Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 33: Winter Soldier Goes Deaf

"No! Death! No! Rest!!" Han Feng said, then turned around and focused on clearing the way.

A few minutes later, Han Feng finally rushed out of the sea of ​​corpses.

He was not excited after surviving the disaster, and the hatred in his heart became more and more huge under the nourishment of anger.

"All personnel follow me, let's go to the police station." Han Feng said, turned the car head and drove to the police station. ✪

In the two or three days when the zombies broke out, Han Feng had been to the police station and harvested a lot of bullets.

Before, Han Feng relied on his own red alert system and did not take weapons and supplies very seriously.

After these battles, he found that his soldiers had a fatal weakness, that is, insufficient supply of subsequent resources, to put it bluntly, lack of bullets.

If the equipment was unlimited like before, Han Feng might not lose any soldiers.

He could not think of how to get more ammunition for the time being, so he could only think of the police station again. Although a lot of ammunition was consumed in the last battle in the police station, there were still some that were not brought out by Han Feng.

After the unlimited supply of equipment just now ended, the ammunition of the Red Alert soldiers was replenished once, and it was not cleared.

Relying on the fact that there were less than ten American soldiers and more than ten mobilized soldiers around him, Han Feng decided to give it a try!

More than half an hour later, under the sprint of the convoy, Han Feng and his party arrived at the police station.

"Start calling." After parking the car, Han Feng did not get out immediately, but sat in the car waiting for the end of the call.

"The system starts calling, please wait."

After listening to the system's answer, Han Feng lit a cigarette...

"A team of mobilized soldiers, fire axes are ready. With the police station as the center, clear all zombies in the warning area."

Han Feng observed the surroundings. A few scattered zombies were wandering on the street. In order to ensure the subsequent safety issues, Han Feng ordered a team of mobilized soldiers in his mind.

Watching the four mobilized soldiers attacking cleanly outside the car window, Han Feng was not idle either, and began to observe the police station.

"Radar scan." Han Feng said silently.

"The radar scan range is five kilometers, and it requires one hundred gold coins. Please confirm." Luna's voice sounded.


"Supply box...supply box...supply box..." Han Feng prayed silently in his heart.

A few seconds later, Luna's voice sounded again. "Radar scan completed, commander."

Han Feng looked at the radar scanner.

"Alas..." With a sigh, there was no supply box.

But the radar showed that there were several survivors less than two kilometers away from him.

Han Feng ignored the other survivors, exited the interface, and quietly watched the police station waiting.

Every once in a while, there would be Red Alert soldiers coming out from different places.

In Han Feng's mind, he ordered the newly summoned soldiers to get on the car and not introduce themselves.

In less than ten minutes, the summons were over and the security area was cleared.

"Everyone get off the car, the injured don't need to." An order was issued in the mind, and all Red Alert soldiers got off the car and stood by.

"Leave ten mobilized soldiers to be responsible for the security in the security area, and the rest..."

Han Feng was halfway through his speech and suddenly lost his voice.

In his mind, on the soldier's body details interface, a soldier was shown dead...

Silently, he walked towards one of the cars.

He opened the car door and looked at the body in the car quietly...

It was a mobilized soldier who was seriously injured by a high-explosive grenade in order to protect Han Feng.

After watching quietly for a few seconds, Han Feng gently took off his AK47 and the grenade on his waist. After taking it, he was silent for a few seconds and said softly, "Thank you..."

After closing the car door, Han Feng walked to another car, opened the car door and looked at Ji Feng.

At this time, Ji Feng's condition was obviously much better.

"Details of the soldiers." After saying that, Han Feng began to observe.

Fortunately, there was no fatal problem...

Without stopping, Han Feng turned around and continued, "Leave ten mobilized soldiers to guard in the security area, and the rest of you follow me!"

Holding the AK47, Han Feng walked in front.

I don't know if it was a problem with the circuit or the power supply. At this time, the police station was dark. Han Feng tried to turn on the light switch at the door "click, click", but found it useless...

Standing still for a few seconds, entering the police station, Han Feng saw several zombies wandering on the first floor.

"One team of mobilized soldiers, attack with fire axes." In front of zombies that are not in large scale, fire axes are always Han Feng's first choice.

As Han Feng's order was issued, four mobilized soldiers holding fire axes rushed out instantly.

In the dim corridor, the sharp fire axes flashed with a frightening cold light.

Han Feng looked at the massacre in front of him coldly, and he didn't know what he was thinking in his heart...

In less than a minute, the massacre was over.

"Break the doors one by one." Every failure makes you wiser. Han Feng was hurt by his previous recklessness, and now he couldn't help but be cautious.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The sound of breaking the door came one after another. Soon, all the doors on the first floor were opened.

All the rooms were empty... There were no zombies.

"Leave five mobilized soldiers to collect all the weapons that can be used. After collecting, they will be responsible for the security on the first floor. The rest of you follow me." After speaking, Han Feng left five mobilized soldiers and walked to the second floor...

Han Feng stood in front of the stairs and frowned.

Last time, in order to stop the zombies, Wayne blew up the stairs. I didn't expect that now it would even stop me.

Looking at the broken stairs with a drop of nearly three meters, Han Feng couldn't help but feel a headache...

"Winter Soldier, let me go up." After thinking about it, Han Feng decided to take the lead, so he called out to Winter Soldier.

"Huh? Winter Soldier?" Han Feng looked back in confusion.

"Winter Soldier, come here." This time, Han Feng slightly raised his voice.

? ? ?

Winter Soldier still stood there, motionless...

"What's going on..." Han Feng muttered in a low voice, with a bad premonition in his heart...

Winter Soldier was the first soldier he summoned, and he was loyal to him! No matter what order he gave, Winter Soldier would complete it 100%! Han Feng had no doubt that even if he ordered him to commit suicide, Winter Soldier would not hesitate.

Not obeying Han Feng's orders, this was a situation that Red Alert soldiers had never experienced before...

Calling Winter Soldier three times, Winter Soldier still did not move, just standing in a military posture with a fire axe.

After hesitating for a while, Han Feng contacted Winter Soldier in his mind through the remote command function of the radar.

"Winter Soldier, come here." After Han Feng ordered Winter Soldier in his mind, Winter Soldier finally moved.

"What's wrong with Winter Soldier? Why didn't you listen to me just now?" Han Feng, who was completely confused, asked the system.

"Report to the commander, the damage to the eardrum of mobilized soldier 0001 has reached 989, and he is in a state of severe deafness, so he cannot receive any commands transmitted by sound."


After listening to the explanation given by the system, Han Feng was stunned. The scene in front of the cold storage door kept coming back to his mind...

Winter Soldier...had his eardrum shattered by a high-explosive grenade! !

If the eardrum of an ordinary person is shattered, he will have lost his combat effectiveness and lie on the ground with his hands covering his ears!

But Winter Soldier, regardless of his own pain and safety, struggled to stand up and hold up the door of the cold storage...

Han Feng looked at the deaf Winter Soldier in front of him, and his choked throat made him unable to say a word.

At this time, Han Feng could think of two ways to let Winter Soldier recover. The first was to open the hospital sign on the supply box, so that all Red Alert soldiers could recover in an instant, and the other... was to let Winter Soldier upgrade his star!

According to Han Feng's understanding, when a soldier's star is upgraded, all states will be refreshed.

The supply box is random, and it is impossible to change the contents according to Han Feng's ideas.

Then there is only one way left.

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