Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 40: Lin Lan's Skills

"Red Alert soldiers who have come in should be on alert, and those who haven't come in should not fight! Hurry up and enter the teaching building!" Han Feng was afraid that Winter Soldier could not hear him, so he gave the order in his mind. →

"Don't just stand there, find something to hold the door! This glass door won't last long!" After saying that, Han Feng quickly looked around, trying to find something to hold the glass door.

"Okay." Lin Lan and Wei Peng said at the same time, and hurriedly looked for something with Han Feng.

"Da da! Da da!" More and more gunshots sounded outside the door, and Han Feng's heart gradually became anxious.

Fortunately, Han Feng and his team entered the teaching building, and after turning the corner was the first grade classroom.

Han Feng, who was anxious, didn't care about so much, kicked open the door of the classroom and rushed in to use tables, chairs and benches to block the door.

But what Han Feng didn't expect was... there were more than a dozen small zombies in this classroom!

Han Feng, who didn't have time to brake, plunged in, and looked at the zombies getting closer and closer in front of him, and Han Feng let out a "wow" cry.

The sudden change made Han Feng's already unstable steps even more shaky, and he staggered into the crowd of small zombies.

Han Feng tripped over a desk and fell heavily on the spot. A hand grabbed Han Feng's arm and pulled him up. Han Feng struggled to sit up from the ground. When he saw the man clearly, his eyes rolled up... Yes, the person holding Han Feng's arm at this time was an elementary school teacher, but this teacher had become a zombie...

"Swoosh!" The saber whizzed through the ends of Han Feng's hair with a sharp sound of breaking wind, cutting off a few hairs.

With a "puff", the saber was steadily inserted into the zombie's head. At this time, Han Feng's broken hair had just fallen to the ground...

The zombie was motionless with a saber stuck in his head. Han Feng also sat on the ground in a daze.

"Whoosh" a gust of wind blew, and Lin Lan's figure suddenly appeared beside Han Feng.

The delicate jade hand grabbed the saber on the zombie's head, kicked the zombie hard with one foot, and turned the saber in his hand and pulled it out.

Pulling out the saber, Lin Lan rushed into the zombies alone in an instant. The saber in his hand seemed to come alive. He seemed to be swinging the knife casually, but every time he stabbed the back of the zombie's neck, the blade turned and cut off the nerves in the spine.

The zombie lost control of his body and fell weakly. Without stopping, Lin Lan pulled out the saber and stabbed the next zombie...

Three... five... ten... Even if he killed them to the end, Lin Lan's movements were still very graceful!

Suddenly, Lin Lan stood still, and the three zombies around him slowly fell to the ground... As the zombies around him were cleared, Lin Lan casually picked up a paper towel on the desk and gently wiped the saber.

Looking at Han Feng, who was sitting on the ground behind him and looking stunned, Lin Lan curled his lips and said, "I said, saber... I'm not bad."

Looking at the zombies on the ground, Han Feng was stunned.

More than ten zombies, solved in just a dozen seconds? ! What speed is this? !


"Boom!" Han Feng was about to say something when he was interrupted by a huge explosion outside the door.

The familiar explosion sounded, and Han Feng knew it was caused by a grenade.

"Not good!" Han Feng was so scared that his brain crashed after experiencing a life-and-death crisis. It was not until he heard the explosion that he remembered that there were Red Alert soldiers outside the door struggling to resist zombies.

He quickly stood up and ran out without looking back.

"Boom! Boom!" The sound of glass breaking followed the sound of the grenade...

Before he ran out of the classroom, the sound of grenades outside the door continued. With each sound, Han Feng's heart tightened.

Before he ran to the entrance of the teaching building, Han Feng saw a despairing scene...

The crowded zombies outside the door rushed towards the teaching building. The Red Alert soldiers at the door kept firing their guns and struggling to hold on. What made Han Feng's eyes wide open was... In the zombie group, he actually saw no less than three mobilized soldiers being bitten in it...

"Boom!" Han Feng saw with his own eyes that the mobilized soldiers who could not withstand the fierce attack of the zombies pulled the grenades in their hands...

"Mobilized soldiers! All grenades are ready!!! Blast for me!! Blast!!! The American soldiers continue to attack with machine guns!" Han Feng shouted.

In an instant, all the mobilized soldiers who were shooting took out their grenades, pulled them apart and scattered them into the zombie group.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!!!" At the same time, more than 20 grenades exploded in the zombie group!

The shock wave dispersed the zombies around, and large groups of zombies fell down.

"Da da da! Da da!" The mobilized soldiers who freed their hands continued to shoot, and the gunshots became more intense.

"Go upstairs!" Time was running out. Seeing the zombies coming again, Han Feng ordered all the Red Alert soldiers to go upstairs in his mind.

"Wei Peng! Don't stand there! Go upstairs! Go!" Han Feng, who was about to turn around and run to the second floor, saw Wei Peng standing beside him in a daze in his peripheral vision.

"Oh, oh, oh!" Wei Peng responded as if waking up from a dream, and followed Han Feng to the second floor.

Several Red Alert soldiers continued to shoot and guard the door, while the rest headed to the second floor.

"What should we do now?" After climbing up to the second floor, Han Feng asked Lin Lan beside him.

"We'll talk about it later." Lin Lan answered Han Feng without looking back, and rushed into the corridor with a saber...

Han Feng, who had reacted, looked at the corridor where Lin Lan was running to, and found that dozens of zombies were wandering in it, walking towards Lin Lan.

Lin Lan's dancing figure shuttled through it, and every time he swung his knife, he would take away the "life" of a zombie. Ten seconds later, more than a dozen zombie bodies were lying in the corridor.

After dealing with the zombies in the corridor, Lin Lan walked back to Han Feng and said to him, "What should we do? You asked me what to do? You brought us here, didn't you think of a solution?"

"Go to the rooftop!" Han Feng thought about it and decided to go to the rooftop temporarily to find a solution.

"Everyone, go to the rooftop." After giving the order in his mind, Han Feng picked up the assault rifle on his back and ran upstairs.

"Da Da!" Shooting at the zombies upstairs head-on, Han Feng covered the people behind him. Lin Lan also put away the saber, turned around, picked up the assault rifle and followed Han Feng to shoot.

After the third floor, Han Feng and his party came to the top floor - the fourth floor, and the Red Alert soldiers followed Han Feng and kept firing to resist the zombies rushing up from below.

"Captain of the Eighth Squad, prepare the high-explosive grenades! Everyone! Avoid the blind spot!" After seeing all the soldiers climbed to the fourth floor, Han Feng ordered the American soldiers of the Eighth Squad.

"Throw!" Han Feng shouted when everyone leaned against the wall.

The American soldier threw a high-explosive grenade downstairs and quickly hid against the wall.

"Boom!!!" A deafening explosion sounded, shaking the walls of the entire building.

"Quick! Hurry up and get on the rooftop!" Han Feng pointed at the ladder on the wall at the end of the corridor and said.

The high-explosive grenade did not blow up the stairs, but the huge shock wave instantly dispersed all the zombies in the stairs, buying precious time for Han Feng and others.

As the personnel quickly climbed onto the rooftop one by one, the zombies slowly rushed into the fourth floor.

"Da da da da!" After seeing the first zombie, Han Feng decisively opened fire to fight back, buying time for the Red Alert soldiers.

Because of his poor shooting skills, Han Feng had to fire four or five bullets on average to kill a zombie, and his efficiency was terribly slow.

"Da! Da da!" Beside him, Lin Lan also fired and shot with Han Feng.

The bullets fired from Lin Lan's hands seemed to have eyes, and each one could accurately shoot into the zombie's head.

"Da da! Ka!" After several bursts of shooting, the assault rifle in Lin Lan's hand ran out of bullets.

He removed the magazine with one hand and took out the magazine bag with the other hand.

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