Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 407: Hidden Strength


When Han Feng saw this, without thinking, he directly activated his telekinesis and held up the bath towel that was slipping from Tanya's body...

Wrapped with telekinesis, the towel firmly attached to Tanya's body again.

"Go, go, sleep!"

Looking at Tanya, Han Feng spoke carefully...


Seeing that the "beauty trap" failed, Tanya responded in a low voice and walked out of the room.

"If you can't sleep at night, remember to call me~ Xiongpizi sleeps to death, she won't know~"

The moment she closed the door, Tanya hurriedly left a message to Han Feng.


In the empty room, Han Feng's head was covered with "black lines"...

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, Han Feng sat back on the chair. In my mind, I kept thinking about the next action...

The next morning...

"Ling ring ring~ ring ring ring~"

The noisy ringtone on the mobile phone woke Han Feng from his dream.


Turning off the alarm, Han Feng rubbed his sleepy eyes and stood up.

"Luna... Fish-flavored shredded pork rice bowl..."

While awake, Han Feng gave Luna a breakfast target...

"Reporting to the Korean team, the fish-flavored shredded pork flavor military rations cannot be manufactured. The reason why they cannot be manufactured is that the distance from the barracks exceeds the radar coverage."


Opening his eyes, Han Feng looked at the "strange" environment and then realized...

"Dong dong dong..."

Suddenly, there were knocks on the door.


Han Feng shouted at the top of his voice.

"Xiao Han, it's me, Wang Dafa."

"Oh! I'm going to wash up first, see you later!"

With a hasty response, Han Feng stood up and walked to the bathroom.

"Okay! I'll wait for you downstairs!"

After the boss finished speaking, there was no movement outside the door...

After washing up, Han Feng contacted Tanya and Natasha in his mind and asked, "How are you two? Have you finished cleaning up?"

"I didn't sleep all night! This bear skin snores, grinds his teeth, and farts while sleeping!"

As soon as Han Feng's questioning voice ended, Tanya's accusation immediately rang in his mind.

"You're talking nonsense! I haven't slept all night! You..."

"Hey, okay, okay... pack up and go downstairs for breakfast."

Hearing the prelude to the "quarrel", Han Feng quickly interrupted...

After saying that, Han Feng quickly put on his clothes and opened the door.

At the entrance of the stairs, Tanya and Natasha had been waiting for a long time.

Coming downstairs, Han Feng saw the boss standing at the bar with a lively expression.

"Haha~ You guys are down~" After greeting, the boss came out of the bar and said, "Come on, have breakfast first! I'll tell you about the next game later!"

After saying that, the boss took out two plastic bags from the side.

Open the plastic bag and reveal several fried dough sticks and four bowls of soy milk.

"Xiao Han, you are a contestant in the first round. The time is ten o'clock in the morning. We have to eat quickly, otherwise we will be late."

The boss said while stuffing fried dough sticks into his mouth.


Han Feng sipped the soy milk in small sips without any nervousness on his face. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

"By the way, the terms of the competition this time are different from yesterday."

After swallowing the food in his mouth, the boss wiped his mouth and continued, "On the first day of the competition, players on both sides of the field cannot use special powers."

"Are you no longer allowed to use your super powers?"

After listening, Han Feng confirmed again.

"Super powers... um! Yes, super powers are not allowed to be used."

After condensing the hand holding the soy milk, the boss looked over his head and asked, "Without the superpower... can you still win?"

"I don't know~it depends on the situation~"

Han Feng responded lightly.

"Sigh... I don't know who your opponent is..."

Putting down the bowl worriedly, the boss frowned and said.

After saying this, Han Feng did not answer the question, but concentrated on eating breakfast.

About two minutes later…

"I'm full, we can leave at any time."

Putting down the bowl, Han Feng stood up and said.

"Okay, okay~ I'm full too!"

Seeing Han Feng stand up, the boss quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks.

"Let's go in the car! I'll drive first!"

As he spoke, the boss ran out of the hotel.

"So anxious..."

Holding half of the fried dough stick in her mouth, Natasha raised her head, opened her two big eyes and talked to herself...

A few minutes later...

The four of them got into a vehicle and rushed to the first arena.

About half an hour later, the boss pointed ahead and said, "Have you seen the crowd in front of you?"

"Yeah." Han Feng nodded and indicated that he saw it.

"Yes, that's the first arena, we have to hurry up!"

After the boss finished speaking, he started looking for a parking space. Han Feng, on the other hand, took out his mobile phone...

"It's only half past nine, do you have enough time?"

"After entering, you still have to check tickets, confirm, and prepare for the game... Oops, there are so many things to do!"


After getting off the car, Han Feng followed his boss and hurried towards the arena...

"You two can hang around as you like. I'll call you two if anything happens."

When he was about to enter the arena, Han Feng turned to Tanya and Natasha.

"I know, I know~ Don't worry and play your game~"

After Tanya finished speaking, she took Natasha away... towards a snack street-like existence...

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Han Feng smiled...

After checking in and entering, the boss Wang Dafa took Han Feng and walked deeper.

"Boy, although you beat me, don't be careless! Those who can play are very capable!"

Halfway through, Han Feng was stopped by a big guy and was taught some "knowledge"...

Looking at the person in front of him, Han Feng suddenly felt that he looked very familiar... The next second, Han Feng realized that this was Mr. Shitou? !

"Thank you for your kindness."

With a simple response, Han Feng continued to move forward.

"I'm waiting for you! I want to have a fair fight with you!!!"

Behind him, Mr. Shitou's loud voice came...

"Oh... He has already lost, what's the point of talking! Really..."

Pulling Han Feng, the boss complained and pointed to the front and said, "This is the waiting room. You are the first to play. You have to play three games today. You can only participate in the second round if you win all of them."


This old guy... He only releases some news at the critical moment...

Looking at the boss's back, Han Feng was speechless.

Sitting alone in the waiting room waiting, bored Han Feng took out his mobile phone and played a single-player game.

And the boss went to handle other matters alone.

A few minutes later...

"Hey, why are you still playing?! Why don't you observe other players more?!"

As soon as he entered the door, the boss was a little anxious when he saw Han Feng playing games.

Putting down his phone, as expected... Han Feng saw that each of them was silently watching their opponents...

"If you don't use superpowers, everyone can only show so much strength, it doesn't matter~"

Waving his hand, Han Feng said indifferently.

Hehe... It's a joke~ My "hidden" strength, the person who can defeat me is definitely not here!

This is Han Feng's absolute recognition of his own strength!

"Please invite contestants No. 1 and No. 2 to the stage~"


The host's voice came from the loudspeaker. Immediately afterwards, the enthusiastic audience also burst into the first wave of shouts...

"Hey... You are contestant No. 2, I wish you can win more!"

Thank you for your blessing, I will.

Standing up, Han Feng handed the phone in his hand to the boss, then turned and walked towards the stage...

"Player No. 1, who has won five games in a row! He came to our arena, he is Master Zhi!!!"

Walking in front of Han Feng, the host briefly introduced him.

"Player No. 2, can be said to be the lucky player of the No. 6 arena~ Han Feng only played one game and got on this stage."

The host's evaluation of Han Feng was quite fair...

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