Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 358: New clues

Staring at Wei Yun's eyes, Han Feng choked up...

Faced with Wei Yun's doubts, Han Feng scratched the back of his head and laughed to defend himself, "Haha~ Just now... Just now I had a nightmare, and I didn't wake up for a while~"

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Seeing Wei Yun's eyes still somewhat unconvinced, Han Feng continued to add, "You have been with me for so long~ Don't you know whether I sleepwalk or not?~ Tsk~"

Seeing Han Feng's expression, Wei Yun half-believed and half-doubtedly muttered, "It's only been a few days with you... How can I know..."

"Don't say it, it's dawn if you continue~ Let's go to sleep~"


It was also because Wei Yun had just woken up and was not very conscious that he didn't hear the loopholes in Han Feng's words.

Just like that, Han Feng, who had "escaped a disaster" by chance, lay down again and fell asleep...

The next morning...

After a hearty breakfast, Han Feng came to the outside of the base alone and scanned the defensive weapons built yesterday.

"Luna, arrange five magnetic storm infantrymen to guard each magnetic storm coil. They can move freely when they are free. But if there is a battle, the magnetic storm coil needs their help."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng nodded. By the way, he turned his attention to the system to see how many gold coins he had left and how many other defensive weapons he could build.

"Luna? Did a battle happen yesterday?" Han Feng asked in surprise when he saw the 150,000 gold coins in the gold coin column.

"Report to Captain Han, everything was normal last night, and no battle happened."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng frowned in confusion and said, "Isn't that right? I clearly remember that I had more than 100,000 gold coins left yesterday, how come it has become... 150,000 now?!"

"Report to Captain Han, this is the income generated by the ore refinery.

"Oh, right! "After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng slapped his forehead and realized that the extra gold coins were earned by the mine.

Next, Han Feng began to continue to improve his base mission...

"Luna, build eight machine gun bunkers and place them outside the entrances and exits and outside the sentry guns. In this way, each entrance and exit will have a stock of 20,000 bullets.

"By the way, Luna, build another weapons depot in the base to store some bullets for the entrances and exits~ This will save temporary production.

"Luna, build another circle of walls outside the base wall within a hundred meters..."

"Oh... The Sixth Battalion~ is out to clean up the garbage!"

"Okay, that's it, open four more entrances and exits in the center of the four sides of the second wall! Then... Then the defensive weapons are the same as the inner circle, with a light prism tower and a magnetic storm coil placed in each corner.

"Report to Captain Han, there is not enough gold coins to build..." Until noon, Luna finally exposed the fact that she was "poor in money."

"No money so soon? "Han Feng stopped the construction after a puzzled sound.

"Uh... It's good like this. When we have money, we can add weapons. "Looking at the tight defense of the two walls, Han Feng held his chin and continued, "I think this defense system can easily stop 100,000 zombies~!"

"Of course, zombies of level 5 and 6 don't count~" After adding to himself again, Han Feng turned around and walked towards the base.

Rubbing his red hands, Han Feng was thinking about which country's military rations he would try at noon today.

Han Feng spent the afternoon in the base.

Chatting, playing cards, chatting with Liu Rui, teasing Huhu...

At night, Han Feng hugged Wei Yun.♝♦  ♦♦In the bedroom after the tenderness, it was warm and comfortable...

"Report to Captain Han, there is an unknown..."

"Report to Captain Han, an unidentified person is approaching the base. "

"Tsk..." Hearing Luna's report in his mind, Han Feng, who was lying on the bed, frowned and tsk-tsk.

"Report to Captain Han, an unidentified person is approaching the base."

"Who the hell is this? ! What are you doing in the middle of the night? ! ! !" Han Feng was extremely unhappy when he was woken up from his sleep!

"Report to Captain Han, the other party's identity is unknown."

"Wait..." This time, Han Feng learned "smartly"... Pretending to get up at night to go to the bathroom, Han Feng sat up slowly, put on his slippers and walked to the bathroom.

During this period, Han Feng looked back at Wei Yun with a guilty conscience... Fortunately, Wei Yun was still sleeping soundly and was not awakened by himself.

"Are they the two idiots from yesterday?" After closing the door, Han Feng sat on the toilet and asked angrily.

"Report to Captain Han, no. But this time there are still two people. "

"Come on, connect the vision. "Han Feng, however, gave the order casually with an indifferent attitude.

"Okay, Captain Han, the vision connection is being connected, connecting to the target Sixth Battalion, Captain, please wait..."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng opened his eyes...

Through the sniper scope, Han Feng saw the two sneaky people leaning against the darkness of the woods, slowly approaching the base.

"Hey~ These two people, don't even say to communicate." Looking at the two people's mouths that avoided opening, Han Feng gave up the idea of ​​asking Luna to translate lip language.

"Fire a warning shot." After a moment of silence, Han Feng gave the order.

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Da Da! Da Da Da!"

"? ? ? "

After the gunshots, the two people stood still, neither moving forward nor retreating.

Looking at the two people standing still, Han Feng was a little puzzled.

Just when Han Feng was about to ask something else, he found that the two people slowly turned around and left.

However...the steady pace of these two people "irritated" Han Feng.

"Hey?! These two ungrateful guys! Why don't they run away! And they walk so slowly! What's the meaning?!"

The next moment, Han Feng also laughed at himself.

"Why should I be angry with them~" After comforting himself, Han Feng got up and opened the bathroom door.

When walking to the bed, Han Feng specifically ordered, "Luna, if there are such villains again, just shoot to warn! No need to notify me. If the other party doesn't listen to the advice, call me up again."

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng lay down and closed his eyes, ready to fall asleep again...


Suddenly, Han Feng opened his eyes.

"Luna." The next second, Han Feng called Luna.

"What's wrong, Captain Han? I'm here."

"I'm a little worried..." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "How about...let James investigate?"

"Okay, Captain Han, James is on his way to the survivor base."

"Well...please make him go, I want to know what they want to do."

After ordering James to investigate the matter, Han Feng felt relieved.

"If you find anything, please inform me as soon as possible~"

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Well, then good night~"

After saying hello, Han Feng closed his eyes...

"Report to Captain Han, James has discovered the other party's purpose."


What Han Feng didn't expect was that...after just over ten minutes, Luna's report sounded again in his mind.

"What..." Han Feng responded in a half-awake state.

"After James Debon's preliminary investigation, the other party is the Lord's men. Their purpose is to steal the nutrient paste."

"The Lord's men?!" After hearing this, Han Feng instantly became much more sober.

"Yes, Captain Han."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's eyes gradually lost focus...

In his mind, all he could think of were the words of the steward before he died...

Han Feng wanted to meet the Holy Lord very much! But because of the "trouble" of the Level 6 female corpse, he killed the steward...

And now, the news of the Holy Lord came to his ears again, and Han Feng was indeed a little excited.

Turning over, Han Feng picked up his phone.

"Three thirty in the morning..." Staring at the time displayed on the phone screen, Han Feng muttered softly.

"Hmm? What's wrong, husband..." Wei Yun muttered in a half-asleep and half-awake state.

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