Apocalyptic Red Alert

Chapter 301: A landmark day

After a busy day, Han Feng took off his clothes as soon as he entered the bedroom. Taking out the compressed biscuits and beef jerky, Han Feng sat on the bed and started to eat.

A few minutes later, Han Feng, who had filled his stomach, took off his shoes and prepared to go to the bathroom to wash up.

While Han Feng was untying his shoelaces, Luna's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, "Reporting to the Korean team, the physical building—the barracks—has been completed."

Immediately afterwards, Luna congratulated again, "Congratulations to the Korean team, they have a physical building - the barracks."

"Oh, I'll go!" Han Feng stopped untying his shoelaces, sat up, slapped his thigh and said, "Why did you forget the barracks?!"

After saying that, Han Feng hurriedly stood up and walked outside. Before leaving, Han Feng grabbed his coat. After getting dressed, Han Feng came downstairs.

Skillfully turning on the multifunctional infantry vehicle, Han Feng stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the Allied base.

On the way, Han Feng took out his cell phone and glanced at the time.


"..." Putting his phone back, Han Feng said without hesitation, "Luna, build a physical building - a radar!"

In order to complete all the main buildings as quickly as possible, Han Feng decided to build non-stop.

"Report to the Korean team that 300,000 gold coins are needed to build the main building, the radar. Please confirm."

"I...huh..." Hearing the rising price, Han Feng took a deep breath and said directly, "Make it! Confirm!"

At this moment... Han Feng felt like a fish on the chopping board, letting Luna and the system "join" to "trap" him!

"Okay, Korean team, please select the location of the physical building—the radar."

After a pause, Luna continued, "Pay attention to the physical building - radar. The length of the building must not be less than one thousand meters, the width must not be less than 800 meters, and the height must not be less than 200 meters."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng was a little confused... He muttered to himself: Is the radar that big? When playing the Red Alert game, isn't the radar a "square" building? Why do you still require length, width and height?

However, Han Feng still had to follow Luna's instructions...

"Um..." Han Feng said in a thoughtful tone, and in his mind, Han Feng planned a suitable place for building the radar with reference to the picture on the radar screen.

"Just a hundred meters behind the power station and in front of the base vehicle wall..."

"Okay, Korean team, the physical building - the construction time of the radar is forty-eight hours, please wait..."


After hearing Luna say the construction time, Han Feng was stunned for a moment, then asked, "Two days?"

"Yes, Team Korea."

"Didn't the previous physical buildings last only one day? Why...forget it~it's okay~" Halfway through, Han Feng suddenly thought that the price of each physical building was different. Therefore, it is understandable that the construction time varies.

However...at this moment Han Feng suddenly felt another doubt...that is, will the price of the next physical building increase by another 100,000 gold coins?

Four hundred thousand gold coins... Even if I am a "nouveau riche" now, I can't afford such consumption!

After careful calculation, I still have over 1.6 million gold coins... Whether I can finish building all the physical buildings is unknown!

Holding the steering wheel, Han Feng wanted to ask...but then he thought about it. If it turns out to be what you think, it will only increase your worries. And there is no telling whether Luna knows the price...

If you guess wrong and the buildings behind are worth 100,000 gold coins, consider it a surprise~

After thinking about it, Han Feng concentrated on driving. He only wanted to see what the barracks looked like and what its so-called "additional rewards" were.

A minute later, Han Feng arrived at the base. After parking the car, open the door and get out.

Walking slowly towards the barracks, Han Feng's eyes were filled with tears of excitement!

I saw two half-barrel-shaped buildings adjacent to each other "turned upside down" on the ground. It is wrong to say that they are half-barrel shaped... It should be said that two buildings in the style of "vegetable greenhouses" were "turned upside down" on the ground.

A metal structure full of technology supports the barracks. On the outside of the barracks, at the far end of the base wall, a small watchtower with a height of twenty to thirty meters stands in it.

With the help of lights emanating from around the base, Han Feng vaguely saw an American soldier above the barracks watchtower...

"Luna, who is on the watchtower?" Narrowing his eyes, Han Feng was unable to confirm what type of military the person above was, so he had to ask Luna.

"Report to the Korean team that the soldier on the watchtower of the barracks is an American soldier. He is responsible for guarding and patrolling near the barracks. But he cannot actually shoot and fight, nor can he come down."

"Oh..." In response, Han Feng also remembered that the barracks had no attack capabilities...

Looking away, Han Feng also saw three oil barrels placed at the other end of the barracks. It's probably a "decoration"~ Han Feng thought in his mind.

Out of curiosity, Han Feng said, "Luna, summon a mobilization soldier~ Let's see how he came out of the barracks?~"

"Okay, Korean team, the price of summoning a mobilization soldier is..."

"Confirm, summon~"

"Okay, Korean team, the mobilization troops are being summoned, please wait..."

"Squeak..." As soon as Luna finished speaking, a mobilization soldier opened the door on one side of the barracks and walked out.

Before the door of the barracks was completely closed, Han Feng took the opportunity to take a look inside...it was pitch black and he saw nothing.

"Oh my god! The summoning was completed so quickly?!!!" Han Feng exclaimed in surprise as he looked at the mobilized soldiers standing in front of him and saluting! Because in Han Feng's previous memory, the summoning time of mobilized soldiers was ten seconds. But Luna only spoke for a few seconds! The mobilized soldiers were summoned? ...

"Report to Captain Han, the summoning time of Red Alert soldiers from the barracks will be shortened by 50%." Luna explained in response to Han Feng's question.

"Save half the time?"

"Yes, Captain Han."

"Damn... Isn't this some kind of additional reward...?" While asking, Han Feng instantly felt "so pitiful"!

Reducing the summoning time by 50%, this is really a chicken rib among chicken ribs! "One hundred years" will never encounter such a critical moment! ! !

Even if you really encounter a particularly urgent situation outside, you don't know how far and how long it will take to rush from the barracks to the scene of the incident! ! !

Waiting for them to arrive... It would be better to use the virtual building barracks to summon at that time.

Han Feng was so sad that he wanted to cry...

"Report to Captain Han, the summoning time is shortened by 50%. This is a skill effect unique to the barracks and does not count as an additional reward."


"Yes, Captain Han."

"Yeah yeah yeah!!!" In an instant, Han Feng's despair was ignited by hope! It seems that I thought too much~

Putting down his waving hands, Han Feng finally reacted and asked, "What are the additional rewards of the barracks?"

"Reporting to Captain Han, the additional reward of the physical building - one-star barracks is to manufacture Red Alert individual limited-grade weapons and Red Alert individual limited-grade ammunition."

"Limited-grade... weapons? And ammunition?" Repeating Luna's words, Han Feng asked, "What?"

"In other words, the barracks can produce weapons and ammunition for Red Alert soldiers. And there is no limit."

After Luna explained, Han Feng frowned and asked again, "Didn't you say it was limited-grade? Why is it not limited to manufacturing?"

"Reporting to Captain Han, limited-grade weapons refer to weapons that can only be produced by the barracks for Red Alert soldiers. Things like rockets and Red Arrow missiles cannot be manufactured."

After Luna finished speaking, Han Feng understood. The barracks can only produce equipment for Red Alert soldiers, such as 60, AK47, and portable Stinger missiles...

"Finally, some "dry goods" are here!" After saying this, Han Feng felt that this additional reward was really "affordable"!

When defending against the zombie frenzy last time, the weapons and ammunition stored in the arsenal were exhausted, and they have not been replenished until now.

When I heard that the barracks could produce their own weapons, and there was no limit on the quantity, it was really a pillow for a sleepyhead~!

However, Han Feng was only happy for two seconds, and his face turned "cold"... because he suddenly remembered another thing, that is, the manufacturing price.

"Luna... what are the prices of these weapons and ammunition produced by the barracks?"

"Report to Captain Han, the price of ordinary weapons produced by the barracks is one gold coin, the price of machine guns is ten gold coins, and the price of high-level weapons is one hundred gold coins."

"The price of primary ammunition is one gold coin for one hundred rounds, the price of intermediate ammunition is ten gold coins for one hundred rounds, and the price of high-level ammunition is not fixed, and is priced according to demand. The price of a grenade is ten gold coins, the price of a fire bottle is twenty gold coins, and the price of a high-explosive grenade is thirty gold coins. The barracks cannot produce unique weapons for characters with hero level or supply box triggers."

After listening to Luna's blah blah for a long time, Han Feng understood... The barracks cannot match weapons like Tanya's dual guns and Ghost's Gatling...

But even so, Han Feng was so happy!

I really didn't expect it! The price of weapons produced by the barracks is so cheap! ! ! The price of guns and ammunition is much cheaper than I imagined!

This time... Red Alert soldiers and Brother Wang's team are no longer afraid of lack of weapons!

Especially snipers with unlimited ammunition... It's terrifying just to think about it!

At this time, Han Feng actually had an "urge" to encounter the zombie frenzy!

"Hahaha! God really helps me! The era of "lack of guns and bullets" is finally over! This time, let's see who dares to bully me!!!" Relying on the unlimited reserve of ammunition, Han Feng laughed wildly!

From the outbreak of zombies to now, how much loss has been suffered due to lack of ammunition? ! Today! Finally ushered in a "epoch-making" day!

"Luna! Make one hundred 9 pistols with mufflers! Make one thousand matching bullets!" The first time Han Feng asked the barracks to make weapons, it turned out to be a mere "small" pistol.

Because he was concerned that Brother Wang and his men had no melee weapons, these one hundred pistols were only for their self-defense.

"Reporting to Captain Han, we will produce one hundred Shock 9 pistols and one thousand matching bullets for two hundred gold coins. Please confirm."

"Confirmed! Haha~" With a loud laugh, Han Feng produced a "huge amount" of weapons with only the price of two mobilized soldiers!

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