Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 420: Central City

A few minutes later, Han Feng stood up while wailing.

"Broken game! It's so hard to play!"

After complaining, Han Feng turned his eyes and looked around.

"You two, please give me some peace of mind. No one is allowed to come out to play without my order from now on!"

Fixing his gaze on the two women, Han Feng thought for a while and ordered.

"Way~ No, sir..."

With a grimace, Natasha was the first to "refute".

Han Feng stared at Natasha angrily, then walked outside after a few seconds.

Standing at the door of the game hall, Han Feng saw all the guards in police uniforms outside...

"Han...Mr. Han, are you okay?"

What Han Feng didn't expect was...the captain who led the team took a step forward and asked.

I originally thought that I was going to go to the police station, and then Xu Long would deal with it...

"It's okay, it's okay~"

Since the other party was so polite, it was hard for me to say anything else.

"Quick! Take away the gangsters inside!"

Just as Han Feng finished speaking, the captain waved his right hand and gave orders to the guards behind him.


Looking at a group of busy guards, Han Feng sincerely sighed, Xu Long's power and methods are really deep!

After the incident in the morning, Han Feng decided not to go anywhere in the afternoon and just stayed in the hotel.

Soon, time flies to the next morning...

Since the previous leather scabbard was broken, Han Feng asked Luna to make another one for him the night before.

After tying up his brand new leather armor and scabbard, Han Feng led Tanya, Natasha and the boss out of the hotel.

"This trip will take several days. Is your hotel really closed?"

Before leaving, Han Feng looked back at the hotel and asked the boss again.

"Oh~ How much will the hotel be worth even if it is sold?!"

With a big wave of his hand, the boss said proudly.

"Mr. Han, can we leave now?"

On the side, a bodyguard wearing sunglasses and a suit asked Han Feng.

"Let's go, let's go."

"Okay Mr. Han, please go to the car in front."

With Han Feng's permission, the bodyguard raised his hand to signal Han Feng to sit in the front car.


In response, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the front of the motorcade.

Opening the rear door, Han Feng saw Xu Long on the other side.

"Congratulations~ I really saw you right!"

Seeing Han Feng, Xu Long made polite opening remarks.

"When will you meet the Lord of the City?"

Han Feng, who wanted to see the Lord of the Central City, said straight to the point.

"At noon, I will take you and another strong man to attend the luncheon before the competition. When the luncheon is over..."

Having said this, Xu Long gradually silenced his voice.

Han Feng nodded falsely to indicate that he understood. At the end of the dinner... that's when the Lord of the Middle City died!


Seeing the sensible Han Feng, Xu Long smiled and nodded with satisfaction.

Forty minutes later...the motorcade drove into a hotel in Midtown. Of course, this is still when the convoy is traveling at a slow speed...

Although this area is divided into five areas: east, west, south, north, and middle, in the final analysis, these areas are not big.

In a small town with less than ten thousand people, each piece of land has only a few thousand people.

"Let's go. When the banquet is over, I will let you and the Lord of Central City be alone together." In the car, Xu Long patted Han Feng's knee and continued, "As long as he dies, what I have... is half of what you have." !”


Moving Xu Long's hand away, Han Feng responded casually.

"Let's go, let's eat first."

After that, Xu Long opened the door and got out of the car first.

In the huge banquet hall on the third floor, a huge table stood out.

On the table, a dazzling array of food exudes fragrance.

Among the people sitting around the table, in addition to Xu Long, the Lord of the East City, there were three other City Lords.

Each of them was followed by two contestants who came to participate in the finals.

"Are you all here?"

Suddenly, while Han Feng was still observing everyone, an old man's voice sounded from behind the screen behind the dining table.

"He is the Lord of Central City..."

Hearing the sound, Xu Long leaned into Han Feng's ear and whispered...

"It's been three months since we last got together, right?"

As he spoke, the Lord of the Middle City appeared...

Wearing a pure white training uniform and equipped with a dragon-head crutch, his old figure is not rickety at all.

The Lord of Zhongcheng had his hair slicked back, and every strand of hair was gathered together meticulously.

This aspect reminds Han Feng of the president in Hong Kong movies...

"It's been so long since I last saw you~ Brother Bo is still so tough~"

Xu Long looked at Zhongcheng Lord and stood up first to compliment.

"Hey~ I'm old~"

The Lord of the Middle City smiled and continued, "The only people who can sit at this table and eat, except you four pillars, are the one-in-a-million strong men."

"At this point, you are no longer warriors, but a family that protects the city together! Even if you can't stay with me, you can still be selected by the other city lords to become their confidants and protect the peace of the region..."

Hearing this, Han Feng suddenly realized!

Select the strong men in each city district and distribute them to other city districts... In this way, each city lord will lose some "obedient" warriors!

Even if you get warriors from other cities, there will still be a sense of "response" in your heart... In this way, the four cities will be in intrigues.

Haha... This central city lord really plays his cards well! Let them keep each other in check! ! !

"Come on~ let's drink to tomorrow!"

While Han Feng was thinking about the conspiracy behind the competition, the Lord of the Central City finished his opening remarks and took the lead in picking up the cup.

After drinking the wine in the cup, the lunch officially began!

Some chatted, some flattered...

During the whole meal, only Han Feng enjoyed the food alone...

After about an hour and a half, the boring lunch was finally over.

"All those who have no losers in all the competitions, come with me."

Wipe his mouth, the Lord of the Central City slowly stood up and said.

"Is this the opportunity to be alone?!"

Han Feng saw that there were two people standing up besides himself at the table. Han Feng, who felt cheated, asked Xu Long quietly.

"You will know in a while, remember to move faster..."

Moving his lips lightly, Xu Long quickly responded.

Giving Xu Long a blank look, Han Feng quickly followed the Lord of the Central City who left the table.

"Who is Han Feng?"

Walking through the long corridor, the Lord of the Central City asked in front of the door at the end.

"I am."

Stepping forward, Han Feng looked at the Lord of the Central City and said.

"Well, he's a good candidate." After praising him, the Lord of the Central City turned around and opened the door at the end of the corridor, and then continued, "Come in with me."


Han Feng exhaled lightly, thinking that this should be a chance to be alone...

Entering the house, Han Feng first smelled the sandalwood in the air.

Looking at the decorations here...it's ancient and quaint. If you don't know, you might think you've walked into the wrong set.

"You're amazing."

The voice of the Lord of the Central City drew Han Feng's attention back.

Looking at the Lord of the Central City who was already sitting on the "dragon chair", Han Feng smiled and didn't respond.

"I'm much older than you, you can call me Bo Lao."

"Hello, Bo Lao~"

After Han Feng finished speaking, he turned his eyes to find a stool...but found that there was no place for him to sit here.


Helplessly, Han Feng could only stand and talk to the Lord of the Central City.

"You've never lost in the East City. Do you have any plans for the future?"

After hearing what Bo Lao said, Han Feng instantly guessed the other party's intention. This guy... probably wants to keep me by his side and use me for his own benefit.

Of course~ Besides me, the other two strong men outside the sect, Bo Lao should also say the same thing to them.

"I don't have any idea, just fight one by one."

Han Feng was honest and didn't say what Bo Lao hoped for.


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