Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 415: The endless emergence of supernatural powers

Seeing that he was so close to Master Zhi, Han Feng knew that the confinement had taken effect when he didn't even move!

"Bang bang bang bang! Boom!"

Standing in front of Master Zhi, Han Feng waved his fists rapidly!

Under the afterimages of his arms, Han Feng punched out like a "storm of pear blossoms"!

In the next few seconds, Han Feng gritted his teeth, held on to the fatigue of his body, and punched harder than the last!



"Buzz buzz! Buzz!!!"

Suddenly, without knowing when, Han Feng heard the sound of bells.


Listening to the sound of the bell, Han Feng listened carefully...

It’s Master Zhi! ! !

That’s right! Master Zhi, who was motionless at this moment, heard the sound of a bell in his body when he landed each punch! ! !


The more punches you throw, the denser the bells sound! The harder you punch, the louder the bell sounds!

The next moment... Han Feng noticed something was wrong...

That was my own mental power, which was depleting surprisingly slowly!

Soon, Han Feng found out the reason... Master Zhi simply stood there voluntarily and was beaten! It’s not caused by my own thoughts!

It may also be that Master Zhi wanted to move at that time, but when he found that he couldn't move, he simply gave up the struggle...

"Bang! Buzz..."

At the end, Han Feng threw out a whip kick, then retreated and walked away. At the same time, Han Feng also removed the seemingly useful restrictions...

"Not moving like a mountain."

Seeing that he could speak, Master Zhi spoke word by word. •

"Damn...damn...damn it, damn it."

On the other side, Han Feng leaned against the iron fence, panting and talking intermittently.

To be honest...let alone the beginning of the zombie outbreak, even from the time I was born to now! I have never encountered such a strange thing!

Is there anyone who can stand and be beaten and still be okay? With so many fists, you should have at least a thousand attacks, right? !

Let alone level four zombies, I'm afraid level six zombies will come in person! After enduring so many attacks, he would be half disabled even if he were not dead, right? !

Master Kezhi! ...Why do you still act like a fine person? ! ! !


While Han Feng was adjusting his breath, Master Zhi was still standing in his original position and had not moved. He even closed his eyes!

Han Feng guessed... maybe this immovable CD was not good...

But the next second... Han Feng felt that he had guessed wrong...

Because after Master Zhi closed his eyes, the light on his body changed color!

The red copper color completely disappeared at this moment, and was replaced by a golden light!

In a ball of soft light, Master Zhi's complexion slowly changed to gold.

All fools know... what a "golden body" is...


Pursing his lips, Han Feng made a grimace and felt a little like crying...

Really tens of thousands! Never expected it! A seemingly ordinary ascetic could be so powerful! Cultivate a golden body! This...is this martial arts? I’m afraid you don’t even dare to write like this, right? !

"With a golden body of two feet, you have to show your ugliness."

A few seconds later, Master Zhi slowly opened his eyes in a golden light, looked at Han Feng and introduced.

"Luna, translate, what does the golden body with two feet in length mean?!"

Han Feng can still make some guesses about the previous "Buddha's Wrath King Kong" and "Fixless as a Mountain". But this "two-foot-long golden body"... in my understanding, isn't it only a six-foot-long golden body? How come you have two golden bodies? !

"Reporting to the Korean team, according to the systematic records of ancient Chinese Buddhist books, in ancient times, the length of one foot was different from that of modern times. Two feet can be understood as one foot and two feet, and the specific height is approximately equal to the current one meter and ninety-two feet."

"A golden body of 1.92 meters..."

After muttering, Han Feng looked at the "golden man" in front of him.

Master Zhi, who was originally thin, had his height highlighted a lot under the golden light. Although it does not reach a height of 1.92 meters, the visual impact is... more than enough!

"Please ask the donor to step down."

Master Zhi was covered in gold and said something to Han Feng. His right hand also showed a please gesture.

"Are you afraid that I can't beat you?"

Raising the corners of his lips, Han Feng looked at this "golden man" and said.

Master Zhi looked neither sad nor happy and did not answer.

"In that case..."

Pushing his back against the iron fence, Han Feng had to activate his last super power at this moment...



After Han Feng said the word "blood rage" in his mouth, a muffled sound exploded in his body!

Seeing the traces of blood spilling out of the skin, Master Zhi's expression changed for the first time!

Squinting his eyes, Master Zhi gradually raised his eyebrows. Between his brows, a calm and confident attitude was evident. Master Zhi... seemed angry.

Yes... Who is the opposite of Buddha?

It's a demon.

After turning on the blood rage... Han Feng, who was covered in blood, looked no different from the "devil" in everyone's mind.




Seeing Master Zhi's expression change, Han Feng was about to explain something. But he was shaken away by Master Zhi's fierce shout...

Around the entire arena, Master Zhi’s fierce shout seemed to come from all directions.

After the shouting ended, Master Zhi suddenly rushed towards Han Feng.

"Bang!!! Phew..."

One attack and one defense, under the collision, strong winds blew up!

Master Zhi threw an ordinary punch, but Han Feng easily blocked it.

But... the tingling sensation on his forearm shocked Han Feng!

When you turn on the blood rage, whether it is defense or attack power, your level will be improved by more than one level!

I originally thought I could easily defeat Master Zhi, but I underestimated the enemy!

With just this attack, Han Feng could see that Master Zhi... was still on an equal footing with him!


The shouts started again, and Master Zhi swung a straight fist with his left arm, stabbing Han Feng's defensive blind spot!


A muffled sound exploded in my chest...

Unexpectedly, Master Zhi's attack came so quickly, which made Han Feng lose guard against the attack.

"Bang! Chi Chi..."

After being hit in the chest, Han Feng's figure did not move, but the iron fence not far behind him... collapsed!

Hearing the groan after the metal wire broke, Han Feng's eyes widened! I can't believe that this punch is so powerful! You can also break barbed wire through yourself!

Cold sweat slowly flowed down along with the spilled blood...

How scary is Master Zhi...

It's the same as myself who turned on the blood rage...

Unexpectedly, in this apocalyptic world, there are people as strong as myself! And he still lives in this "little place"!



When Master Zhi withdrew his fist and tried to punch again, Han Feng quickly grabbed Master Zhi's wrist.


Locking the punch, Han Feng took advantage of the situation and threw his first punch after blood rage.

No matter how much he cherished such a talent, Han Feng still showed no mercy.

After all, on the stage... no one can be a "stumbling block" to his ambition!


"Bang bang!"



On the ring, Han Feng and Master Zhi were standing there, punching each other, and neither of them took a step back. The previous offensive and defensive posture is completely gone...

Master Zhi relied on his two-foot-long golden body to fight Han Feng hand-to-hand.

But Han Feng, with the blessing of blood rage, was completely fearless!

Just like that...the two of them fought hard for a minute...

A minute later, a dramatic scene occurred.

When Han Feng finished his punch and stood there waiting for a counterattack, Master Zhi suddenly stood still... and put away his punch.


When Han Feng was slightly confused, Master Zhi clasped his hands together and closed his eyes. Immediately afterwards, the golden light around him slowly dissipated...



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