Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 394: Thirteen Supply Boxes

More than ten seconds later...

"Boom! Boom!!!!"

The terrorists who could no longer hold on turned into a magnificent mushroom cloud in the sky with several violent explosions...

The mushroom cloud emitted an orange-red light, bringing a little warmth to the battlefield, and then slowly disappeared. →

When the smoke from the explosion dissipated, a huge explosion crater was clearly visible.

With a diameter of 400 meters, there were no more creatures. Not even the remains of broken arms were seen.

"Get out of the car!"

On the other side, 500 meters away, inside the zombie swarm, the terrorists shouted again.

"Okay! Brothers, I'm going first!!!"

Grinning his teeth, a terrorist pushed open the passenger door and jumped out!

The next second, due to the collision of the zombies, the door that had just been opened was closed.

Leaving behind the terrorist, the vehicle rushed further into the zombie swarm again, not daring to slow down at all.

More than ten seconds later...

"Boom! Boom!!!"

The second mushroom cloud rose in the explosion...

"Get out of the car! Quick!"

According to the time and distance, the terrorist in the driver's seat kept giving orders to the others in the car to get out.

About five minutes later...he was the only one left in the car.

Driving a car without a windshield, zombies can easily enter the car through the gap.

Under the pulling and biting of the zombies, the last terrorist forcibly stabilized the steering wheel and continued to move further away from the zombie tide.

Finally, about three kilometers away from the front line, the small car was severely damaged and could no longer move forward...

Holding the VR-terrorist bomb, the terrorist smiled with satisfaction...


In the depths of the zombie tide, the last mushroom cloud bloomed...

So far, the first car has perfectly completed its mission.

If you look down from the air, from the front line of the battlefield to here, the explosion pits are like a string of crooked "candied haws".

The following vehicles were the same as the first one.

Mushroom clouds exploded in different directions and locations. ♦♦  ♦♦

After that, there was the second wave of terrorists...

Through the sight of the frontline fighters and Ivan, Han Feng directly saw these tragic scenes.

"Luna... continue to summon 100 terrorists... confirm..."

When the night was completely dark, Han Feng continued with pain.

"Okay, Captain Han, 100 terrorists are being summoned, please wait..."

"Luna, let a semi-trailer come over to transport the terrorists to the zinc mine..."

Pursing his lips, Han Feng continued to give orders.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng sat up from the operating table and pulled out the blood transfusion needle from his arm.

Under the operating table, there were dozens of shriveled blood bags... until Han Feng felt his body swelled, he stopped the blood transfusion.

"Luna, how far are the zombies from the zinc mine?"

Han Feng asked as he walked out.

"Report to Captain Han, the zombies are now less than five kilometers away from the zinc mine."

Hen Feng felt bad...

Until now, the zombies are so close to the zinc mine, and there is no news of the third-level zombies launching a charge.

If they really launch a charge when they are one kilometer away from the zinc mine...then things will be serious.

"Hey? Are you out?"

Seeing Han Feng walk out of the operating room, Natasha stood up and asked immediately.


Having a hasty response, Han Feng walked out of the hospital without slowing down.

Outside the hospital, the barracks are still calling new terrorists.

"Who...who are they?"

Following Han Feng, Lin Lan saw that the "yard" was full of people of various professions, and asked Han Feng in a daze.

"If you want to stop the zombies, it all depends on them."

After a brief explanation, the semi-trailer just drove over.

"All terrorists, pedal!"


Hearing Han Feng's command, Lin Lan widened his eyes and asked loudly in disbelief.

"Hurry! Pedal!"

Time was running out, so Han Feng ignored Lin Lan behind him.

"Luna, let the heavy factory continue to make slow-fall bombs! Make... one hundred sets! Let the invader fighters fly! Quick!"

Seeing the two parked invader fighters, Han Feng frowned and ordered.

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Are they terrorists?!"

Behind him, Lin Lan kept asking this question.

"When did terrorists appear on Chinese soil?! Who are they?!"

Seeing Han Feng didn't speak, Lin Lan walked up to Han Feng and asked.


Looking at Lin Lan's eyes, Han Feng suddenly thought that this guy... was a military man.

For terrorists on the land, her state was normal...

"That... I mean, they are not safe here and need to move to the zinc mine."

Rolling his eyes, Han Feng made up a lie that was not very rigorous.

"But you just said terrorists."

"For us, zombies are terrorists."


After hearing Han Feng's explanation, Lin Lan was stunned.

Lin Lan wanted to refute something with a trembling mouth, but couldn't find a loophole for a while.

"Okay, now that we are in a big trouble, let's think about how to solve it first."

Holding Lin Lan aside, Han Feng quickly moved the zombies out to use as a "shield" in order to "stop" her mouth.

"Buzz! Huhuhu..."

Lin Lan was about to say something when the sound of an invader fighter plane taking off caught her attention.

"You still have a fighter plane?!"

Pointing at the fighter plane in the sky, Lin Lan turned to Han Feng and asked.

"For the country! For the country!~"

Hahahaha, Han Feng prevaricates.

While the two were communicating, one hundred terrorists finished pedaling.

"Luna, let all the terrorists go to the zinc mine and wait for my order."

Gaining wisdom after every hardship, Han Feng changed the mode of issuing orders in his mind when facing Lin Lan.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After receiving the order, the semi-trailer slowly started.

"Luna, do we still have enough ammunition?"

Han Feng asked as he watched the semi-trailer leave.

"Reporting to the Korean team is not enough. The 60 bullets currently in the arsenal are only enough to last half an hour of combat."

"Then make another 100,000 missiles!" After finishing his bold words, Han Feng added, "Summon 20 heavy soldiers and 10 radiation engineers, and make another 1,000 stinger missiles, confirm."

"By the way Luna, let all the semi-trailers come over to transport ammunition!"

After thinking about it, Han Feng decided to summon another twenty heavily armed soldiers and some stinger missiles.

Compared with other arms, heavy soldiers and radiation engineers, they are both area-killing attacks.

"Okay, Korean team, twenty heavy soldiers and ten radiation engineers. One hundred thousand rounds of 60 bullets and one thousand stinger missiles are being summoned and produced. Please wait..."

After arranging all this, Han Feng felt a little calmer...

As soon as the order was given, the two Invader fighter jets returned and landed at the air command.

"Luna, start scanning."

At this moment, Han Feng, who was not sure whether there were level six zombies, decided to scan the area around the zinc mine.

If there really were level six zombies, he could go ahead and kill them while he was "not busy" now.

Especially... now my body has too much blood and is a little bloated. If you fight a wave of blood rage, you can kill level 6 zombies and feel a little more comfortable at the same time.

"Report to the Korean team to activate the radar to scan a radius of 500 kilometers. It costs 100 gold coins. Please confirm the scan."

"Confirm, scan!"

"Okay, Korean team, the radar is scanning, please wait..." After a pause, Luna continued, "Report to the Korean team, the radar scan is completed. The scanning range is centered on you and radiates 500 kilometers around. Scanning results Thirteen supply boxes were found.”


After Luna said the scan results, Han Feng was stunned! ! !

Thirteen supply boxes! !

In other words... there are as many as thirteen level six zombies! ! !

This scan result frightened Han Feng...

"Luna...Thirteen, where are the thirteen supply boxes?!"

The next second, Han Feng, who had no time to collect his emotions, asked intermittently.

"Report to the Korean team, the location of the supply box has been marked on the radar. Please move to the radar to view it."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng turned his attention to the system...

Looking at the radar display, Han Feng quickly found the location of the supply box.

Thirteen golden dots representing supply boxes are all not far from the base!

Except for the direction of the zinc mine, the other three sides of the base are all supply boxes!

In an instant, Han Feng understood...understood why the mysterious girl wanted to return to the defense base by herself!

It turns out that the real threat is lurking beside him!

Looking at the distribution of supply boxes, Han Feng asked, "Luna, how far away are these supply boxes from us?"

"Report to the Korean team, less than two kilometers."


Two kilometers...two kilometers!

If level six zombies were running at full speed, the distance between these two kilometers would only last for more than ten seconds.

In other words, the current base is facing attacks from thirteen level six zombies at any time!

After his attention came out of the system, Han Feng stared blankly at the base being repaired and fell into deep thought...

Noticing the changes in Han Feng's expression and eyes, Lin Lan stepped forward and asked, "Is the situation serious?"

Han Feng didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"Report to the Korean team that Wei Peng is approaching the base. Wei Peng is expected to arrive at the base in thirty seconds. Do you want to let him enter the base? Please give instructions."

Suddenly, Luna's prompt sounded in Han Feng's mind.

"Wei Peng? What is he here for?!!!"

Frowning, Han Feng asked immediately.

"Report to the Korean team, I don't know. Wei Peng has twenty-five seconds to arrive at the base."

"Let him in..."

Pursing his lips, Han Feng ordered.

"Okay Team Korea, the base will allow Wei Peng to enter this time."

Twenty seconds later, Han Feng saw the panting Wei Peng.

"Xiaopeng, what are you doing here? It's dangerous here..."

"Bitch thief! You are indeed here!"

When Han Feng saw Wei Peng, before Han Feng could finish his question, he saw Wei Peng pointing at Lin Lan and cursing.

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