Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 428: Hidden Mission 3

s Chapter 5! Here you go! Come on!

After writing this, let me have a meal first... I will definitely present Chapter 6 in the evening! Please be patient, dear readers~

——Dividing line——

"I don't know, zombies seem to be born to obey her orders and never resist.


After Lin Lan finished speaking, two words suddenly popped up in Han Feng's mind-the Matrix!

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝕥𝕨𝕜𝕒𝕟.𝕔𝕠𝕞]

"Do you know the Matrix..."

When Han Feng said this, his tone... showed despair.

"The Matrix? I know." After saying this, Lin Lan recalled for a few seconds and then said, "Do you remember the armed forces department you went to before leaving the nuclear radiation zone?"

"Armed forces department?"

This time, it was Han Feng's turn to recall.

"Yes, on the first floor, there was a corpse of a Chinese soldier. On the top floor, you also received a piece of paper with garbled characters. "

"I remember, it seems to be true."

After Lin Lan finished speaking, Han Feng recalled that he had indeed been to this armed department about half a year ago. And after the system incompletely deciphered, this piece of paper with garbled characters only translated into five words - retreat, extreme danger, female body, infection, and powerful.

After speaking, Han Feng connected all his previous memories. It was that time that Han Feng first heard the name of the Matrix.

"Well... I put that piece of paper there."

"You? ! ! "

"Yes, it was me.

Looking at Han Feng's frightened expression again, Lin Lan answered calmly...

"At that time, I was responsible for observing you secretly. I happened to see that you were going to the armed department... So I printed a document in a confidential form."

"What about the entire content..."

At this moment, Han Feng only wanted to know the entire content of the document, rather than just relying on these five words to make random guesses.

"Due to a serious leak in a foreign secret laboratory, a powerful life form escaped. At the same time, an extremely dangerous and deadly virus was also leaked, with the highest infection level. All members of the armed forces are required to retreat to the HS armed forces within three hours after receiving the order. Note that the escaped life form is female and her appearance is unknown. Codename: Matrix."

Following Han Feng's question, Lin Lan narrated all the contents of the document at that time word for word.

"Is the Holy Lord... the Matrix?"

After listening, Han Feng thought about it and asked.

"I don't know... but based on the known clues now. It should be her without a doubt."

For this question, Lin Lan gave a very pertinent answer.

"The Holy Lord is the Matrix... Then who are the other two men..." While talking, Han Feng picked up a cigarette and continued, "Being able to appear in the ruins means that he and the Holy Lord are more or less related."

"Report to Captain Han, the number of survivors you are sheltering now has reached 10,003, which meets the task requirements of the hidden task 2 issued by the system."

While talking to Lin Lan, Luna's report suddenly sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Well...you go out first. If there are any more questions, I'll call you again."

In order to watch the hidden mission three in time, Han Feng stood up and told Lin Lan the second "eviction order".

"Okay, think about it again, are there any other details."

In order not to disturb Han Feng, Lin Lan stood up and walked out of the bedroom.

When he was the only one left in the room again, Han Feng turned his attention to the system...

"Congratulations to Captain Han for completing the time machine hidden mission."

As soon as he entered the system, a cold mechanical sound sounded first.

The next second, the system's mechanical voice sounded again, "When the commander completes the following tasks, you can build the ultimate building - the time machine."

"Task 1: Upgrade all main buildings to the maximum level."

"Task 2: Build your own forces and become a perfect leader. The task target is to protect at least 10,000 survivors."

"Task 3: Find out the cause of the GS virus and seal or destroy the main laboratory."

"Task 4: Unknown (unlock Task 4 after the commander completes Task 3)"

After the system's mechanical voice finished speaking, it returned to silence...


After hearing the content of the hidden Task 3, Han Feng's eyes twitched unconsciously a few times...

"Seal... or destroy the main laboratory..."

While muttering this sentence, Han Feng felt bitter in his mouth and depressed in his heart...

Let alone the main laboratory... I didn't even see the branch laboratory? !

Moreover, those who secretly studied the GS virus were all foreigners, and there were no Chinese people at all! In other words... this main laboratory is definitely abroad!

With a sullen face, Han Feng sat back in his chair helplessly.

"Fuck... I haven't figured out who the Holy Lord is yet, and you're asking me to find a main laboratory... Isn't this cheating me?!!!"

After saying this, Han Feng was so angry that he said, "Other people's systems are all trying to help the host in every possible way. You're the best! You put the supply boxes in dangerous places! The price of each type of soldiers is ridiculously expensive!"

"I won't say anything about these. Can the hidden missions be a little easier?! Ha~ One is harder than the other!"

"After I complete mission three, does mission four require me to rule the entire earth?... Damn it..."

After saying this, Han Feng sucked hard on the cigarette. He wanted to "let it all out" with the nicotine.

After smoking this cigarette, Han Feng stuck the cigarette butt into the ashtray and extinguished it.

Suddenly, Han Feng seemed to remember something, and asked Luna in his mind, "Oh, Luna, in the hidden mission three, there is a sentence to find out the cause of the GS virus. We have collected so much information about the GS virus, isn't it halfway done?"

"Report to Captain Han, the information you have collected about the GS virus is all information after the GS virus was leaked. And the system's task requirement is to find out the origin and cause of the GS virus."


After listening, Han Feng continued to look disappointed...

After a pause, Han Feng suddenly frowned again...because he thought of a crucial question, that is, whether the laboratory from which the mother escaped... and the main laboratory are the same place.

If it is not the same, then he needs to travel thousands of miles to other countries to "find a needle in a haystack". If it is the same...then this laboratory is likely to be in Province N!

Although Province N is also very large, it is at least much smaller than other countries.

"Report to Captain Han, the main laboratory referred to by the system is the laboratory from which the mother escaped."

Finally...finally, I finally heard a "good news"!

"Luna, when we met the special forces, didn't we intercept a lot of videos?"

Han Feng's tone was much lighter as his mood was slightly lifted.

"Yes, Captain Han, the video system at that time is still preserved. Do you want to watch it now?"

Luna asked Han Feng's question.

"No, no, no." After three consecutive nos, Han Feng continued, "What I want to ask is... can the system analyze the video content... find the location of the main laboratory?"

"Report to Captain Han, I'm not sure about this. But the video of the main laboratory can be handed over to the combat laboratory for analysis. Maybe the combat laboratory can find the i address of the video."

"Well, send it over, I hope... I can find this address!"

Without hesitation, Han Feng immediately decided to let the combat laboratory start research.

"Okay, Captain Han, the video file has been transferred to the combat laboratory. The video analysis time is five minutes."


After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng pursed his lips and waited quietly... and his heart was full of expectations.

Four minutes later...

"Report to Team Han, the video of the main laboratory of the GS virus, the combat laboratory has been disassembled."

"Have you found the location of the main laboratory?!"

Han Feng asked eagerly with great expectation.

"Congratulations to Team Han, the video address has been obtained by us!"

Maybe he felt Han Feng's urgency

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