Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 450: Ambush

An hour later, Han Feng's army arrived at the border of the West City.

Going further in, it is the heart of the city...

Looking at the heavy walls that divide the city "inside and outside", Han Feng felt a sense of sadness in his heart...

People should have been busy in the streets of the city, but now... they have to huddle in a corner and need thick walls to isolate them.

"Report to Captain Han, the gate in front is open."

When Han Feng stood on the tank and looked at the city, a SEAL ran from the front and reported.

"Follow the original route and continue to move forward."

"Yes! Captain Han!"

After receiving new instructions, the army moved forward again...

"Luna, let the four Terminators walk in front of the tank and turn on the scanning mode. Once a high-level zombie is found, the tank will immediately focus fire!"

Han Feng did not forget to give a word on the tank's turret again.

"Okay, Captain Han."

Under the not-so-hot spring sun, Han Feng kept scanning the slightly dilapidated city...

"Tap tap tap tap..."

As soon as the large army "left the city", hundreds of Red Alert soldiers with different divisions of labor dispersed one after another, looking for their own firing points.

"Bang... Bang, Bang..."

At the front of the team, there were constant sounds of collisions and crushing.

No need to guess, this must be the sound of tanks crushing "road-blocking" cars.

"Luna, are the snipers along the way in place?"

For the safety of the large army's march, Han Feng couldn't help but care about the snipers. He knew that the sniper scope in the sniper's hand could observe the situation several kilometers away.

"Report to Captain Han, most of the snipers are already in place, and as the main force advances, they will change their sniping points on their own."

"That's good..." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "Open the God's vision."

"Okay, Captain Han, the God's vision is being turned on, please wait..."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's other vision suddenly opened up in mid-air!

With the help of the "eyes" in the sky, Han Feng kept scanning the surroundings, trying to detect the movements of the zombies.

But... what surprised Han Feng a little was that in the God's vision, there were only dozens of zombies wandering in the distance.


Pursing his lips, Han Feng kept guessing in his heart whether this was a "normal phenomenon"...

In theory, the people in the city are delicious "canned meat" for the zombies in the city.

As soon as he went out, he should encounter a lot of them... But in reality, why are there so few? !

"Are they really almost all killed?..."

"Heh~ How is that possible!"

Han Feng laughed at himself as soon as he said the above guess.

Judging from the map, the permanent residents of this city are at least one million!

Even if the strong men in the city come out to clean up the zombies every day, how many casualties can there be? !

"Luna, has the Terminator found anything?"

Thinking about the question, Han Feng asked.

"Report to Captain Han, so far, the four Terminators have detected a total of 83 low-level zombies, and have killed 32 zombies. No high-level zombies have been found yet."

"Oh..." After listening to Luna, Han Feng first said "oh", and then asked "Luna, what is the detection range of the Terminator?"

"Report to Captain Han, the detection range of the Terminator is within 50 meters."

"Too few... too few..."

After shaking his head, Han Feng frowned and continued, "Call ten police dogs!"

For the current doubts, the best "scout" is the agile police dog!

"Report to Captain Han, summoning ten police dogs in total..."

"Confirmed, summon."

"Okay, Captain Han, ten police dogs are being summoned, please wait..."

After communicating with Luna, Han Feng continued to control the mid-air vision to patrol back and forth...

"Woof woof! Woof!!"

After dozens of seconds, a dog barked.

"Luna, summon the police dogs and immediately put them into investigation! Within the scope of your ability, the larger the search range, the better, and the more detailed the better!"

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng saw the police dogs that were originally running towards him suddenly turned around and rushed to other places...

At this time, the sky has its own God's vision to roughly "cruise", and the police dogs on the ground can drill into shops, neighborhoods, and units for detailed searches.

There are Terminators in front of the troops constantly scanning, and snipers in the back are paying close attention...

This strict "reconnaissance system" cannot be achieved even in the special forces before the end of the world!

"Oh, right!"

Thinking of this, Han Feng suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "I almost forgot! Luna, turn on the radar scan~ Scan the surroundings. Confirm~"

After saying this, Han Feng took out a cigarette from his pocket, took out a cigarette and lit it...

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is turning on the scan, please wait..."

Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is completed, and the scan results show that within one kilometer around the troops, a total of 38 supply boxes were found."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng, who was sitting on the tank turret, instantly widened his eyes!

"Report to Captain Han, two police dogs are being attacked." As soon as the previous sentence was finished, Luna immediately reported, "Report to Captain Han, the police dogs died."


Listening to the feedback in his mind, Han Feng's shocked expression gradually solidified...

The next second, Han Feng got up from the tank turret in shock.

Although Han Feng didn't say anything or do anything, Luna, who knew Han Feng's style well, still ordered the large troops to stop advancing and return to defense and alert...


In spring, a breeze blows...

But Han Feng felt that this breeze was full of threats... fatal threats!

Thirty-eight supply boxes... In other words, there are at least thirty-eight level six zombies around the troops! ! !

"Who...who...who leaked the news..."

At this moment, the shock in his heart made Han Feng unable to focus his eyes...

While murmuring, Han Feng thought to himself, the route to the city is not just a gate in Xicheng!

The North and South cities also have gates leading to the city!

Of the three paths, I just randomly picked one! Why did he get ambushed by zombies? !

From the time we left the city to now, it only lasted more than ten minutes! ! !

"Team Han?"

Luna couldn't help but asked softly when she saw Han Fengchu standing silently on the fort for a long time.

"Show me the location of the supply box."

After saying that, Han Feng turned his attention to the system...

Arriving in front of the radar screen, Han Feng saw "densely packed" red dots surrounding the troops, showing an encirclement trend, trapping his troops in them!


After watching it for only a few seconds, Han Feng removed his attention from the system...


Han Feng's eyes scanned the calm and dilapidated streets. His throat moved slightly, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva... and a few drops of cold sweat dripped down his temples...

Until now, Han Feng still couldn't figure out how the zombie knew his plan! And he can also form such a powerful "high-level team" to "dig a hole" for himself...

But... all of this seems to be less important at this moment...

The body of the police dog was lying in the cold building.

Scanning the buildings on both sides of the street, Han Feng knew that level six zombies were among them...

"Ha... so many soldiers were summoned overnight, and the route was completely random. All this has been leaked..." As he spoke, Han Feng's eyes gradually focused, and his pupils slowly shrank into needlepoint shapes...

"I thought I did it quickly enough, but I didn't expect you to be faster than me. Thirty-six level six zombies... They used the power of the whole city to surround me. You really spent a lot of money..."


While talking, Han Feng reached out and pulled out the Xueyin Kuangdao from behind...

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