Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 438: Mysterious Zombie Man


"What's going on?!"

Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢

Han Feng asked as he stepped on the accelerator involuntarily.

"Report to the Korean team, the SEAL team is currently fighting the enemy. The location where the supply box appears... happens to be next to the SEAL team."

Luna's two sentences simply and clearly explained a coincidence...


Pursing his lips, Han Feng wanted to use his vision connection to see the battle situation. But...at this time, he was still driving a multifunctional infantry vehicle, and the speed was extremely fast.

If you are slightly distracted, the damage to the car will be a small matter, but the life of a person will be a big deal... Helpless, Han Feng can only speed up and speed up! I hope it can arrive one second sooner...

Ten minutes later...

The original twenty-minute drive was shortened by half, and Han Feng arrived at the "battlefield" ahead of schedule.

"Tsk! Huh!!"

Following a sudden burst of dust, Han Feng finally arrived at the location where the SEALs were attacked.

As soon as he got out of the car, Han Feng saw bullet casings all over the ground...

The air seems to be filled with the lingering smell of gunpowder smoke...

"You came very quickly."

From a corner of the darkness, a male voice came.

Han Feng was not surprised at all by the sound of this voice. Because according to the radar, none of the SEALs were in danger of life, and they were deliberately piled in one place.

And this voice came from the location of many SEALs.

"You move pretty fast too."

Turning his head, Han Feng said to the darkness.

While talking, Han Feng silently observed his surroundings through his peripheral vision.

This is a remote small village. Because it is far away from the urban area, the transportation here is simple and there are many houses.

Not far away, there is a large vegetable garden. →But... the vegetable garden at this time is already a wasteland.

"Thank you very much, thank you very much."

"Tap tap tap tap..."

While the other party was talking, he stepped out.

Through the thin moonlight, Han Feng saw that man!

That man in a tuxedo and a top hat! ! !

"It's you?!"

Frowning, Han Feng said something.


Taking off his top hat, the man repeated the etiquette of the last meeting, twirled the hat for a few weeks and then buckled it on his chest, giving a half-bow.

"Who are you? Why do you want to hurt my people?!"

As he spoke these words, Han Feng also observed the other party's suit... it was smooth and clean without any wrinkles!

You know... the people he fought against just now were more than a dozen SEALs!

The bullet casings and various grenades on the floor... failed to touch this man at all!

Being able to knock out so many elites in a hail of bullets... is enough to prove his flexibility and close combat capabilities. It seems...the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not here to hurt you."

The man dozens of meters away in front of him seemed to have the ability to "read minds" and responded to Han Feng's words "out of thin air".

"You haven't answered my question yet. Who are you?! Why are you hurting my people?!"

Han Feng ignored the other party's intriguing answer, but emphasized his tone and asked the previous question again.

"Haha, I don't mean any harm, I just want to see what kind of person you are."

The calm and melancholy tone added a sense of nobility to the man. The bright moonlight brings a hint of mystery to the man.

"Now, you and I have seen it too. It's time to answer my question, right? Who are you and why do you want to hurt my people?!"

Regarding these two questions, Han Feng "chased closely" and asked them for the third time.

"Before, I have been guessing what kind of person you are. However, the last time we met, you were having fun, and I showed up at the wrong time."

"I rarely ask a question three times..."

Han Feng's tone gradually became colder, and it was obvious that... Han Feng was a little impatient.

"Well, I saw it, but I still can't solve the doubts in my heart. Why did she... choose you?"


Listening to the man's somewhat incomprehensible words, Han Feng stopped talking for a moment.

she? who is she? Holy Lord? Matrix? Mysterious girl? Lin Lan? Wei Yun?

During the silence between the two parties, Han Feng thought about almost all the female "roles" in his mind. But... they don't seem to match the number...



The man turned around in his inner pocket and took out two cigarettes. After saying this, he flicked his hand with one hand, and a cigarette pierced Han Feng like a sharp arrow.


Standing on the spot, Han Feng activated his speed superpower and held the incoming cigarette between his two fingers.


After removing the momentum from his fingers, Han Feng gently waved his hand in response.

After both parties lit up their cigarettes, the man said, "I think when she has had enough fun, you will be dead."

"She? Who? The Holy Lord?"

Breathing out white mist, Han Feng asked.

"Haha... call it whatever you want."

After smiling, the man paused and continued, "I didn't want to fight you..."


Halfway through his words, the man suddenly stretched out his finger! Shoot half of the cigarette butt at Han Feng!

The hot cigarette butts turned scarlet and eye-catching under the strong wind!

Staring at the "hidden weapon" getting closer and closer, Han Feng turned his head slightly.


With a harsh sound of wind, the cigarette butt passed by Han Feng's ear...


When Han Feng pulled his sight back and looked at the man again, he found that the man had disappeared from his original position.


The next moment, before Han Feng could react, a "demon wind" blew up behind him!

Hearing the amplitude and frequency of the wind, Han Feng roughly guessed that the other party was attacking with his legs.

Han Feng, who had no time to turn around and attack, could only hastily raise his curled right arm to resist.



A deafening muffled sound exploded between his arms! Forcing Han Feng to groan...



In a flash, Han Feng's waist moved slightly, and several silver wings rose up, piercing the position of the man behind him!


A greasy scraping sound rang out, and Han Feng was delighted! Hit!

But when Han Feng looked back, his heart "clicked"...

The man, standing a few meters behind Han Feng, held the cigarette he had just shot out, and smoked leisurely.

Looking at the burning cigarette in the other party's hand, Han Feng knew... he was "showing off" his speed to him again!

"I was careless and let you hit me."

As he spoke, the man turned around and faced Han Feng.

From this angle, Han Feng clearly saw a long tear on the man's chest in the black dress cut by the silver wings.

At this moment, the white shirt he was wearing inside was fully exposed.

"What a coincidence, I was also careless~"

After retorting, Han Feng also picked up the cigarette with his other hand and smoked it.


The man chuckled and threw the cigarette butt lightly. The next moment, he disappeared from the spot again!


Knowing the other party's "routine", Han Feng disappeared from the spot without hesitation.

"Bang! Boom!"

In the distance, the figures of the two appeared.

The man made a quick move, but he didn't hit Han Feng, but the cigarette in Han Feng's hand!

And Han Feng kept defending the cigarette butt in his hand to prevent the other party from touching it.

In this battle, the two men seemed to have switched the target of attack and protection to the cigarette.

Just like the "capture the flag" game, the two of them had a lot of fun fighting.


Seconds later, the man disappeared from the spot and returned to the place just now, catching his cigarette butt that was about to touch the ground.


Following the man, Han Feng also returned to his original position. As if... nothing had happened just now.

"Hiss... Huh..."

The man took the last puff of the cigarette, threw the cigarette butt away and stomped it out.

Then, the man began to take off his torn coat. That is, after the coat, there was the tall and polite hat.

"Warm-up is over."

After doing all this, the man looked at Han Feng and said softly...

"What a coincidence, me too."

In response to the man, Han Feng stretched out his right hand and slowly drew out the Snow Drinking Mad Knife...

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