Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 433: Hidden Mission 4

"Luna, give me the location of the Energy 7 injection.

Looking away, Han Feng ignored the pleading of the man at his feet and looked for the injection.

According to the precise location given by Luna, Han Feng quickly found three energy 7 injections from the pile of corpses.

"Since it is the mother's choice, then I will protect your life for her..."

After exiting the room, Han Feng was talking and filling back the boulder he had just removed...

"lease! lease! i don't ahe darkness here! lease take! take aay!"

"Please! Please! I don't want to endure the darkness here! Please take me away! Take me away!!!"

Listening to the man's desperate cry, Han Feng's face was expressionless and he did not stop thinking...

Within a few seconds, countless boulders blocked the door again. And the man returned to darkness again...

"Luna, am I aware of the causes and consequences of the gs virus?"

"Reporting to the Korean team, yes, you have understood the entire evolution and operation process of the gs virus."

After hearing this, Han Feng smiled with satisfaction...because half of the hidden mission three was completed.

The remaining half...just need to completely destroy this place!

"Psychic power! Kai!"

Standing among the many machines in the main laboratory, these three sonorous words came out from under Han Feng's thick mask.

"Xiao! Zheng!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Huh! Buzz..."

The silver shuttle, silver wings and blood needle can shuttle through various machines thousands of times in an instant.

The crazy knife that had been floating behind him was also held by Han Feng in both hands, and he slashed hard at the largest instrument in front of him.

Two minutes later...

After careful destruction, no fingernail-sized fragments were found in the entire main laboratory.


Withdrawing all the telekinesis weapons, Han Feng took a deep breath and looked around. At the same time, he had some doubts in his heart... The laboratory has become like this, why hasn't Hidden Mission Three been reported completed?

"Congratulations to the Korean team for completing the time machine hidden mission."

A few seconds later, the system's mechanical sound suddenly sounded in Han Feng's mind. Hearing this, Han Feng smiled softly. I wanted to save myself and ask Luna...

Immediately afterwards, the system's mechanical voice sounded again, "When the commander completes the following tasks, he can build the ultimate building-the time machine."

"Task 1: Upgrade all main buildings to full level."

"Mission 2: Form your own force and become a perfect leader. The mission indicator is to protect at least 10,000 survivors."

"Mission Three: Find out the cause of the GS virus and seal or destroy the main laboratory."

"Task 4: Find the hidden matrix."

"Mission five is unknown (when the commander completes mission four, mission five will be unlocked)"

After saying that, the system's mechanical voice stopped speaking...


Upon hearing the content and requirements of Hidden Mission Four, Han Feng was stunned...

"Find the mother body...is it the Holy Lord..."

Lifting his eyes, Han Feng glanced at the deep claw marks on the granite again, and murmured something at the same time...

At this moment, Han Feng was unable to determine the relationship between the mother body and the Holy Lord. But...the only thing that is certain is that he will never be able to defeat the mother body.


After swallowing a sip of saliva, Han Feng fell silent...

A few seconds later, Han Feng, who had regained his composure, said softly, "Let's go up first."

But when Han Feng was about to climb the ladder, he suddenly slapped his forehead and stopped his movement.

Because at this moment, Han Feng suddenly realized that there were still three energy injections that were not used!

"Luna, is there a way to inject an injection without taking off protective clothing?"

Looking at the injection, Han Feng asked angrily.

"Report to the Korean team...I'm sorry, there is nothing we can do."


In fact, after asking, Han Feng also felt a little "regret"...

How could the injection penetrate through such thick protective clothing...

Scratching his head, Han Feng asked cautiously, "Luna, if I take off my protective clothing now... what will happen?"

"Report to the Korean team that the surface of the radiation protection suit has been contaminated by nuclear radiation. The moment you take off the radiation protection suit, you will be eroded by nuclear radiation."

"I know." After hearing what Luna said, Han Feng hesitated again and again, and finally said, "I mean...can I resist it? Or...what impact will these measured amounts of radiation have on me."

"Report to the Korean team that the radiation on the surface of the radiation protection suit is enough to cause you to suffer from radiation sickness. It is expected that within three years... cancer."


Under the protective mask, Han Feng pursed his lips...

"Is there any way to minimize the damage?!" After a pause, Han Feng suddenly thought of something, and then said, "Even if I don't take it off now, I will take off the protective clothing when I get to a safe area? Take it off now, and If you take it off later, what difference does it make?”

After mustering up his courage, Han Feng decided to take off his protective clothing. As for cancer within three years... Haha, as long as you have a time machine, there should be no problem.


After taking Han Feng's question, Luna was silent at first. After a few seconds, Luna slowly said, "Team Han, take off your protective clothing in an absolutely safe place. This suit must be discarded. And it will only harm your body once. At the same time, the system will monitor the radiation absorbed by the radiation suit. Make the best decision for you, even if you are exposed to radiation, it will remain within the limits of the human body.”

"In addition, when you led the team to search here, nuclear radiation has been spread throughout the space. If you insist on taking off your protective clothing... it is not impossible."

Halfway through her words, Luna suddenly changed the subject.

"What can I do?!"

"Excuse me, does the Korean team want to take off their protective clothing here?"

Surprisingly, Luna ignored Han Feng's question and asked her own questions.

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay, please order the Korean team to summon a radiation engineer now."

"Summon a radiation engineer, confirm the summons."

According to the instructions given by Luna, Han Feng ordered honestly.

"Okay, Team Han, please relax now..."

"Tap tap tap..."

As soon as Luna finished speaking, five radiation engineers came forward.

Out of the corner of his eye, Han Feng noticed that each radiation engineer was holding a "mineral water" bottle...

They unscrewed the bottle cap and poured it on Han Feng without thinking.

"Report to the Korean team, what you see is a nuclear contamination decontamination and decontamination agent. Its function is to decontaminate nuclear contamination on the surface of objects."

After Luna finished speaking, the five radiation engineers sprayed the remaining content in the bottle onto each other.

More than ten seconds later, five radiation engineers began to take off Han Feng's radiation protection suit.

When the last radiation protection piece on Han Feng's body was removed, a brand new bottle of nuclear contamination decontamination and decontamination agent was poured directly from his head.

"Team Han! Apply it all over your body quickly!"

Instantly, Luna's voice sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Team Han, you only have about thirty seconds to change into a new radiation protection suit. In other words, you must complete the injection within thirty seconds and then put on the replacement protective suit."

When Han Feng quickly applied it to his body, Luna added in time.

"I see."

As he spoke, Han Feng knew very well... what he would face soon...



Han Feng had just finished applying it, but the countdown on Luna's side had already reached twenty-one!

Time was running out, Han Feng didn't dare to hesitate at all!

The power of his mind controlled three 7-shot energy injections, stabbing directly into his heart!

Just stand there...injecting the injection. This is something Han Feng never thought about before...


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