

Seeing the light on Master Zhi, Han Feng became anxious!

He knew that the more attacks Master Zhi endured, the more powerful his golden body would become. But at the same time... the golden body will also consume a lot of Master Zhi's physical strength!


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