Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 365: Violent Priest

"Luna, do the SEALs have any clues?" Looking at the bright outside, Han Feng asked in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, there are no SEALs returning yet."

"Yes." Nodding, Han Feng indicated that he knew.

"Luna, turn on the radar."

As he spoke, Han Feng turned his attention to the system.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, the radar display screen lit up.

In the radar, the city modeling sand table took shape. In the meantime, there were hundreds of SEALs scattered around.

"Notify them that the main search direction is on the edge of the city." Looking at the evenly distributed, blue dots wandering in it, Han Feng gave an instruction.

"Report to Captain Han, unable to transmit valid command information. The reason for the inability to transmit the command exceeds the remote command limit distance."

Hearing that the command could not be transmitted, Han Feng thought for a while and continued, "Then upgrade the air command department."

"Report to Captain Han, upgrade the physical building-the air command department to two stars, it requires 300,000 gold coins, please confirm."

"Confirm." Now, Han Feng is determined to find other bases. So Han Feng didn't care about the 300,000 gold coins at all.

"Okay, Captain Han, the physical building - the Air Command Department is being upgraded, please wait..."

After a few seconds, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the physical building - the Air Command Department has been upgraded to two stars."

"Can we contact the Navy SEALs now?" After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng did not ask about the additional rewards immediately, but was still obsessed with contacting the Navy SEALs.

"Report to Captain Han, the valid command information cannot be transmitted. The reason for the failure to transmit the command exceeds the remote command limit distance."

Unexpectedly, after the upgrade of the Air Command Department, Han Feng still could not transmit the command to the soldiers 100 kilometers away.

In the system, Han Feng's attention swept and saw that he still had a balance of 500,000.

This amount of gold coins is just enough to upgrade the Air Command Department once more.

"Upgrade the Air Command Department." After confirming the gold coins, Han Feng said without hesitation.

"Report to Captain Han, upgrading the physical building - the Air Command Department to three stars requires 500,000 gold coins, please confirm."


"Okay, Captain Han, the physical building - the Air Command Department is being upgraded, please wait..."

After a few seconds, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the physical building - the Air Command Department has been upgraded to three stars."

"Congratulations to Captain Han for having a three-star Air Command Department."

Hearing Luna's congratulations, Han Feng's face did not show a trace of happiness, and he still looked gloomy...

"What about now? Can you contact the Navy SEALs?"

"Report to Captain Han, you can contact them."

"Well, give my previous order." After a pause, Han Feng seemed to have thought of something, and continued, "By the way, once you find them, don't kill anyone. I will do it myself."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After communicating with Luna, Han Feng leaned back on the back of the chair and closed his eyes.

This morning, apart from Tanya quietly entering the house to deliver the nutrient paste, there was no sound at all...

Until about five o'clock in the afternoon...

"Report to Captain Han, the SEALs have sent back news. In the northwest corner and edge of the city, a similar priest base has been found. It is 138 kilometers away."

Hearing the report in his mind, Han Feng opened his eyes. He walked into the bathroom silently and washed his face.

"Tanya, prepare the car." Han Feng contacted Tanya before going out.

Standing downstairs, Tanya drove an off-road vehicle to Han Feng in a short while.

Hearing the subtle movement in the trunk of the off-road vehicle, Han Feng could easily guess that it was Lin Lan.

After opening the door of the co-pilot and sitting firmly, Han Feng whispered, "Let's go."

Four and a half hours later, around eleven o'clock, Han Feng and Tanya arrived at a small village.

Looking at the "style", it should be the priest base without a doubt.

Since he had never seen the priests here, Han Feng didn't know who to find for a while.


After thinking for a moment, Han Feng turned his head and looked at Tanya.

Taking the pearl grenade from Tanya, Han Feng opened the car door and got out.


Pulling the ring of the pearl grenade, Han Feng threw it over the village!


Due to Han Feng's extremely delicate control of the force, the grenade exploded more than 30 meters above the village without injuring anyone.

Although the pearl grenade was only half the size of a normal grenade, the noise it made was not inferior at all.

After the rumbling explosion, Han Feng saw candles lit up one after another in the dark village.

Finding the nearest house, Han Feng broke into the house.

Inside the house, a man was holding up half of his pants, with a little fear in his sleepy eyes.

"Ah!" Hearing the door being broken, the man didn't say anything, but the woman on the bed screamed.


Take a step, Han Feng instantly stood in front of the man. As for the screams in his ears... Han Feng's eyes did not change at all.

"Where is the priest or the steward?"

Staring at the man's eyes, Han Feng said softly.


After a few seconds without a reply, the silver wings flashed...

"Where is the priest or the steward?"

As the man slowly knelt on the ground, Han Feng walked to the bed, lowered his eyebrows and stared at the woman on the bed and asked.

"Ah! Ah!!!"

Perhaps it was a stress reaction after seeing blood, the woman kept screaming and did not give the answer Han Feng wanted.


The next moment, the silver wings glowed coldly again...

The two people died, and there was no living creature in the house except Han Feng and Tan Ya.

After killing the two people, Han Feng walked out of the house silently.

"How about I go investigate?" Tan Ya said, following Han Feng.

"I'm too lazy to wait." In response to these three words, Han Feng activated his speed superpower and broke into another house.

"Priest, or the manager. Where is he?"

Stepping on the fragments of the wooden door on the ground, Han Feng was expressionless as always.

"In... in... the fourth house over there..." This time, Han Feng got the answer he wanted.


Unfortunately, the man who just gave the answer did not escape the fate of death.


Before the gushing blood fell to the ground, Han Feng left the house and came to the priest's house.

"I forgot to bring Lin Lan here." Standing in the yard, Han Feng said with some regret. But the next second, Han Feng muttered to himself, "But it doesn't matter."

"Who are you?!"

The priest hurriedly put on his clothes and came outside, and suddenly found two people standing in the yard who he had never met before. Although he was panicked, he was not too nervous because he was a superpower.

"Are you a priest?" Han Feng did not answer the man's question, but raised his head and looked at him standing on the second floor and asked.

"Yes, I am the priest! What are you doing?!"

Perhaps because he sensed that someone in the village had died, the priest was furious. However, before he understood the whole story, the priest tried his best to suppress the resentment in his heart.

"That's great..." Han Feng raised the corner of his mouth and finally showed some expression.

After a pause, Han Feng kept his head up and said, "Contact the Holy Lord and ask him to come. If he doesn't come, you can die."

After listening to Han Feng, the priest understood...these two people are here to "make trouble"! Especially this young man, who was so brazen as to call the Holy Lord! He had humiliated his own faith!

His hair stood on end with rage, and he could no longer suppress his anger! The priest shouted, "You are so arrogant!"


With another roar, the priest jumped down from the second floor, and reached out to Han Feng with his hands in claws!

"Ding! Ding!!"

Two crisp sounds rang out in front of Han Feng!

It was not until the priest landed that he saw...it turned out that two silver shuttles had blocked his attack.

The two silver shuttles inserted

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