Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 377: Snow Drinking Mad Knife

"Team Han, do you need specific instructions from the combat laboratory?" Seeing that Han Feng still "didn't quite understand," Luna added.

"No, no need." Han Feng blinked and asked, "Last night, I also entered the blood-rage superpower. Why didn't I see the sword "transform"?"

"Report to Team Han, yesterday you turned on the blood rage and started attacking. The knife was still stuck in the wall, so you turned off the blood rage. Of course, you can't see the change of the blade."

Blinking his eyes as he recalled and thought, Han Feng said thoughtfully, "Oh, I see... OK, I understand."

"Okay, Team Korea."

After finishing his exchange with Luna, Han Feng turned to look at the back knife in his right hand...

At this time, the back knife had changed from light red to dark red.

Raising his head slightly, Han Feng looked at Liu Zhe and said, "Okay."

"Haha~ Team Han, it turns out you are waiting for the "skill CD"~"

Making a harmless joke, Liu Zhe took the lead in attacking!


The next moment, the two swords collided again!

But now Han Feng has activated his blood rage, and with his power soaring, Liu Zhe will definitely have the upper hand.

With just one blow, Liu Zhe couldn't bear the overwhelming force and fell to one knee.

Holding up the "Flame Back Sword" with both hands, Liu Zhe struggled to resist Han Feng's bloody sword...


After taking a breath, Liu Zhe roared several times! At the same time, the flames on Liu Zhe's body also increased at a speed visible to the naked eye!


Liu Zhe stimulates the super power of fire to the extreme! The fierce flames exploded in the air several times, emitting even hotter temperatures.

But at this time, Han Feng, who turned on the blood rage, did not feel as uncomfortable as before.

Also...heat is also a kind of energy. Just like the biting cold...blood rage can be resisted.

With a frivolous mouth, Han Feng knew... Liu Zhe had actually lost.

"Ugh! Uh-huh..."

Liu Zhe resisted for a few seconds and found that the blood-colored sword pressing above his head was still as steady as Mount Tai. Liu Zhe had no choice but to pull away and roll back, temporarily avoiding the extremely heavy blade.

Watching Liu Zhe dodge, Han Feng did not pursue him. If he had taken a step forward and thrust out this knife... Liu Zhe might have "fallen into a box".

After standing up, Liu Zhe held the handle of the knife tightly with both hands.

Judging from his posture, this kid is trying his best.

"Explosive Killing Fury Slash!!!"

Liu Zhe shouted loudly and strode towards Han Feng.


With a sneer, Han Feng dragged the knife with one hand and walked around behind Liu Zhe at a very fast speed.


The sound of a knife cut through the air and struck directly at Liu Zhe's neck!

The next moment, Han Feng held the back knife, paused the back of the knife, and placed it on Liu Zhe's right shoulder...


Liu Zhe, who was unable to react in time, was forced to his knees by the "tremendous force".

"It hurts! It hurts, it hurts!!!"

The next second, Liu Zhe cried out in pain.

"You've turned on Blood Rage, and you still want to compete with me for strength?"

Taking away the heavy knife, Han Feng said softly.

At this point, this "warm-up match" ended with Han Feng's victory.

"Haha~ If my Explosive Fury Slash had hit you just now, I'm afraid you wouldn't be able to withstand my strength~"

With traces of flames spitting out of his mouth, Liu Zhe scratched the back of his head and said angrily.


Staring at Liu Zhe, Han Feng knew...this boy was looking for a way out for him.

I wanted to really resist this explosive or something... cutting thing, but then I thought about it...

If the attack power is too weak, do you still have to pretend to be injured?

Forget it...forget it. Save some face for Liu Zhe...

Pursing his lips, Han Feng didn't speak again.

After retreating a few steps and reaching a "safe distance", Han Feng released his blood rage state.

Next...an embarrassing scene occurred.

Since Liu Zhe's clothes were burned when using his superpower, he now has to continue to "burn" himself. Because once the super power of fire is released... he will really become a "white striped" boy!

Turning his eyes, Liu Zhe was eager to find a place to change clothes...

"Tap tap tap tap..."

Seeing an independent room, Liu Zhe ran over without thinking.

"Stop! That's the arsenal! You want to die!!!"

Seeing Liu Zhe running towards the arsenal, Han Feng's legs suddenly went weak!

This guy is now covered in sparks. If he ignites the arsenal, this zinc mine will be a "funeral object"!

Hundreds of various cannonballs, missiles, bullets...

Thinking about the scene when it exploded, Han Feng couldn't help but feel chills running down his spine.


Hearing the call from behind, Liu Zhe stopped and took a few steps back.

"Then... what should I do?" Turning around and walking back to Han Feng, Liu Zhe continued, "I can't... really be naked, right?! It was okay to pass out before, but now I'm awake! "

Hearing what Liu Zhe said, Han Feng turned his eyes and stared at Liu Zhe "unkindly".

"Don't! I'm just saying! Don't!"

Seeing Han Feng's eyes ready to take action, Liu Zhe was instantly frightened.


A few seconds later, Han Feng also felt something "wrong"...

"Luna, build a wall and surround him." With the "inspiration" from the arsenal, Han Feng finally had to "take out" ten gold coins and build a two- to three-meter-square enclosed space for Liu Zhe alone.


Liu Zhe, who saw the wall being built with his own eyes, was so surprised that he didn't know what to say.

"Go in and change your clothes. I'll give you my clothes later."


After Han Feng finished speaking, Liu Zhe looked at Han Feng's blood-soaked clothes and swallowed his saliva...

After a few seconds, Liu Zhe did not move...

Finally...under Han Feng's "cold eyes" coercion, Liu Zhe nodded in agreement.

"This? How do I get in?"

Holding a knife, Liu Zhe circled the wall and couldn't find the door...

"From the top, flip in."


After responding to Han Feng, Liu Zhe jumped onto the two-meter-high wall and flipped in.

"Okay, clothes~"

Han Feng took off his sweater and threw it in.

"Where are the pants? Am I still naked?!"

After putting on the blood-soaked sweater, Liu Zhe looked up at the sky and waited for a long time...

It's really troublesome...Moving his lips, Han Feng muttered while taking off his pants and throwing them in...


After putting on the clothes that covered his body, Liu Zhe flipped out of the wall with a knife.

"Hey... Where's the person..."

When he came out, Han Feng was gone...

Back in the bedroom, Han Feng walked into the bathroom and washed off the blood on his body.

A few minutes later, Han Feng was holding a cigarette and a nutritional paste.

Sitting on a chair, he took a puff of the two.

In his mind, Han Feng still couldn't forget the back knife that gradually turned blood red...

"Blood Fury... Blood Needle... How about calling you Blood Knife?" Putting down the nutritional paste that had been sucked out, Han Feng stared at the back knife and muttered.

Then, Han Feng shook his head, thinking that calling it a blood knife was a bit too ordinary.

If Liu Zhe were here, he would definitely think of a cool and awesome name...

"Blood... Blood will come out when the knife is drawn. Red... Red like blood..." Frowning, Han Feng began to struggle with the name of this back-slashing knife...

"Blood-drinking knife?"

"No... Isn't this the name of a game equipment?"

"Blood-colored mad knife?"

"Forget it, it's a bit second-rate..."

After thinking for a while, Han Feng put out the cigarette in his hand...

"Snow-drinking... Mad knife?" Suddenly, for some reason, Han Feng's mind "popped" out this name.

"Snow-drinking mad knife?" Han Feng repeated it again.

Snow-drinking mad knife, this name comes from the peerless weapon in "Wind and Cloud"! It is the weapon in the hands of one of the protagonists, Nie Feng.

Thinking of this, Han Feng's thoughts were instantly pulled back to more than a decade ago...

I used to imitate Nie Feng's every move in front of the TV in the orphanage, imagining the hand

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