Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 310: Is it exciting?

The next morning, around six o'clock...

Han Feng, who had not slept well the whole night, sat up from the bed with dark circles under his eyes, looking at the equally dark night outside the window, thinking.

After washing silently, Han Feng took out a cigarette and lit it. He came downstairs where no one was, and walked in the zinc mine.

He pursed his lips, but his mood did not improve at all, but became heavier... For a whole night, Han Feng paid attention to James's position every hour.

It was not good news, nor was it bad news. James did not move all night. Similarly... he never woke up. His contact with the spy was always in a semi-interrupted state. ✪

With the sound of sighs, time quickly came to seven o'clock in the morning.

At this time, the Red Alert soldiers on duty began to change shifts. Rows of columns marched in neat steps, taking over the soldiers who had been on duty all night.

Taking out his cell phone to check the time, Han Feng pondered for a few seconds, and then said, "Luna, except for the Red Alert soldiers who have just been laid off, all the three-star soldiers responsible for protecting Wei Yun and his men, and the Sixth Battalion responsible for guarding the base, everyone else should prepare to assemble."

"Okay, Captain Han."

Once the order was issued, the Red Alert soldiers quickly assembled. In less than five minutes, the battalions formed neat square formations and lined up in the zinc mine.

"Luna, just take ten magnetic infantrymen." Looking at the forty magnetic infantrymen, Han Feng felt that it was not necessary to bring all the members.

"Okay, Captain Han." After Luna responded, except for the ten magnetic infantrymen in the first row, the other three rows all turned around and left.

"By the way, the three Grizzlies should also stay in the zinc mine." As he spoke, Han Feng thought that the Grizzlies tanks did not have a wide field of vision on the city roads, and... the attack speed of the tank guns did not seem to pose a threat to this unknown person.

"Okay, Captain Han." After speaking, the three Grizzlies tanks also withdrew to the side.

"Are there enough vehicles? Can we take all these soldiers away?" Looking at the four battalions, a team of more than 200 people, Han Feng was worried about the problem of taking away the vehicles.

"Report to Captain Han, there are not enough vehicles, but semi-trailer trucks can be used as temporary "troop carriers."

Nodding, Han Feng said, "Well, get ready to pedal, we'll set off soon."

"Okay, Captain Han."

Then, the Red Alert soldiers began to pedal one by one. A few minutes later, all the members were ready to go!

Looking at the phone, the time is almost 7:30 now...

"Let's go." Han Feng whispered the order, and then boarded the multi-purpose infantry vehicle slowly.

With the roar of the engine, the long convoy began to move towards the city!

"Luna, stop the car every half an hour. Replace the Red Alert soldiers on the semi-trailer. It's so cold, don't freeze." Before giving this order, Han Feng saw that there was no windbreak on the semi-trailer. In such a cold day, the cold wind poured on the Red Alert soldiers who had no cold-proof equipment, and they would definitely not be able to bear it for a long time.

"Okay, Captain Han, I got it."

The convoy stopped and started along the way, and it took about five hours before it arrived in the city.

"Luna, navigate to James's location, let's go directly!"

"Okay, Captain Han! The navigation is planning the route, please wait..." After a pause, Luna continued, "Turn right at the intersection 130 meters ahead..."

Twenty minutes later, Han Feng led the convoy to the door of a five-star hotel...

According to the radar mark, James... is inside at this time.

"Report to Captain Han, navigation has ended. James Debon's exact location is on the seventh floor of this hotel, room 704."

Listening to the exact location given by Luna, Han Feng opened the car door and got out to observe...

This is a five-star hotel with 21 floors. If there are zombies inside... it will definitely be a nightmare!

For safety reasons, Han Feng did not act rashly, but ordered Luna, "Luna, turn on the radar and scan."

"Report to Team Han, turn on the radar to scan the surrounding ten kilometers, one hundred gold coins are required, please confirm."

"Confirm the scan."

"Okay, Team Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..." Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to Team Han, the radar scan is complete."

"Have you found any survivors?"

"Report to Team Han, no."

"Huh..." After a slight sigh of relief, Han Feng continued to ask, "What about the supply box? Have you found any?"

"Report to Team Han, no."

"Huh..." This time, Han Feng was completely relieved.

Although the lack of a supply box is not good news, it can also be understood from it that there is no powerful existence in this building.

As long as there is no threat, it is a blessing! Because this time, it is for the rescue mission, not for fighting.

"Snipers, listen up! Form a group of three and occupy the surrounding sniper points! Remember not to separate! Groups with less than three people, gather around me!"

"American soldiers, listen up! Cooperate with the sniper team to reach the commanding heights! Each sniper team is assigned two people! The rest of you gather around me!"

"Mobilized soldiers, listen up! Form a group of five and guard each traffic fortress and interception point! The rest of you gather around me!"

"Yes! Korean team!"

"Yes! Korean team!"

"Yes! Korean team..."

Three orders were issued, and the three arms began to act.

Thirty-five snipers were divided into eleven sniper groups, plus two American soldiers, and the five-man group was scattered and occupied one sniper point after another.

The remaining two snipers stood behind Han Feng, one on the left and one on the right, and behind the two snipers were eighteen American soldiers holding light machine guns and on alert.

In two minutes, one hundred mobilized soldiers occupied the traffic fortress within a radius of hundreds of meters of the hotel, as well as various interception points.

Looking at the remaining sixty mobilized soldiers running towards him, Han Feng thought for a moment and ordered, "You guard the downstairs and the lobby on the first floor of the hotel. Including the front and back doors and other locations!"

The sixty mobilized soldiers received the order halfway and ran to the garrison points respectively.

After arranging everything, Han Feng looked back behind him...

In addition to snipers and American soldiers, there were also Tanya, Terminator, ten magnetic infantrymen and four engineers...

Looking at the engineers, Han Feng's eyes turned, and he thought of another thing, so he ordered, "All engineers, you look for the emergency power supply of this hotel to ensure that the hotel can keep the lights on within ten minutes!"

"Yes! Team Han!" The four engineers received the order and ran to the underground distribution room according to the route displayed by the radar.

A big hotel like this must have its own emergency equipment, such as... diesel generators!

"Ghost, go protect the engineers. By the way, see if they need any help." Looking at the Terminator, Han Feng decided to add a layer of "protection" to the engineers who had no fighting power.

The Terminator received the order, but did not speak, but started to act directly.

"Huh..." Taking a deep breath, Han Feng felt a little uneasy...

According to this armed scale, even if there are really large-scale zombies in the hotel, they can resist one or two!

But... even with such a careful arrangement, Han Feng's hanging heart still couldn't be put down for a long time.

The feeling of missing something made Han Feng scratch his head.

Taking out a cigarette and lighting it, Han Feng began to walk in the hotel lobby...

Looking at the dusty lobby sofa, Han Feng rejected the idea of ​​sitting down to rest.

"Where are the zombies?..."

"Fuck! Zombies!!!" Just as Han Feng was talking to himself with a cigarette in his mouth, an unintentional sentence made Han Feng aware of the weirdness! ! !

A few minutes ago, the sniper team was already in place, but... Han Feng didn't hear any firing sounds!

This is not normal! ! !

Even if there are no large numbers of zombies around,

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