Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 396: Division of the battlefield

s Valentine's Day~ I wish everyone lovers to be together forever~~~

--Dividing line--

Gritting his teeth, Han Feng held the mad knife horizontally in front of him, and then turned his waist sharply!

The level 6 zombies were not stupid either. Seeing the mad knife coming, they retreated half a step and opened a safe distance of two meters.

Taking advantage of the gap, Han Feng hurriedly picked up the knife and chased Wei Peng. ✪

Unfortunately... the nine level 6 zombies were like maggots attached to the bones, sticking to Han Feng again, interfering with Han Feng's actions.

"Bang! Bang!"

At this time, on the top floor of the hospital, Natasha and Simon fired the second sniper bullet.

The bullet fired by Simon hit the head of the level 6 zombie chasing Wei Peng. 、

And Natasha hit the wrist of the level 6 zombie.

After the first sniper bullet, Natasha knew that she could not kill it, and even could not break its defense.

In this case, Natasha immediately decided to change her strategy and attack the thin joints of the level 6 zombies, which had relatively weak defenses.

Don't say~ this trick is still "effective".

After being "baptized" by sniper bullets, the wrist of the level 6 zombie showed abnormal bending.

With his drooping wrist, the level 6 zombie kept moving. According to visual estimation... Wei Peng will be caught up in less than five or six seconds!

Pulling the gun barrel, Natasha quickly loaded the gun, then took the sniper gun and aimed...


Through the sniper scope, Natasha pulled the trigger at the rapidly swinging ankle of the level 6 zombie!

As the sound of the sniper gun rose, the figure of the level 6 zombie running rapidly suddenly shrugged.

Seeing this scene, Han Feng finally knew... why Tanya couldn't avoid Natasha's bullets!

Too fast... too accurate!

Knowing that Wei Peng was temporarily out of trouble, Han Feng calmed down again to fight against the nine level 6 zombies around him.

But Han Feng forgot...

There are still two level 6 zombies chasing Wei Peng...

Taking a shortcut, two level 6 zombies blocked Wei Peng and were approaching rapidly...

"Bang! Bang!"

Just two seconds apart, gunshots rang out again on the top floor of the hospital.

But...Simon, a one-star sniper, is not as good as Natasha in shooting.

Simon's shot missed the rapidly swinging ankle...

Natasha's unilateral "dealing with" a level 6 zombie is useless...

"Xiao Peng! Come here! Quick!"

Seeing that Wei Peng was about to be "picked up" by the level 6 zombie, Lin Lan, who was not far away, shouted with his hands holding a three-edged military bayonet.

Looking at Lin Lan, Wei Peng pursed his lips, changed his direction, and ran towards Lin Lan.

"Go in quickly!"

When Wei Peng passed by Lin Lan, Lin Lan opened his mouth and signaled Wei Peng to enter the hospital first.


Wei Peng passed by Lin Lan with a gust of wind, without saying anything...

Seeing that his opponent had "changed", the level 6 zombie slowed down and stood three meters in front of Lin Lan, looking at her.

Holding the three-edged military dagger tightly in both hands, Lin Lan could only bite the bullet and bear it.


The next moment, the level 6 zombie moved!

Looking at a shadow coming, Lin Lan raised his double blades and stabbed forward fiercely. ̢̜̳̱͈̹͓͛͜ḩ̷̻̩͍̱̗͔̺̏̓͊̀͂̀ͅṵ̵̙̻͉̦͙̗̥̉̓̓͊̑̂̑x̸͍̘̳͂͊̂̊̀͊̕͘.̷̹̦̆̆c̶͙͈͚̽̄̈̎̒͜ó̶̧̧̝̳̠͇͕̺̲̹̔̈́̃͝͝m̷̗͓̽̂̌̋̃̌

“Ding! Dong! ! "

The two triangular bayonets did pierce the level 6 zombie, but... Lin Lan's strength was too weak to penetrate...

Lin Lan was hit by the huge force and took several steps back, sitting on the ground.

"Bang! Bang!"

On the top floor, Natasha and Simon shot at the ankles of the level 6 zombie, providing long-range support for Lin Lan.

Unfortunately... even if the level 6 zombie was hit in both feet, the impact was not great... at most, the speed was inferior to before.

Gritting his teeth, Lin Lan propped himself up, set up two triangular bayonets and prepared to launch an attack.

"Swish! Swish! Swoosh! Ding! "

Waving the bayonet with both hands, Lin Lan displayed amazing momentum!

But Lin Lan chose the wrong "opponent"...

The three-edged bayonet in Lin Lan's hand could not break the hard skin of the level 6 zombie at all!

The level 6 zombie stood there blankly, looking at the "crazy" Lin Lan. There was even a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.

This was a naked mockery! Mocking the weak Lin Lan.

"Get out of the way! I'll fight it!!!"

Suddenly, behind Lin Lan, Wei Peng's voice was remembered.

On the night when his sister was killed... Wei Peng had seen the level 6 zombie. Therefore, among all the zombies, Wei Peng hated the level 6 the most!

"Go back! Go back quickly! Don't come out!"

Lin Lan shouted without even turning his head.

"Get out of the way! "

Wei Peng ignored Lin Lan's words and directly activated his super speed ability, rushing towards the level 6 zombie.

Facing the motionless "target", Wei Peng flashed by...


The sound of the blade entering the flesh sounded...

The next second, Lin Lan saw a tiny scratch on the collarbone of the level 6 zombie, slowly oozing blood.

Turning his eyes, Lin Lan saw a cold light in Wei Peng's hand...

It was a scalpel, a sharp scalpel.

It turned out that Wei Peng did not hide in the hospital because he was greedy for life. Instead, he went to the operating room to find a scalpel.

The scalpel made of titanium steel is extremely sharp.

With the increase in Wei Peng's speed, he was able to injure the level 6 zombie.

Looking at this tiny scar, Lin Lan's eyes lit up! An idea suddenly came to mind.

Stepping forward, Lin Lan feinted a few moves. His feinting movements attracted the attention of the level six zombies, and with his other hand... he quickly inserted the triangular thorn into the breach of the level six zombies!

The sharp three-edged military thorns were inserted easily along this small gap.

"Bang bang!"

On the top floor, Natasha and Simon changed their targets and attacked the zombies next to Han Feng.

Ignoring the noise in his ears, Lin Lan saw that the attack was successful and took two steps back.

The next second, Lin Lan stepped forward and jumped up!

He stepped hard on the triangular spikes exposed on the sixth-level zombie's body with one foot, and took off again!

"Tear it apart!! Collapse! Collapse!!!"

Accompanied by a cloying sound of tearing and bone cracking, the right arm of the level six zombie was violently torn off!


It wasn't until this moment... that the level six zombie, feeling severe pain, burst out with its first roar!

If it weren't for the level six zombies who underestimated the enemy, it would have been Lin Lan and Wei Peng who suffered the loss. It's a pity...there is no chance to do it again.

Having lost "half of his country" and having his feet injured, the level 6 zombies roared and ran towards Lin Lan.

Holding the only remaining three-edged thorn in his hand, Lin Lan squinted his eyes and stared at the level six zombie with half an arm hanging down.


With repeated roars, the level six zombies came to Lin Lan.

That's it now!

Lin Lan saw the opportunity and pulled out the three-edged thorn from the abdomen of the level six zombie! The other hand stabbed twice more and got stuck in the huge gap of the level six zombie.

After winning, Lin Lan didn't want to fight. There was wind under your feet, so you took a few steps back to create a safe distance.

"It's all your fault! You are all murderers!!"

On the other side... Wei Peng relied on his super power of speed to wander around two level six zombies.

Holding a short scalpel, Wei Peng... was tantamount to playing with fire.

Fortunately, the two level six zombies Wei Peng faced had gunshot wounds on their feet. This gives Wei Peng a little room for maneuver.

At this point, within the small wall, the battlefield was divided into several places.

Han Feng fought nine level six zombies, Lin Lan singled out one, and Wei Peng held down two. At the top of the hospital, there were Natasha and Simon who kept firing "black guns".

With the left and right restraints, Han Feng had room to contend and maneuver.

Under the dark night and reflected by the moonlight, the Crazy Knife emitted a faint red light in Han Feng's hand.

The wide-open and wide-open attacks not only defended the entire body, but also killed several level six zombies.

However, due to the lack of energy storage, the level 6 zombies that were killed were not seriously injured.

"How is your new Wei Yun doing?~"

During the battle, one of the level six zombies said disturbing words.

Han Feng felt sincerely

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