Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 363: Meditation in seclusion

However, Han Feng's "transformation" time is about to "expire".

This caused Han Feng's punches to become slower and weaker...

[I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network โ†’๐˜ต๐˜ธ๐˜ฌ๐˜ข๐˜ฏ.๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ฎ]

When his eyes began to alternate between red and white, Han Feng began to silently recite her name...

"Wei Yun... Wei Yun..."

In this way, Han Feng vented his anger and at the same time "added" more strength to himself.

Another half a minute later...

So far, Han Feng has been in a blood rage for nearly nine minutes!

The blood on the ground condensed into small "lakes" in the low-lying areas, but the blood that followed up also began to become scarce...

Han Feng was almost drained of blood from his body! And the darkness in front of him became more and more frequent...

But even so, Han Feng still didn't dare to faint easily! Because...the sixth-level female corpse is not dead yet!

Although it didn't resist, Han Feng didn't dare to take it lightly because the number of gold coins it sensed had not increased!

Another half minute passed...

At this time, Han Feng had already broken a big hole in the chest of the level 6 female corpse! He could directly see the wall behind it.

And its head was also hammered beyond recognition. Upon closer inspection, there were many fine cracks on the skull of the level 6 female corpse.


Finally, after being hit by hundreds of punches, the head of the level 6 female corpse was finally smashed!

Feeling the fine pulp on the fist, Han Feng raised the corner of his mouth... Then his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

Relying on his blood rage, Han Feng not only crushed Lin Lan's limbs, but also hammered a level 6 zombie to death!

However... as a price, Han Feng also paid a painful price...

What he didn't know was that although blood rage could bring him unprecedented functions in a short period of time,... this superpower was at the cost of his own life...

In every second of blood rage, Han Feng's life was burning!

Secondly, blood rage would reduce Han Feng's perception of pain. ,

As I said just now, blood rage only increases Han Feng's various body functions, and cannot increase Han Feng's bone density.

So... when bombarding the level 6 female corpse, the bones of Han Feng's fists had already been broken. It's just that he couldn't feel it, and didn't feel it completely...

And... the blood Han Feng had shed in the past ten minutes had already exceeded the human body's limit of blood loss!

Maybe in the next second, it would be normal for Han Feng, who was unconscious, to die of shock.

So, this time... Han Feng was almost "walking on a tightrope" between the two peaks! And without any safety measures!

As long as he took a wrong step, he would die...

Now that Han Feng was unconscious and blood rage was lifted, Han Feng's various symptoms gradually emerged.

When Tanya rushed to Han Feng with the gene - the rapid recovery potion, Han Feng's breathing was already barely noticeable.

Tanya quickly opened the medicine box, picked up the needle and directly stabbed it into Han Feng's body.

"Huh..." With a sigh, Tanya pulled out the empty syringe, looked at Han Feng's body and continued, "Whether you can survive... depends on your luck..."

After that, Tanya limped and pulled Han Feng up, and then carried Han Feng on her back step by step towards the ruins of the base...

Time will not stop with Han Feng's coma...

After an unknown amount of time, Han Feng slowly opened his eyes from the bed. (ใฃโ—”โ—กโ—”)ใฃ

"Uh..." The first sentence after waking up was Han Feng's cry of pain.

All over his body, it seemed as if there were thousands of ants gnawing at him, and his whole body was soaked in sulfuric acid...

"Boy, are you awake? Is it still painful?" Liu Rui, who was on "duty" beside Han Feng, asked immediately.

Han Feng endured the pain and nodded gently.

Fortunately, after a while, Han Feng felt that the piercing pain disappeared.

Liu Rui went out to find other people.

Lying on the bed, Han Feng stared at the ceiling with his eyes blankly... In his mind, there were all kinds of images before he fell into a coma. Especially... the scene of Wei Yun's death.


"Big brother..."

"Captain Han..."

Tens of seconds later, Wei Peng, Hu Hu, Liu Zhe and others entered the room and greeted him.

"Luna, how long have I been unconscious?"

Han Feng heard the voices of everyone greeting him, but did not respond at all. Instead, he asked Luna this question in his mind.

"Report to Captain Han, you have been unconscious for three days, five hours and thirty-one minutes." Following Han Feng's question, Luna was precise to the minute.

After hearing this, Han Feng continued to remain blank and asked in his mind, "What time is it now?"

"Report to Captain Han, it is now 8:54 am on January 3, 2031."

"I know..." After responding to Luna, Han Feng slowly stood up.

Sitting on the bed, Han Feng turned his eyes and looked at everyone.

What everyone didn't expect was that at this moment, Han Feng's eyes were dim...

"Tanya, come with me." Finally, Han Feng's eyes were fixed on Tanya. He didn't speak, but just gave an order in his mind.

After speaking, Han Feng got up, put on his shoes, and walked out of the bedroom without saying a word.

"Captain Han, you haven't eaten for three days, just woke up..."

"Shh!! Shhh!"

Liu Zhe just said half of his words, and Han Feng suddenly stopped.

Seeing this, Liu Rui hurriedly pulled Liu Zhe, signaling him not to speak anymore.

Because Liu Rui knew very well that every bite of Han Feng's meal was cooked by Wei Yun. Liu Zhe's question at this time was really irrelevant!

After being pulled, Liu Zhe also reacted instantly and stopped talking.

A few seconds later, Han Feng went downstairs without looking back. Tanya followed Han Feng silently.

When he came downstairs, Han Feng looked at the somewhat empty zinc mine with no sadness or joy on his face.

After finding the repaired multi-purpose infantry vehicle, Han Feng opened the door of the co-pilot and sat in directly. By the way, he also reminded Tanya in his mind, "You drive, base."

Three minutes later, Han Feng and Tanya came to the ruins of the base...

"Report to Captain Han, the base has been destroyed, please repair and rebuild. Reconstruction requires fifty engineers, and the repair time is ten days."

When Han Feng faced the ruins of the base, Luna asked at the right time.

"Summon fifty engineers, confirmed." After answering in his mind, Han Feng raised his legs and walked towards the ruins.

"Okay, Captain Han."

Standing at the place where Wei Yun died, Han Feng did not see her body. Then he slowly closed his eyes and asked, "Where is she?"

"Sorry, Captain Han... I... didn't find her." Standing behind Han Feng, Tanya said such an apologetic words for the first time.

"Didn't find her?"

"Yes... When the battle was over, I didn't see her body in the ruins. After the soldiers searched, they still couldn't find it..."

After listening to Tanya, Han Feng lowered his eyes to look at the bloodstains of Wei Yun under his feet, and said expressionlessly, "Look for it, I want to see the body even if I die."

"Okay, Captain Han, I know."

After Tanya finished speaking, Han Feng turned and walked out of the low-lying area.

Standing at the commanding height of the ruins, Han Feng glanced around, but unexpectedly saw the power station that was also in ruins.

In an instant, Han Feng understood why the light prism tower and the magnetic storm coil did not attack Lin Lan... because of the lack of electricity.

"Repair the power station first, then the base." After leaving this sentence in his mind, Han Feng walked out of the ruins and sat in the co-pilot again...

Back to the original color steel house of the zinc mine, Han Feng took Tanya upstairs.

At this time, everyone was still gathered in Han Feng's bedroom and had not left.

Standing in front of the bedroom door, Han Feng's eyes moved...

Tanya took a few steps forward and said to everyone in the bedroom, "You guys go out first, Captain Han needs to be quiet."

After Tanya finished speaking, everyone looked solemn, but no one stayed.

After a while, Han was the only one left in the bedroom.

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