Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 418: No Fate


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Through the gap in the iron fence, Han Feng saw Duowu lying on the ground. All the bone spurs on his body were retracted, and he was slapping the ground and crying in regret...

"Ah? This..."

When the game ended without any suspense, the host was stunned...

Having watched Duo Wu Menggui's battles several times, the host knows very well that he can trigger unexpected bone spur attacks in various parts of the body.

As a weirdo with "weapons" all over his body, how could he end up... "confused"? !

"Cold wind! Cold wind! Cow!!!"

As soon as the host finished talking nonsense, bursts of cheers came from the audience!

Before the host came on stage to speak, Han Feng turned around and walked off the field.

There is no other reason... Han Feng is hungry!

"Let's go and eat~"

Shirtless, Han Feng walked and said to the boss waiting for him in the passage.

"That...Master Zhi is awake."

"Really? Then let's go together~"

After speaking, Han Feng quickened his pace.

I never imagined that Master Zhi could wake up on his own after being unconscious for only a few hours. This level of physique is truly incredible!

Walking into the waiting room excitedly, Han Feng saw Master Zhi sitting on the sofa, eating a white pancake.

"Hey, hey, can eating this stuff be nutritious?!" Taking the pancake from Master Zhi's hand, Han Feng pulled him up and said, "Let's go to a restaurant~"

"Excuse me...have you seen my recommender?"

"Kill me and you are free~"

Han Feng was "honest" and didn't hide anything.


After Han Feng finished speaking, he noticed that Master Zhi paused, stood there and closed his eyes.

With a slight movement of the corner of his mouth, Han Feng heard bursts of Sanskrit sounds...

"You also give salvation to such a person?!"

Han Feng, who knew about this ritual, felt that Master Zhi was a bit silly. His recommender is obviously not well-intentioned, so why should he just give him salvation like this? If it were you, even if you break your bones and raise your ashes, it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in your heart!

"All living beings are equal..."

"Let's go!"

A minute later, Master Zhi opened his eyes. Just when he was about to say something, Han Feng was violently dragged to the exit...

"Braised pork, steamed pork with vermicelli, braised pork with pickled vegetables..."

In the music restaurant, Han Feng was holding the menu and ordering the dishes.

The restaurant owner... stood aside with a smile and respectfully recorded...

"Five bowls of rice, thanks~"

After a while, Han Feng closed the menu and signaled that it was ready to start.

"There is one last game. When it is over in the afternoon, we can go to Midtown~"

Holding the back of his head with both hands, Han Feng leaned back on the chair and relaxed.

"I never thought you could achieve such an achievement!" The boss continued, holding up the teacup, "Come on! Xiao Han, I'd like to toast you a toast! I wish you continue to be invincible in the next competition!!!"

After that, the boss drank all the tea in the cup.

"It's all a small scene, not on the stage~ It's just fun to compete with Master Zhi in the ring."

As he spoke, Han Feng looked at Master Zhi with a vague look in his eyes.

"Donor Han is joking. In terms of ability, I am not as good as you."

After listening, Han Feng waved his hands and said with a smile, "This is not a life and death battle, the outcome is unknown~"

"Hello, the braised pork is here, please give way..."

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, a waiter brought a small pot of braised pork and prepared to serve it.

Immediately afterwards, other dishes were served one after another.

Picking up the rice, Han Feng sandwiched the dishes and said, "Eat quickly~ Let's go find two sets of clothes after eating."

Due to the fierce battle... until now, Han Feng and Master Zhi were still naked from the waist down.

"Okay, then the poor monk will thank Donor Han."

After saying this with a smile, Master Zhi also picked up the rice bowl and started eating.

A few minutes later...

"Master Zhi, are you eating vegetables? Why are you holding the rice and chewing it?"

After such a long time, Han Feng noticed that Master Zhi had never reached for his chopsticks at the table and had been eating rice silently.

"As long as I have rice, a poor monk won't eat these vegetables.

After Master Zhi finished speaking, Han Feng looked at the dining table...

"Oh, let me go... I forgot that monks don't eat meat!" Han Feng patted his forehead and shouted with regret, "Hello, waiter, please give me two plates of fried vegetables!"

"Okay~Wait a moment~"

"No need to bother, I have enough rice."

"No trouble~ I just happen to want to eat some vegetarian food too~"

After ordering another dish for Master Zhi, Han Feng continued to "make rice"...

But... when two plates of vegetarian dishes were brought to the table, Han Feng found that Master Zhi still didn't move his chopsticks.

"Is it because these vegetarian dishes don't suit your appetite? Why don't you eat them? Can they taste good just by eating tasteless rice?"

Questions from the depths of the soul were asked by Han Feng...

"It's not that it's unpalatable, but...the oil used to fry these vegetables is meat oil. But the poor monk is full, so please don't order any more for me."

After saying this, Master Zhi put down the empty bowls and chopsticks and did not forget to give his instructions.


Pursing his lips, Han Feng didn't say anything... He just felt that he didn't entertain Master Haozhi. In my heart, I felt a little guilty for a while.

After thinking about it, Han Feng said, "Let's do it tonight! Let's find a restaurant in the evening and I will personally supervise their cooking~"

"Monks don't eat dinner."

"Then tomorrow..."

"No, since there is no recommender, the poor monk has not passed the wheel pose... This afternoon, the poor monk returned to the temple."

"Oh no?! You can go to Central City with me!" After Master Zhi said this, Han Feng became anxious...

From the outbreak of zombies to now, Master Zhi is the strongest person he has ever encountered! Its combat power is at least as capable as dealing with ten level six zombies!

If we let such a talent go...it will be difficult to find him again!

"The only purpose of participating in this competition is to repay the favor. Now that the recommender has gone, the fate between us is gone." After a pause, Master Zhi continued, "The temple is empty now. I have been down the mountain for so long... I'm afraid... The Buddha statue is covered in dust.”

"What are you doing guarding an empty temple?! What's the use? Are you still waiting for someone to offer incense?" Putting down the rice bowl in his hand, Han Feng continued, "It's not like you don't know that we are in troubled times now! I personally think, You should go down the mountain and save more people!”

"Zombie monsters are running rampant, and corpses are everywhere. You are proud of your martial arts, but you do not share and relieve the world's worries. When you pass away, what will you tell the Buddha? Just say that you have been "bathing" the Buddha statue for the rest of your life?"


Listening to Han Feng's "external evil ways", Master Zhi twitched his lips, trying to refute something. But I found...it seems to be the same reason...

"Join me, defend the righteousness of the world, and save more lives! In this way, even after you pass away, you can brag to the Buddha about how many people you have saved, etc.~"

"If you think about it carefully, which words sound better?~"

Looking at Master Zhi's thinking eyes, Han Feng quickly added a few words...

"Poor monk..."

"Okay! Welcome Master Zhi to join!!!"

Han Feng immediately clapped his hands before he could finish his words.


Perhaps he was "bewitched" by Han Feng, or perhaps he had a new point of view in his heart. Master Zhi sighed and shook his head, but did not refute anything.

Because they were having so much fun communicating, when they looked at the time again, they no longer had time to buy clothes...

In the afternoon, waiting for the game indoors. Han Feng was half lying on the sofa, waiting for his number to be called, when Master Zhi beside him asked, "Since we are destined to be together, are you interested in practicing Buddhism?"

"What's the use?"

Gently putting down the game console in his hand, Han Feng looked over and asked.

"Practicing Buddhism is of great benefit. It nourishes the body and avoids reincarnation..."

"Hey, stop, stop, stop..." Waving his hand, Han Feng interrupted Master Zhi's words and continued to ask, "If I study Buddhism with you, can I develop a golden body?"


Looking at Han Feng with curious eyes, Master Zhi pursed his lips... and nodded after hesitating.

"Immovable as a mountain and something... King Kong? Can you also practice it?"


After receiving Master Zhi's confirmation, Han Feng instantly sat upright on the sofa.

In my mind, I picture how invincible I will be after I achieve the golden body!

Think about it... turn on the blood rage, turn on the golden body, and be immovable as a mountain!

Who can break this defense? ! Even if you stand there sleeping, who can "wake you up"? !


Thinking about it, Han Feng laughed out loud...

"Since Donor Han is interested, I will teach you Buddhism. I hope you..."

"How long does it take to develop a golden body?!"

In his fantasy, Han Feng didn't hear what Master Qingzhi was saying at all.

"This...it's hard to say, it depends on your own understanding."

Listening to the general vocabulary, Han Feng changed his question and asked, "About? A week? A month? Or two months?"

"At least ten years."


Hearing this, Han Feng was stunned...

"How many?! Ten years?!"

"Maybe longer, it depends on the person."

"Oh, I'll go..."

At this moment... Han Feng felt a little regretful.

But the next second, Han Feng suddenly remembered something, and his eyes suddenly stared!

"Luna! Test Master Zhi's blood! See if you can extract anything from his blood!"

While talking, Han Feng's mind was filled with genes - the origin of the rapid recovery potion.

At the beginning, he also obtained blood from a person who had recovered his superpowers, and asked the combat laboratory to develop a recovery potion.

If we could extract some kind of "golden body factor" from Master Zhi... make it into an injection, and give it a shot when needed! Double armor, double happiness!

"Report to the Korean team that you need to obtain the blood of Master Zhi so that the combat laboratory can start relevant research."


With a brief response, Han Feng stood up and walked to Master Zhi.

"Donor Han, what are you looking for?"

Seeing Han Feng staring at him intently, Master Zhi asked inexplicably.

"Found it!"

Seeing a slight wound behind Master Zhi, Han Feng quickly reached up with his right hand and covered it.

"Report to the Korean team to obtain the blood of Master Zhi. The combat laboratory research project has been launched, and the project name is research on golden bodies and blood."

"Report to the Korean team, the research failed. Repeat, the research failed. The reason for the failure is that the golden body is a genetic mutation, and the relevant genes cannot be extracted and the relevant reagents cannot be produced."

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