Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 348: Christmas

“Luna, call the engineer over.

These two solid "safety walls", if you use brute force to open them, you may not be able to open them for a long time. But for engineers with special skills, this safe is really not enough~

"Okay, Team Korea."

Luna took the instruction, and after more than ten seconds, the engineer trotted to Han Feng's side.

"Thank you for your hard work~ The safes on these two walls are all open." As he spoke, Han Feng held the engineer's shoulder with his left hand and pointed forward with his right hand.

"Okay, Team Korea."

After the engineer finished speaking, he raised his legs and stepped forward. Reaching out his hand, the safe doors were opened one by one.

Following the engineer, Han Feng took out the contents of the safe...

"What is this? What is this?! Are the photos in here too?!"

Holding the box in the safe, Han Feng frowned, curled his lips, and said with disdain.

"Bonds... oh~! Twenty million bonds! Niubi~"

Taking out the document in the second safe, Han Feng saw that it was a bond worth 20 million. It's a pity...it's too hard to use for wiping your butt.

"It's useless..."

"This is useless."

"I'm going? Can't we put some diamond rings in the most heavily defended place in this city?! Do we have to put a bunch of garbage..."

Dozens of safes were opened in succession, which contained either documents or bonds. There are even family photos, love letters...

"Luna, here are five soldiers to clean up all the useless garbage!" Looking at the papers on the floor, Han Feng gave the order helplessly.

“Okay Team Korea.

After Luna finished speaking, the five conscripts put down the gold bars they were carrying and lined up to the safe behind the vault.

Sure enough, with the help of five mobilized soldiers, the speed of sorting safes became very fast.

A minute later, Han Feng finally found the first batch of "treasures" in a small black cloth bag! Full and round purple pearls, deep black black pearls, white pearls that look like suet...

"Wow..." Touching these pearls, Han Feng sighed subconsciously.

Those who can be locked here are all priceless treasures...

"Report to the Korean team that a diamond ring was found." While Han Feng was still immersed in the "ocean" of pearls, the mobilization soldier on the side suddenly reported with a black diamond ring box.

Taking the box, Han Feng put the pearls back into the bag.

"Gulu..." After swallowing his saliva, Han Feng took a deep breath and opened the box.

"I'll wipe!!!"

The moment he opened the box, a dazzling light shone in Han Feng's eyes!

A huge diamond ring is stuck in the center of the diamond ring box, and the luxurious feeling comes to your face!

"That's it...that's it!!!" Han Feng kept mumbling while holding the diamond ring.

"I'll leave the rest to you~ Remember to clean up carefully~" After saying this, Han Feng picked up the pearl bag and diamond ring box and walked out of the vault.

"Simon, how is the situation over there?" Han Feng asked Simon in his mind as he walked upstairs.

"Report to the Korean team that everything is normal."

After hearing these eight words, Han Feng was completely relieved this time.

"Continue to be vigilant and always pay attention to surrounding movements."

"Okay, Team Korea."

A few hours later…

The nearly five tons of gold and various rare treasures in the vault were all removed by the Red Alert soldiers.

At this time, it was getting late.

"Everyone! Get ready to go home~!" Sitting in the multi-functional infantry vehicle, Han Feng gave the retreat order.


With the roar of the motorcade's engine, Han Feng ended his day's "plundering" trip.

Four hours later, Han Feng returned to the zinc mine.

"Luna, send the gold to the Allied base. Don't put it in the mine yet. Wait until I get there."

"Okay, Team Korea."

"By the way, as for diamonds... put the broken diamonds and gold together. Leave the remaining diamonds with high value to me~"

"Okay, Team Korea."

After giving instructions to Luna, Han Feng turned around and drove into the zinc mine alone.

After turning off the engine and parking the car, Han Feng stood beside the car. He raised his head and looked at the dark environment, only the light in his bedroom was still on...

"Ah... it's so good..." Han Feng couldn't help but sigh as he looked at his bright bedroom window with a smile.

This feeling is like a wife waiting for her husband to come home, heartwarming and touching...

Holding the pearls and diamond rings in his coat pocket, Han Feng pursed his lips and walked upstairs with a bad smile.

"Dong dong dong"

"I'm back~"

Standing outside the door, Han Feng knocked on the door, shouted "politely", and then waited quietly for Wei Yun to open the door for him.

"Brother-in-law~ you are back~"

What shocked Han Feng was that... it was Wei Peng who opened the door for him!

When the door opened wide, the shock turned into surprise...

A huge Christmas tree stands in the center of my bedroom.

The Christmas tree is covered with colorful lights. Not only the Christmas tree, but also lights around his bedroom.

"Why are you still standing there! Come in and eat!" Looking at Han Feng who was stunned, Liu Rui held a chicken leg in his hand and greeted Han Feng into the house with a mouth full of oil.

"You guys..." Lifting his legs and walking slowly in, Han Feng made a confused sound.

Wei Yun walked towards Han Feng, took off his coat, and explained, "Isn't it Christmas today? According to the orthodox Western practice, everyone has to eat roast chicken at home together."

"Oh... but where does the roast chicken come from?" Han Feng focused on the origin of the roast chicken on the plate...

"Frozen sealed packaged chicken, this is just ordinary chicken. If it is turkey, it should taste better~ But the conditions are limited, so let's do it this way first."

At this time, Tanya came from behind Han Feng with pasta while explaining.

"Did you make this?" Han Feng looked back at Tanya, and then looked at the table of Western food...

"Yes, Christmas, my holiday~"

"..." After Tanya finished speaking, Han Feng suddenly realized! Tanya is from Magnesium!

The next moment, Han Feng suddenly thought of the American soldiers... They are also from Magnesium. After thinking about it, Han Feng asked, "According to what you said... What about American soldiers? Do they celebrate Christmas?"

"Yes~" Putting down the pasta in her hand, Tanya responded concisely and clearly.

"Celebrate? Do we have so many roast chickens?"

When Han Feng thought that he had nearly a hundred American soldiers, his head was big. In addition to American soldiers, snipers are also Westerners. Strictly speaking, the same is true for engineers and heavy soldiers...

"Of course there are not so many roast chickens, but there are pizzas and pastas~" Tanya said playfully, and did not forget to tease Han Feng, "I have said that the conditions are limited, so of course it is as "luxurious" as possible~"

"Brother Han, let's eat first~ We will talk about these issues later~"

At this time, Wei Yun, who had hung up the clothes, turned around and helped Han Feng to sit down.

"Hey wait~" Suddenly, Han Feng walked to the chair and said mysteriously, then took out the pearl bag in his pocket, and said in suspense, "Since it's Christmas~ I will give you some surprises! Come on~ Guess what's in it~ There are prizes for guessing correctly~"

As soon as Han Feng finished speaking, everyone "exploded" instantly! Cheers broke out!

"It's pearls~" Amid the cheers of the crowd, Tanya leaned close to Han Feng and whispered in Han Feng's ear.

"You know???!"

"Ask Luna~"

"You cheated..."

"Hehe~ I don't care~ Anyway, I guessed it right~"

Looking at Tanya with a smug look on his face, Han Feng thought to himself, can't I cure you? !

"It doesn't count~ You are one of us~ I said that you can only win the prize if you guess correctly, and you asked in advance."

After listening to Han Feng's words, Tanya smiled evilly and turned to shout to everyone, "There are pearls in it! Everyone, tell me!"

"Pearl! Brother Han! It's a pearl

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