Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 38: Items left behind

Up on the second floor, Lin Lan walked to an office with ease, opened the door and stood there in a daze...

In the corridor, Han Feng looked at Lin Lan's profile and asked, "What's wrong? Why don't you come in?"

Lin Lan did not answer Han Feng's question, but walked quickly and opened the doors of the rooms one by one.

? ? ?

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Han Feng was confused. He couldn't understand why Lin Lan was like this, and why his face was full of tension and confusion.

Watching Lin Lan open the doors of the rooms one by one, Han Feng took a few steps forward and looked at the room where Lin Lan was stunned at the time.

"Empty?" Han Feng whispered in confusion.

There were only desks, sofas and bookcases in the empty office. There was nothing else.

Han Feng stepped out and walked to another office, which was still empty.

Looking at Lin Lan's figure in the corridor, Han Feng knew without looking that there was no one...

Lin Lan pushed open the doors of all the offices in the entire corridor, and they were all empty.

With a slightly absent-minded look in her eyes, she walked towards Han Feng and said, "Go upstairs and keep looking."

Up to the third floor, Lin Lan repeated the previous operation, but to her disappointment...there was still no one on the third floor.

Han Feng stood at the stairs smoking a cigarette, quietly watching Lin Lan walking around.

This building only has three floors. At this time, they are already on the top floor, and so far, they still haven't found anyone, including zombies...

Han Feng stepped on the cigarette butt and looked at an office. Lin Lan had been in for five minutes and hadn't come out yet.

In the silent corridor, only Han Feng's footsteps were heard. There was no movement after Lin Lan entered.

Han Feng, who was entering the door, bumped into Lin Lan, who was leaving.

"Ouch, sorry, I didn't see you, are you okay?" Han Feng asked apologetically.

"..." Lin Lan looked at Han Feng without saying anything, with slightly red eyes...

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Seeing Lin Lan like this, Han Feng couldn't help but get nervous.

Lin Lan didn't say anything, just raised his hand and handed Han Feng a few A4 papers.

Han Feng took it and flipped through it.

This is a red-headed document, which requires the entire armed forces to withdraw.

"All gone... personnel, equipment, weapons, information... all gone..." Lin Lan said slowly.

Han Feng was shocked when he looked at the document!

The troops... withdrew...

"The date is seven days ago... the day before the zombie outbreak." Han Feng said and looked at Lin Lan.

"I received the order to guard the equipment warehouse of the police station seven days ago." After saying that, Lin Lan stopped talking.

! ! !

Han Feng couldn't receive such a huge amount of information for a moment. What's going on? ! !

Who is Lin Lan guarding such a large amount of weapons and equipment for? ! !

The day before the zombie outbreak, the entire armed forces retreated. Is it a coincidence? !

Looking at the documents scattered on the floor of the entire office, Han Feng could easily guess that... the document in his hand was probably what they didn't have time to take away!

Combining all the things, Han Feng's brain was in a mess at this time, but he also sorted out a few clear things.

First, the country obviously knew what would happen here.

Second, the troops had taken defensive measures, but chose to give up for unknown reasons.

Third, such a hasty evacuation... shows that the troops received such information very urgently.

Fourth, this place... is likely to be abandoned... Even if the troops may recapture it, it is absolutely impossible in the near future.

Fifth, it is very likely that not only here, but perhaps... the whole world has also fallen into the panic of zombies...

Han Feng and Lin Lan just stood there quietly, no one moved or spoke, and they were all quietly digesting this huge information.

"You just... you just said that the equipment is gone?" After a long time, Han Feng took the lead in breaking the silence.

"Yes... the equipment warehouse of the armed forces... is empty." Lin Lan answered Han Feng in a daze.

"Can you take me to see it?" Han Feng asked again.

Lin Lan did not speak, but moved slowly.

After going downstairs, the two came to the second floor and walked into the last room.

Lin Lan tapped her finger on the fingerprint scanner, and after a few seconds, there was a "beep" sound, and the door opened.

"There is electricity..." Han Feng muttered, and walked into the equipment warehouse.

The equipment warehouse of the armed forces department is much larger than the equipment room of the police station, and even a word can echo.

The glass door of the empty gun cabinet was not closed in time, which really showed that time was tight.

Han Feng walked slowly inside and scanned the surroundings.

Suddenly, Han Feng raised his eyebrows. He walked quickly in one direction.

Lin Lan looked at Han Feng with an intriguing expression. In the empty equipment warehouse, Lin Lan really couldn't think of anything that could attract him.

"They didn't take this away." In the corner, Han Feng's words made Lin Lan regain some motivation.

"Is it a gun!" An excited voice came out of Lin Lan's mouth, and he ran quickly.

"That's what I'm talking about." Han Feng stood there, pointing at the diesel generator on the ground...

"Ah..." Lin Lan sighed, looking at the four diesel generators on the ground, not knowing what to say.

"Look again, see if there's anything else." Compared to Lin Lan's distress, Han Feng was actually a little excited at this time.

Before the end of the world, looting was unthinkable, but now it can be done anytime and anywhere. With this feeling, Han Feng would be happy even if he snatched a piece of paper.

Lin Lan stayed still again, while Han Feng walked around and looked around again.

"Lin Lan! Come here! Look!!!" The huge echo woke up the dazed Lin Lan.

Hearing Han Feng's call, Lin Lan walked over quickly.

"Look! It's a gun!!!" Han Feng said as he took out a broken assault rifle from the wooden box.

Lin Lan, who was originally excited again, saw the pile of guns and his eyelids twitched a few times.

"Don't look through it, these are all broken guns, and they were supposed to be destroyed." Lin Lan's disappointed voice sounded.

"Broken? It's okay, broken ones are okay!" Han Feng was not disappointed by Lin Lan's words, but he kept unloading the magazines of the assault rifles in his hands.

There are 50 brand new assault rifles at home, but there is a lack of spare magazines. At this time, this box of broken assault rifles can just make up for the lack of magazines.

"Are you the king of junk? You pick up everything..." A bitter smile came, and it was obvious that Lin Lan also remembered the assault rifles at home.

"Most of these guns have problems with the barrels, but everything else is fine." Han Feng said as he removed the magazine.

"Because of the problem of overheating of the barrel and improper maintenance, every year here..."

"Oh my god!!! So cool!!! Look! What is this~"

Lin Lan's words were interrupted by Han Feng. Han Feng, who was excited, stood up and jumped from the ground holding a long gun, excited like a child.

"99-type semi-automatic sniper rifle!" Lin Lan blurted out after seeing the gun in Han Feng's arms.

"What?" Han Feng, who was excited, didn't hear Lin Lan's words clearly and looked at her in confusion.

"99 semi-automatic sniper rifle, advanced performance, wide range of uses, high accuracy, long range, light weight. Due to the use of special rifling, it can use a variety of 127mm bullets such as armor-piercing, incendiary, explosive, and precision bullets. Using armor-piercing incendiary bullets, it can penetrate 15 steel plates at a distance of 500 meters!" After a lot of introductions, Lin Lan snatched the gun from Han Feng's arms.

Putting it on the ground, Lin Lan carefully observed the semi-automatic sniper rifle, constantly disassembling and assembling it.

Han Feng watched Lin Lan operate it and found that he had no idea what it was.

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