Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 422: Reconciliation

Back at the zinc mine, Han Feng stepped off the troop ship.

"Tanya, please do your best and take them to Brother Wang's place."

By them here, Han Feng refers to the boss and the five girls.


"When you're done, you can go back to the base. It's getting late, so go back and have a rest early."

"Okay, I get it."

After replying to Han Feng, Tanya turned around and boarded the troop ship again.

Watching the two troop transport ships leave, Han Feng silently took out a cigarette and lit it.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Han Feng walked slowly in the zinc mine...

More than ten days have passed since the last zombie craze. All the buildings in the zinc mine are almost in repair, but there are still some blood stains and bullet holes hidden on the ground...

"The weather is really warm..."

Suddenly, Han Feng said coldly.

"Reporting to the Korean team, today is February 3rd. Tomorrow will be the beginning of spring, and winter will be over."

After Han Feng talked to himself, Luna reported the date and solar terms.

"So fast..."

As he spoke, Han Feng's mind was filled with the harsh winter and the heavy snow covering the mountains and plains.

"Haha..." Han Feng kept looking at the sky, laughed softly and continued, "I can't believe...it's been more than a month since we parted ways with her..."

After saying that, Han Feng's eyes gradually narrowed, and he secretly swore that the time machine... no matter what, he must build it! ! !

"Luna, summon five Nighthawk transport planes! Summon thirty SEALs! Confirm!" After a pause, Han Feng seemed to remember something again, and continued, "By the way, nutritional ointment... I will also make five hundred more." ,confirm."

"Okay, Korean team, five Nighthawk transport planes and thirty SEALs are being summoned, please wait..."

"Five hundred nutritional ointments are being made, please wait..."

"When they are all summoned, one hundred tubes of nutritional ointment will be placed on each transport aircraft.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng dropped the cigarette butt and stamped it out.

Each transport plane can carry five people, including the pilot's position, a total of six people... five transport planes, exactly thirty people.

Summoning the most powerful troops, Han Feng's purpose was to place them in any five cities five hundred kilometers away.

Let them search for survivors alone, without bringing them back, just protect them.

There are still two hundred people left before completing the second hidden task issued by the system... As long as they are gathered together, the third task can be started!

Every step he takes... Han Feng feels like he is one step closer to Wei Yun!


Sighing softly, Han Feng took out his phone and checked the time.

One fifty-two in the morning...

There are five transport planes, and the call time for each transport plane is forty minutes. Even if summoned from a physical building, the time is halved, taking nearly two hours...

Wait, I can't afford to wait. Shaking his head, Han Feng decided to go back to sleep first and wait until tomorrow to discuss all matters.

Gently returning to the familiar bedroom, Han Feng saw that the room was spotless.

Taking off his clothes, Han Feng walked into the bathroom. After a simple wash, go to bed and rest...

Five hours later, around 7 a.m....


Hearing the slight push of the bedroom door, Han Feng woke up from his dream instantly! He sat up from the bed immediately and looked at the door.

"Wow~ you're back!"

Seeing Han Feng, Lin Lan, who was holding a rag, shouted with joy.

"Damn it...you didn't knock when you came in..."

"When did you come back?! Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Lin Lan dropped the rag in his hand and walked to Han Feng's bed. He didn't pay any attention to what Han Feng was saying, and just kept asking questions...

"Stop, stop, stop... um... you go out first and I can put on my clothes, okay..."

Holding the quilt, Han Feng's face gradually became "embarrassed"...

"Okay, you put it on first, I'll wait for you outside!"


After Lin Lan finished speaking, he walked out the door. Before leaving...don't forget to close the door tightly.

Seeing Lin Lan go out, Han Feng jumped off the bed, quickly got dressed and rushed into the bathroom.

While washing his face, Han Feng asked Luna in his mind, "Has the Nighthawk transport plane been summoned?"

"Report to the Korean team that all five Nighthawk helicopters have been summoned, and one hundred tubes of nutritional ointment have been placed on each transport aircraft."

"Well, let all thirty SEALs board the plane and take off." Han Feng paused and continued to order, "Five Nighthawk transport aircraft, fly to any five cities outside the radar coverage of the destination. SEAL mission Search for survivors in the city and protect them accordingly.”

"Okay, Team Korea, would you like to take off now?"

After taking Han Feng's order, Luna asked additionally.

"take off!"

"Okay, Team Korea."

After the exchange, Han Feng put down his face towel.

Holding the toothbrush holder, Han Feng brushed his teeth and walked to the window.

"Da da da da da da da..."

Outside the bright window, two Nighthawk transport planes flew away in different directions in the sky. The clicking sound of the propeller turning attracted the attention of the survivors on the ground.

Go back to the bathroom and rinse your mouth. After briefly sorting out his clothes, Han Feng opened the door and walked out.

"Shall we eat first?"

At the door, Lin Lan looked at Han Feng and asked.

"Let's go~"

In response, Han Feng walked downstairs and walked to the restaurant.

What Han Feng didn't expect was... At this time, Liu Rui, Hu Hu, Wei Peng and others had gathered in the restaurant.


Seeing Wei Peng, Han Feng's heart skipped a beat...

Behind me is Lin Lan... Don't do it at this time...

"Brother Han! Long time no see~"

"Suddenly"! Wei Peng actually ignored Lin Lan's presence and greeted himself with a smile!

"Haha~Long time no see~Long time no see~"

Raising his hand to signal, Han Feng also smiled and "entered the stage."

"You disappeared for so long, where the hell have you been?~"

Seeing Han Feng passing by him, Liu Rui patted Han Feng gently and asked.

"Save the world... win over partners..."

When responding to Liu Rui, Han Feng's attention was entirely on Wei Peng. But...this kid seems...back to "normal". There is no "bah ah ah hoo" as imagined...

"Tch~save the world~" Liu Rui snorted, then asked, "What about your partner?"


After hearing this, Han Feng exclaimed and immediately sat up from the stool.

"You guys wait a minute! I'm going to pick someone up!!!"

After saying that, Han Feng rushed outside in a hurry...

"Why did you forget Master Zhi! Damn it!" Han Feng secretly regretted while driving to the temporary residence of the survivors...

A minute later, Han Feng arrived at his destination and parked the car.

"Luna, look for the location of Master Zhi." Han Feng asked Luna in his mind while looking at several colored steel houses.

"Alright Team Korea, Master Zhi's position has been marked by radar. Please move to the radar screen to take a look."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng transferred part of his attention to the system.

According to the radar display, Han Feng quickly found Master Zhi.

At this moment, Master Zhi was sitting cross-legged on the bed, motionless. It seems that... he is entering concentration.

Next to Master Zhi is the boss, who is sitting on a stool with sleepy eyes...


It was really "embarrassing" the boss... He traveled more than 500 kilometers with me and came to this unfamiliar place.

Also...the boss only knows Master Zhi here. If he wasn't here, where else could he be? ~

Seeing the boss shaking his head, Han Feng suddenly smiled.

"Donor Han, you are here."

Hearing Han Feng's chuckle, Master Zhi slowly opened his eyes, looked at Han Feng and said hello.


The boss also opened one eye and looked at Han Feng with squinted eyes.

"Boss, go wash your face first, I'll wait for you two downstairs~"

After saying that, Han Feng left the room.

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