Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 43: Fighting

"Ta da! Ta da da!" After Lin Lan issued the attack order, gunshots began to sound intensively.

After stabilizing the first wave of zombies, Lin Lan said, "The team behind will attack!"

"Ta da! Ta da!" The team at the front fixed their attack position, forming an effective fire network from front to back, left and right, and severely suppressed the zombies that rushed forward. The team behind followed Lin Lan's instructions to rush in and suppress .

"Switch! The team at the back, continue to advance!" After the team at the rear gained a foothold in the front, Lin Lan ordered again.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฌ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ]

After several suppressions, advances, suppressions, and breakthroughs, Han Feng and his party arrived at the corridor on the second floor.

The same situation as on the third and fourth floors...the corridors are still full of zombies.

"Are there any grenades?!" Lin Lan shouted to a mobilization soldier next to him in the corridor where gunshots were ringing.

"Don't ask, no! They do!!!" Before the mobilized soldier who was asked by Lin Lan could speak, Han Feng from behind answered the question first.

Looking back, Lin Lan saw Han Feng pointing at the American soldiers.

"Grenade!" Lin Lan turned around and shouted to the American soldiers.

"Yes!" The American soldier responded, took out a high-explosive grenade and handed it to Lin Lan.

Looking at the grenade in his hand, Lin Lan subconsciously said, "Oh my God!" It was obvious that Lin Lan recognized the high-explosive grenade in his hand and knew its huge destructive power. โ™ฆโ™• โ™ฆเถ

Holding a high-explosive grenade in his hand, Lin Lan was delighted. With the other hand, he threw the assault rifle behind his back and fixed it, saying, "One more!"

Taking the grenade, Lin Lan looked at the zombies in the corridors on the left and right sides of the stairs.

"All teammates! Pay attention to defense!" After saying that, Lin Lan held the grenade in both hands, bit it with his teeth, and pulled it! The tabs of the two grenades were held in his mouth.

"Bah!" He spit out the two pull tabs in his mouth, flicked his hands to both sides, and the grenade accurately fell into the zombie groups on both sides. After seeing the grenade landed at the designated location, Lin Lan shouted, 'All teammates! Fall back and defend! โ€™

The red alert soldiers received the order and quickly climbed up the stairs to avoid it.

"Boom!!! Boom!!!" Two huge explosions sounded, shock waves rushed around, and the glass of the entire building was shattered.

When Han Feng and Lin Lan looked up again, all they saw was dust and falling bricks and rubble.

"Ta-ta!" The machine gun sounded again, killing the remaining zombies.

"Don't tell me, the quality of the teaching building is really great!" When the dust fell, Han Feng could vaguely see that the corridors on both sides were still intact and had not collapsed.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's not over yet." Lin Lan looked at Han Feng, then looked at the corridor and said, "For the team members who don't have bullets, use axes and machetes! The rest of the team shot and killed the zombies downstairs, try not to waste bullets!"

Lin Lan also knew the importance of bullets, so he quickly issued an order for the soldiers who still had bullets to shoot and kill the zombies blocking the way downstairs. The few zombies in front of him were left to the soldiers without bullets. โ–‘โ–’โ–“โ–ˆโ–บโ”€โ• โ•โ”€โ—„โ–ˆโ–“โ–’โ–‘

"Grenade!" After the zombies in the building were suppressed, Lin Lan asked for a high-explosive grenade again.

"Defense!" With an order, Lin Lan dropped the grenade in his hand...

"Boom!!" A high-explosive grenade cut off the momentum of the zombies on the first floor.

"Attention all teammates! Teammates without bullets are now in groups of five! Teammates with bullets are in groups of three! Tomahawks open the way and machine guns suppress it! Quick!" Lin Lan listened to the number of gunshots around him and made strategic adjustments in time.

At this time, there were only four American soldiers left with bullets, and together with Han Feng and Lin Lan, they had just enough for two. Each leading a team, Han Feng and Lin Lan guarded the door of the building, attacking from both sides to stop the incoming zombies.

"Winter Soldier, go and replenish the team with only four people, and advance and retreat with them, quickly!" Han Feng looked back behind him and found that the 29 Red Police soldiers were divided into 6 teams, but there was one team There are only four people in the team, so Han Feng can only assign winter soldiers to support the team that is short of people through remote orders from the system radar.

After receiving the order, the Winter Soldier ran towards the four-man team with the AK47 in his arms.

"Winter Soldier still has bullets?" Frowning, Han Feng suddenly thought of something. Yes, forget that the Winter Soldier is a one-star soldier with 90 bullets in the gun, which is three times more than ordinary conscripts!

"Ta-ta-ta! Ta-ta-ta!" At the door, four machine guns and two assault rifles were spitting fire, and the hot bullets took away the lives of zombies one after another.

"Click! Click!" The assault rifle in Han Feng's hand was out of bullets. After quickly reloading, he checked the spare magazine.

"Damn it!" Han Feng yelled after seeing the remaining magazines. There are three more... In other words, Han Feng still has 120 bullets left at this time... Looking up at the large number of zombies in front of him, Han Feng frowned.

"Kaka!"... "Han Feng! I'm out of bullets! How many spare magazines do you have?" Lin Lan's voice sounded from the other side.

"There are three more!" Han Feng, who took out the magazine, paused, then took off the assault rifle from his body, threw it directly towards Lin Lan and shouted, "You shot accurately! I'll give you my gun too." !โ€

Taking Han Feng's gun and three spare magazines, Lin Lan opened fire quickly and continued to suppress the approaching zombies.

"What do you do?!" A few seconds later, Lin Lan asked Han Feng after temporarily repelling the "charge" of a small number of zombies.

"Leave me alone, I have a solution, it's okay!" After shouting at Lin Lan, Han Feng said to one of the American soldiers beside him, "Give me the high-explosive grenade, 9-hand grenade, and spare pistol magazine."

After receiving the American soldier's secondary weapon pistol and high-explosive grenade, Han Feng did not fire quickly, but looked at the group of corpses in front of him.

Pull the tab of the high-explosive grenade and throw it directly into the zombies.

"Boom!!" A violent explosion sounded in front, and the rapid shock wave washed away mercilessly, and the heat wave mixed with the remains of severed fingers rushed towards the face.

"Holy shit!" Han Feng, who had no time to defend himself, was drenched in blood...

"Hehe." Lin Lan chuckled from the other side.

After shaking off the body parts, Han Feng looked at Lin Lan and said, "Stop laughing, they are pushing over."

As the high-explosive grenade exploded in the center of the corpse group, a vacuum was cleared within a dozen meters around the center of the explosion. The zombies behind were blown away, but in the same way... the zombies in front were also pushed over by the shock wave.

"Da! Da" Hearing Han Feng's prompt, Lin Lan quickly stopped laughing and continued to kill zombies.

After throwing away the ring in his hand, Han Feng raised the 9 pistol in his hand. He didn't rush to shoot, but quietly took aim...

"Bang!" After taking aim at two points and one line, Han Feng fired.

Carrying a ball of fire, the hot bullet accurately shot into the zombie's head. "Yes!" Han Feng said excitedly as he looked at the zombie lying down in front of him whose head had been shot by him.

There was no anxiety, and I continued to aim... "Bang!" There was another gunshot, and the zombie in front of me was headshot again!

"Yes!" Biting his lip, Han Feng muttered again. He knew that his marksmanship was terrible, so it was better to waste four or five bullets to take away the life of a zombie. It is better to aim carefully and strive to achieve perfect results.

The 9 pistol has a ammunition capacity of 15 rounds. Even if it is equipped with a spare magazine... the number of bullets is only thirty rounds.

"Bang!"..."Bang!"...Bang! โ€ฆ

Each shot is separated by a few seconds. Although it is slow, the kill rate is high.

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