Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 383: The Holy Lord's Compensation

"I'm curious, what's the point of keeping her? You know she's mine, but you don't kill her. Why?~" Looking at Han Feng's eyes playfully, the Holy Lord continued, "Haha~ I know, I know. You are still soft-hearted."

"Tell me, what do you want me to do? Tell me quickly, I'm very busy~"

After a long speech, "Lin Lan" lay down and no longer struggled to get up like before.

"This afternoon, you said you would give me a "compensation", what is it?"

"Haha~ Can't you wait?~" As she spoke, Lin Lan, who was lying on the ground, smiled and trembled.

"You are so troublesome, your laugh point is so low? You can't say it without laughing at every sentence, right?!"

Han Feng, tired of the endless laughter of the Holy Lord, wanted to destroy Lin Lan's vocal cords.

But after thinking carefully, if Lin Lan's vocal cords were really destroyed, then the next question would be out of the question.


As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, the belt placed aside suddenly moved! Then, a silver wing cut through the air and attacked his neck with a sound of breaking wind!

Seeing this, Han Feng immediately used telekinesis to control the silver wing.


In mid-air, the silver wing kept shaking, making a buzzing sound.

"Your reaction speed is quite fast~"

"Lin Lan" gave up the control of the silver wing and praised Han Feng generously.


After using telekinesis to return the silver wing to its position, Han Feng realized that he had made an extremely stupid mistake...

That was Lin Lan... She was also a telekinetic superpower!

Letting Tanya take care of Lin Lan really looked safe on the surface.

If Lin Lan casually hid a nail during the custody... Then after Tanya was fixed, she might have died because of her order at that time!

"I can "taste" the fear in your eyes~" Looking at Han Feng, the "Holy Lord" continued, "Can you tell me what you are afraid of?~Hahahaha!"


"Haha~ It's better if you don't say it~"

Seeing that Han Feng didn't speak, the Holy Lord didn't ask any more questions.

"Oh, by the way, you just asked me... what is "compensation", right?"

Suddenly, the Holy Lord changed the subject and brought up the question from tens of seconds ago.

"What compensation do you want?"

The Holy Lord glanced at Han Feng's bedroom and continued, "Don't be afraid~ Tell me? What compensation do you want?"

"I want you to die.

These four short words expressed what Han Feng was thinking.

"Haha~ This joke is not funny at all." After speaking, the Holy Lord pretended to be in deep thought and continued, "I guess... you want Wei Yun to come back to you, right? ”


After the Holy Lord finished speaking, Han Feng silently clenched his fists…

“If you don’t say anything, I’ll take it as your consent~”

After the Holy Lord finished speaking, Lin Lan’s body slowly floated in the air.

Seeing this, Han Feng wanted to get up and do something, but found that… he couldn’t move!!!

“Don’t worry, your “Wei Yun”… will be back to you soon. Haha~hahahaha!”

The Holy Lord’s evil laughter gradually became louder beside Han Feng’s ear.


The next moment, Han Feng felt his consciousness gradually becoming hazy and illusory…

“Hi~ Brother Han~!”

Wei Yun’s voice sounded behind him.

Han Feng turned his head and looked at Wei Yun’s innocent and lovely smile. The corners of his mouth also unconsciously rose a little.

“Ha~” Wei Yun exhaled a breath of air that condensed into mist in the air, and then said, “Brother Han, it’s really cold outside.”

After Wei Yun finished speaking, Han Feng glanced around and said, “It’s quite cold, let’s go back. "

"Okay~ The rice is still hot in the pot, are you hungry?" Holding Han Feng's arm, Wei Yun continued, "By the way, Brother Han, we still have enough rice and flour, but not too many canned food. When you are free, go find some and bring them back."

"Okay, leave it to me~" Han Feng said lovingly, scratching Wei Yun's nose with his index finger.

When the two entered the color steel room, Han Feng subconsciously turned his head and looked back.

For some reason, the white zinc mine... at this time, there was a sense of illusion...

After lunch, Han Feng and Wei Yun returned to the bedroom to rest.

On the other side of the bedroom, Wei Peng was typing on the keyboard, muttering that the game was difficult and he hadn't passed it for several days.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to sleep first."

Wrapping himself in a thin blanket, Han Feng lay down and said.

"Okay, you go to sleep first. "After watching Han Feng finish speaking with a smile, Wei Yun raised his head and said to the obsessed Wei Peng, "Xiao Peng, your brother Han is going to take a nap, please keep your voice down."

"Oh, I know, sister! I will be able to pass the level soon!" Wei Peng bared his teeth and looked like he would not give up until he passed the level.

On the bed, Han Feng closed his heavy eyes and wondered when he would get used to taking a nap...

Forget it, I'm too sleepy, no matter...

After a while, Han Feng's breathing gradually became even and he fell into a sweet dream...

When Han Feng opened his eyes again, the sky had begun to darken.

"How long have I slept... It's almost dark."

After speaking, Han Feng propped himself up. He picked up the phone on the bedside table and turned on the screen.

"Oh my god! It's so late!"

2036... Seeing the time displayed on the screen, Han Feng hurriedly got up.

"Wei Yun, Wei Yun? "

In the dim room, Han Feng looked around but didn't see Wei Yun.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Han Feng walked out of the bedroom.

"Brother-in-law, are you awake?" Han Feng ran into Wei Peng who was going upstairs.

"Come on, come on~ My sister has prepared the meal and is waiting for you!" After saying that, Wei Peng took Han Feng's arm and dragged him to the restaurant downstairs.

In the restaurant, everyone gathered.

"Brother Han~ sit down."

Guo Yongxing, holding a plate, walked out of the kitchen and greeted Han Feng.


Scratching the back of his head, Han Feng walked to his seat.

Today... why do I feel a little different? But... where is the difference?

Han Feng kept scanning the surroundings, but couldn't find anything unusual...

After dinner, Han Feng went downstairs alone with a cigarette in his mouth for a walk.

"What's wrong with me?"

After walking for a while, Han Feng felt a little tired. Frowning, Han Feng was a little surprised at himself.

After the walk, Han Feng returned to the bedroom.

On the bed, Wei Yun smiled and said, "Go take a shower~!"


Seeing this, Han Feng threw away the doubts in his heart, quickly took off his clothes and rushed into the bathroom.

Coming out of the bathroom, Han Feng saw Wei Yun on the bed with only a small head sticking out.

"Hey hey~ The big bad wolf is here~"

Han Feng made claws with his hands and flew towards Wei Yun.

Staring at Wei Yun's shy face, Han Feng gently lifted the quilt...

Turning his eyes, Han Feng looked into the quilt, but was afraid that he would not pass the interrogation, so he retracted his gaze.

The following time, a self-evident scene was staged...

It was not until Han Feng was exhausted that he stopped.

The next morning...

Han Feng woke up first.

He opened his eyes and felt the warmth beside him.

Looking sideways... Lin Lan? !

In an instant, all the "lost" memories were awakened!

Staring with extremely panic eyes, Han Feng dared not move... I... fell asleep... Lin Lan? ! His mind was full of this sentence.

And Lin Lan was still asleep at this time and did not wake up.

Panicked, Han Feng looked around and saw an empty syringe next to the bed. Genes - Rapid Recovery Potion!


Who injected Lin Lan with the recovery potion? !


Yesterday evening, after Tanya left, the Holy Lord "descended"...

So... this "compensation"... is Lin Lan? !

"Hu... Hu..."

Holding his body, Han Feng kept taking deep breaths.

When did it happen... Why did I inject Lin Lan with the recovery potion? !

Why did I let Lin Lan get on the bed? ! Why? !

Frowning, Han Feng tried his best to recall everything after the Holy Lord left, but... he couldn't remember anything.

After dozens of seconds, Han Feng gave up... gave up the "struggle" of recalling.

Raising his head, Han Feng looked at Lin Lan in front of him...

Her long eyelashes trembled, as if she was experiencing something in her dream.

On her white jade-like shoulders, there was black and beautiful hair.

It seems... Lin Lan took a bath yesterday.

What the hell am I thinking! Covering his forehead, Han Feng asked himself "self-blamingly"...


Lin Lan muttered in his throat. Then, Lin Lan turned over, and a smooth and white long leg stretched out from the quilt, clamping the quilt.

Looking at Lin Lan who suddenly moved, Han Feng unexpectedly wanted to make a defensive move! Looking at his appearance... he seemed to be scared.


Looking at the long legs, Han Feng swallowed a mouthful of saliva...

On this leg, Han Feng saw endless temptation...

At the same time, Han Feng noticed that there was no trace of fracture at Lin Lan's knee joint... This means that the gene-rapid recovery potion helped her recover all the damage.


At this moment, Han Feng thought of Wei Yun...For a moment, regret filled Han Feng's heart.


What a coincidence!

What a coincidence! !

What a coincidence! ! !

At this moment! The alarm of the mobile phone rang very "appropriately"! ! !

Turning his eyes, Han Feng widened his eyes and looked at the "time bomb" beside Lin Lan!

The telekinesis was quickly activated, and Han Feng's finger pressed the pause button instead.

The air... fell into silence again.

But... when Han Feng's eyes returned to Lin Lan's face, he found that Lin Lan had opened her eyes...


Looking at Lin Lan who had just woken up and had a "confused" look, Han Feng used telekinesis to hook the silver shuttle, silver wings, and blood needles in the belt behind him. Once Lin Lan showed any abnormal movement, she would be greeted by a "storm"-like attack!


Looking at Lin Lan, she opened her eyes and adapted for a few seconds. During this period, she remained in a posture of not waking up, without moving.

Then... Lin Lan turned her eyes and looked at Han Feng, who was half naked. His eyes finally fixed on the quilt that Han Feng propped up with his body and was half hanging in the air...


Han Feng slapped the quilt down with his palm, blocking Lin Lan's sight.

"What do you want to do? Holy Lord!"

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