Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 317: Lost Love Box

A few hours later, Han Feng and his four companions finally arrived at the place where James was attacked.

The Terminator stopped the car, and the four looked out through the car window. No one was the first to get off the car...

A few seconds later, Han Feng contacted Luna in his mind and said, "Luna, scan the surroundings."

"Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is within a ten-kilometer range, and needs..."

"Confirm, confirm." Luna was halfway through her words when Han Feng interrupted her.

"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..." After a pause, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is over."

As soon as the radar scan was over, Han Feng immediately asked, "Did you find any abnormalities?!"

"Report to Captain Han, five survivors were found within the radar detection range. The location is at your seven o'clock direction. It is nine point three kilometers away."

"Oh my! Did you find the other party's survivors?!!!" Hearing this "good" news, Han Feng immediately became excited!

"Yes, Captain Han, in addition, the radar also scanned a supply box. It is located at one o'clock. It is 8.8 kilometers away."

"..." After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was stunned.

Seven o'clock direction... one o'clock direction... Damn it!!! These are completely two directions! And the distance between the two is the "corners" scanned by the radar, nearly 20 kilometers apart!

At this time, Han Feng scratched his head and thought about where to go first...

Find the survivors first? What if there is no mysterious person among the five survivors? Isn't this a waste of time? Not only did he not catch anyone, but he might also alert the enemy.

Find the supply box first? What if it is a gold coin supply box? Besides... the places where the supply box appears are "hugely" dangerous places!

While Han Feng was thinking, Liu Zhe in the cabin of the armored vehicle couldn't help but say, "Hey, Brother Han, let's just sit in the car and wait?"

Because all the communication between Han Feng and Luna was done in his mind. So Guo Yongxing and Liu Zhe couldn't hear it. Seeing that Han Feng hadn't spoken for almost a minute, Liu Zhe was a little impatient.

"Hey, stop arguing! Am I not trying to find a solution?" After muttering, Han Feng raised his hand and pointed to the location of the supply box and said, "Just... just this way!"

Seeing Han Feng so "casually" determine the direction of advance, Liu Zhe shouted, "Ah? So casual?! Really don't need to think about it again?!"

"Don't think about it, just this way!" As he spoke, Han Feng thought... What if the supply box is "powerful" this time! If a good thing is opened, wouldn't it be fun during the battle? ! If another terminator is opened, then the combat power here will be raised to another "realm"!

Secondly, the place where the supply box appears is the danger! The power of the mysterious man... How can it be regarded as "dangerous"? If the mysterious man is really found by chance, isn't this "killing two birds with one stone"? !

Thinking of this, Han Feng touched his clever "little head" again.

"Okay... I'll listen to you~" Seeing that he couldn't persuade Han Feng, Liu Zhe replied angrily.

"Ghost, full speed ahead!" After determining the next destination, Han Feng directly ordered the Terminator to speed up. In this way, even if the mysterious man was not found, he could leave enough time to find survivors on the other side.

The Terminator received the instructions and did not answer, but the speed did increase a bit.

Because the road was relatively smooth, the Terminator drove for half an hour for this nine-kilometer journey.

Staring at the front, Han Feng knew that he was still three hundred meters away from the supply box...

Coincidentally, the building where the supply box was located was a junior high school.

Pursing his lips, Han Feng raised his hand to indicate that he could stop the car...

"Let's go, brothers, get off the car to "warm up"~" Han Feng opened the car door first and turned around and said.

"Ah? Are we here?" Liu Zhe, who got off the car later, asked.

"I don't know, it depends on fate~" Han Feng, who was walking in front, responded with a laugh.

A few minutes later, the four stood outside the school fence and looked inside the school.

According to the radar, the supply box was on the first floor of the teaching building, in a classroom. Coincidentally, from the angle where he was standing, he could just see that classroom.

"God help me!!!" Clenching his fists, Han Feng continued, "Telekinesis! Start!!"

"Howl! Clang!"

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

As the straight-line distance between Han Feng and the supply box was only more than 60 meters, within this distance, Han Feng could directly use telekinesis to spy on the enemy.

Twenty customized weapons took off with the wind and pierced straight into the classroom!

"Clatter! Crash!" After piercing through several pieces of glass, the silver shuttle and silver wings successfully entered the classroom.

"Roar! Roar!!!" But the sound of the broken glass attracted the attention of the zombies in the classroom. The next second, the zombies' roars were higher and higher.

"Swoosh! Ding bang!! Swoosh! Boom..."

At this moment, Han Feng only wanted to "flip" to the supply box as quickly as possible, so he controlled the custom weapon with his mind and quickly flipped around the classroom, trying to find the supply box.


"Hey! Got it!!!" When the silver shuttle hit an extremely hard object, Han Feng smiled! Because the supply box has an indestructible attribute, so...

"Roar!!!" Suddenly... a roar belonging to a level 5 zombie sounded...

"Crap! Sloppy!!!" In an instant, the smile on Han Feng's face froze...

Unfortunately, the sky did not follow people's wishes. This extremely hard object was not a supply box... but a level 5 zombie!

"Telekinesis!!!" At this point, Han Feng did not retreat but advanced, increasing the output of mental power! Making the customized weapon fly faster!

"Ding Ding!!"

"This time it works!!!" Feeling the hard blockage again, Han Feng got excited! Close your eyes and let the two silver shuttles "take off" with this hard box...

When the supply box appeared in the visible range, Han Feng directly "took over" with telekinesis!

At the same time, the level 5 zombies also found the "invading enemy"!

"Run! Run!" Since he succeeded, Han Feng no longer wanted to fight and shouted.

Tens of seconds later, everyone successfully "escaped" back to the car under the pursuit of the level 5 zombies and escaped smoothly.

Holding the supply box, Han Feng was breathing heavily. He looked at the level 5 zombies in the mirror and said with a smile, "Ghost, open... open... open faster!"

"Ding~" Suddenly, Han Feng heard a crisp sound from the supply box in his arms...


Han Feng, who was holding a confused face, turned around and saw a translucent promotion sign slowly rising into the air until it disappeared...

"Fuck?..." Han Feng cursed subconsciously, and then Luna's voice sounded in his mind, "Congratulations to Team Han, you got a promotion supply box."

"Hiss...Ah!!!" A painful wail sounded from Han Feng's mouth!

"Damn it! Why! Why!!" Han Feng almost collapsed with his fists clenched...

After finally finding the promotion supply box, he opened it unconsciously by "open, open, open..."!

"Brother Han...what's wrong with you?" Looking at the crazy Han Feng, Liu Zhe asked curiously.

"It's okay... I'm happy... Haha... Haha..." Han Feng muttered in a daze, leaving Liu Zhe and Guo Yongxing confused...

Her empty vision returned to the front, and Han Feng "weakly" ordered "Luna... Go, find the survivors..."

"Okay, Captain Han."

After saying that, Han Feng closed his eyes...

This supply box was "easy" to get, but... it was also the most useless.

The only Red Alert soldier with him was the Terminator, but he didn't have the remaining mechanism. So this promotion supply box was completely useless to him.

Muttering, Han Feng had no choice but to "accept his fate"...

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