Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 305: The Real Hammer

Four hours later, Han Feng and his team arrived at the edge of the city. ♦♦  ♦♦

When the convoy slowly entered the city, Han Feng did not hesitate and said, "Go directly to the city center."

Because last night, Han Feng realized a new problem. In order to verify it, only by going to the city center can we find the answer...

"Okay, Captain Han."

"Wait..." Han Feng suddenly said.

"What's wrong, Captain Han? Are there any other instructions?" Luna asked puzzledly when Han Feng suddenly stopped the action.

"The entire convoy will collect supplies on the edge of the city and try not to go deep." After a pause, Han Feng continued, "James, you follow me."

Because the multi-functional infantry vehicle can only accommodate two people, Han Feng had no choice but to "leave behind" the Terminator Ghost.

"Okay, Captain Han."

A few seconds later, James arrived and got into the co-pilot.


With the spy James, Han Feng stepped on the accelerator and headed deep into the city.

Along the way, Han Feng remained silent, and I don't know what he was thinking. And James also easily saw Han Feng's expression, sitting silently in the co-pilot, and didn't say anything.

About forty minutes later, Han Feng parked the car in a residential area.

According to Luna's navigation, about 500 meters ahead is the center of the city. It is a business district, surrounded by several tall buildings, department stores, hotels, squares, and pedestrian streets.

Han Feng also dared to be so radical because he had dual superpowers. Based on the principle of running away if he couldn't beat them, Han Feng decided to go up and explore...

"James, you stay in the car and wait for me to come back." Han Feng told James before getting off the car.

"Okay, Captain Han."

After getting off the car, Han Feng walked towards the business district while saying to Luna, "Luna, start scanning."

"Report to Captain Han, turn on the radar to scan the surrounding five kilometers, need..."


"Okay, Captain Han, the radar is scanning, please wait..." Two seconds later, Luna continued, "Report to Captain Han, the radar scan is complete."

"Have you found any survivors?" As soon as Luna finished speaking, Han Feng's question followed.

"Reporting to Captain Han, no."

Hearing this answer, Han Fengmin pursed his lips... He felt as if everything was under control, but also as if everything was unexpected.

After a second of silence, Han Feng continued to ask, "What about the supply box? Have you found it?"

"Reporting to Captain Han, a supply box was found."

"Coconut shreds!!" Han Feng celebrated quietly, sweeping away his previous sorrow.

"Luna, report the location of the supply box~"

"Okay, Captain Han, the supply box is right in front of you, 328 meters away."


According to the location given by Luna, Han Feng looked up at the business district in front of him...

"Oh my god... No way..."

"Reporting to Captain Han, according to the radar scan results, the supply box is on the third floor of the mall." Just as Han Feng was still muttering, Luna reported the detailed location of the supply box.

Looking at the mall, Han Feng saw that it was a four-story building. And the supply box was almost in the middle of the mall.

"You really understand me... You piled them all together!" Seeing this, Han Feng didn't complain too much. Because this time I came here alone, just to verify my guess last night.

Han Feng quietly quickened his pace without saying anything...

A few minutes later, Han Feng stood alone at the entrance of the mall.

Looking at the zombies wandering in the square, Han Feng took a deep breath... and then pushed open the door of the mall!

Due to the unique architectural style of the mall, the interior after the power was out was as dark as thick ink.

Han Feng, who had guessed this a long time ago, took out his mobile phone calmly and turned on the flashlight function...

The bright light illuminated the surroundings, and Han Feng saw a "rotten" scene...

The ground was full of glass fragments, and these fragments came from the surrounding shops and counters, which made Han Feng's every step make a "bang bang" sound.

In addition to glass, there were clothes, pants, cosmetics, bottles and jars, necklaces and rings... and blood that had long dried up on the ground.

Covering his mouth and nose, Han Feng tried his best to "avoid" the "rotten" smell in the air.

Scanning the surroundings with his mobile phone, Han Feng gradually went deeper...

"Sure enough...Sure enough..." After walking dozens of steps, Han Feng began to repeat these two words.

Most of the goods in the mall were cleared out! Obviously, this was formed after the zombie outbreak!

This undoubtedly confirmed the three words of survivors!

After the zombie outbreak, the places with the most people were shopping malls, schools, supermarkets, hospitals and other crowded areas.

You know, at that time, the first thing that panicked people had to ensure was to hide and survive! No one would think of "robbing" supermarkets and shopping malls... because at that time, there were monsters eating people here.

However... Because of this, Han Feng now has a strong interest in this group of survivors.

Not to mention anything else, even if he leads all the Red Alert soldiers here now, he dare not say that there are no casualties.

But who are the Red Alert soldiers? They are fearless and well-trained soldiers! They also have powerful firepower suppression and advanced high-tech backup support!

What about the other party? How could ordinary people who had only "picked up" some weapons be so fearless of life and death and collect supplies in such a closed environment many times?

"Trample... Trample... Trample..."

While Han Feng was thinking, a low-level zombie slowly approached from behind... However, Han Feng, who had been prepared for a long time, discovered it. Without making a sound, he used his telekinesis to hook a silver wing and quietly inserted it into its throat.



Coincidentally, when the zombie fell on its back, it hit the rotten and dilapidated glass door behind it! A sharp sound broke out in an instant.

"Damn! Unlucky!" With a low roar, Han Feng knew that he was "exposed"!

"Roar! Roar! Roar!!!"

Sure enough! One second later, bursts of roars broke out inside the mall!

Hearing the sound, Han Feng distinguished that there were level 4 zombies and... level 5 zombies in these roars!

Without hesitation, Han Feng directly activated his speed superpower and ran straight to the door! At the same time, ten silver wings and ten silver shuttles surrounded him!

Han Feng knew that he was definitely not a match for the level 5 zombies now, not to mention that there were countless low-level zombies here! Staying here is tantamount to "seeking death"!

"Swoosh!" With the sound of corruption, Han Feng arrived at the entrance of the mall in an instant.

"Bang!" Without the time to politely push the door, Han Feng directly knocked it open with his own strength!

After leaving the mall, Han Feng identified the direction and ran towards the multi-purpose infantry vehicle.

Five or six seconds later, Han Feng panted and leaned against the car to catch his breath...

"It was really dangerous just now, Captain Han." The car door opened and James got out of the driveway.

"Hu... Hu..."

Adjusting his breathing, Han Feng took a breath and said, "Did you see it?"

"I can connect to your vision with Luna's permission~"

"That's great, so I don't have to explain it to you!" After applauding, Han Feng continued, "I think you also understand that they should not have such strong military literacy and weapons and equipment."

"But... why did this strange phenomenon occur? I need you to investigate."

"Should I leave now?"

"..." Hearing James ask this question, Han Feng was stunned. Because up to now, I don't even know the approximate location of the other party.

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